34 research outputs found

    Ethnic difference of neuroendocrine regulation in women with reproductive disturbances associated with genital tuberculosis

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    Genital tuberculosis is an actual socially significant disease associated with tubal peritoneal infertility, as well as hormonal disorders of women of fertile age. Studies of the prevalence of genital tuberculosis among women with infertility in other countries and various ethnic groups have not been found, but ethnic factors must be taken into account when assessing epidemiology, causes, clinical characteristics of the course and outcomes of many diseases. The aim of the work was to establish the clinical and hormonal features of reproductive disorders associated with tuberculosis of the genital organs in women of the two main ethnic groups in the Republic of Buryatia. Hormonal features have been revealed in women with reproductive disorders and genital tuberculosis, which are characterized by a statically significant decrease in the levels of estradiol, progesterone and free testosterone in the blood serum compared to women in whom genital tuberculosis has not been verified. When analyzing ethnic characteristics, it is shown that for women with reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis, a decrease in the level of ovarian hormones in the blood serum is characteristic, and also a higher level of free testosterone and a decrease in free T4 in serum for women in the Buryat ethnogroup with the Russians. Timely detection of a decrease in the level of ovarian hormones in women with reproductive disorders and genital tuberculosis will allow rational and effective correction of hypogonadism

    Prognosis and diagnosis of reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis in women

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    Diagnosis of tuberculosis of female genitalia is based on a complex of traditional and new diagnostic methods used in a certain sequence in outpatient and/or inpatient settings. Because of insufficiently effective diagnostic tests, genital tuberculosis is often detected in irreversible anatomical changes, when the prospects for restoring the reproductive function are unsatisfactory. The aim of the work was to identify socio-economic and biomedical risk factors for reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis in order to create statistical models for the prediction and diagnosis of these disorders. To study the connection between the presence of genital tuberculosis and a number of prognostic and diagnostic features, the method of nonlinear regression analysis (logistic regression) was used. Statistical models of prognosis and diagnosis of reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis (HT) in women at the outpatient stage are proposed. The forecast model included clinical and anamnestic predictors: prolonged subfebrile condition, weight loss, increase in inguinal lymph nodes, membership in the social group «female students», contact with tuberculosis patients, tuberculin specimen turnover, presence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the anamnesis. The statistical diagnostic model included the following important methods: enzyme immunoassay, laser fluorescence method, Diaskin-test, hysterosalpingography (segmented fallopian tubes), determination of progesterone, estradiol and testosterone levels in the blood serum (decrease of these hormones)

    The elements of human cyclin D1 promoter and regulation involved

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    Cyclin D1 is a cell cycle machine, a sensor of extracellular signals and plays an important role in G1-S phase progression. The human cyclin D1 promoter contains multiple transcription factor binding sites such as AP-1, NF-қB, E2F, Oct-1, and so on. The extracellular signals functions through the signal transduction pathways converging at the binding sites to active or inhibit the promoter activity and regulate the cell cycle progression. Different signal transduction pathways regulate the promoter at different time to get the correct cell cycle switch. Disorder regulation or special extracellular stimuli can result in cell cycle out of control through the promoter activity regulation. Epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation may involved in cyclin D1 transcriptional regulation

    Вплив методів опису гамма-переходів на характеристики ядерних реакцій

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    The results of the study of gamma-transition description in fast neutron capture and photofission are presented. Recent experimental data were used, namely, the spectrum of prompt gamma-rays in the energy range 2÷18 MeV from 14-MeV neutron capture in natural Ni and isomeric ratios in primary fragments of photofission of the isotopes of U, Np and Pu by bremsstrahlung with end-point energies =10.5, 12 and 18 MeV. The data are compared with the theoretical calculations performed within EMPIRE 3.2 and TALYS 1.6 codes. The mean value of angular momenta and their distributions were determined in the primary fragments 84Br, 97Nb, 90Rb, 131,133Te, 132Sb, 132,134I, 135Xe of photofission. An impact of the characteristics of nuclear excited states on the calculation results is studied using different models for photon strength function and nuclear level densityПредставлены результаты исследования надежности различных методов теоретического описания гамма-переходов в процессах захвата быстрых нейтронов и фотоделении. Используются недавние экспериментальные данные, а именно спектр мгновенных гамма-квантов в энергетическом диапазоне 2÷18 МэВ в реакции захвата нейтронов с энергией 14 МэВ изотопами Ni и изомерные отношения в первичных фрагментах фотоделения изотопов U, Np и Pu тормозным излучением с граничными энергиями Ee=10.5, 12 и 18 МэВ. Экспериментальные данные сравниваются с теоретическими расчётами, выполненными с помощью кодов EMPIRE 3.2 та TALYS 1.6. Вычислены распределения угловых моментов и средние значения угловых моментов в первичных фрагментах 84Br, 97Nb, 90Rb, 131,133Te, 132Sb, 132,134I, 135Xe. Исследовано влияние характеристик возбужденных состояний ядер, а именно различных моделей описания фотонных силовых функций и плотности ядерных уровней, на результаты расчётовПредставлено результати дослідження різних методів теоретичного опису гамма-переходів у процесах поглинання швидких нейтронів та фотоподілі. Використовуються недавні експериментальні дані, а саме спектр миттєвих гамма-квантів у енергетичному діапазоні 2÷18 МеВ від поглинання нейтронів з енергією 14-МеВ ізотопами Ni та ізомерні відношення у первинних фрагментах фотоподілу ізотопів U, Np та Pu гальмівним випромінюванням із граничними енергіями Ee=10.5, 12 та 18 МеВ. Експериментальні дані порівнюються з теоретичними розрахунками, виконаними за допомогою кодів EMPIRE 3.2 та TALYS 1.6. Розраховано розподіли кутових моментів та середні значення кутових моментів у первинних фрагментах 84Br, 97Nb, 90Rb, 131,133Te, 132Sb, 132,134I, 135Xe. Досліджено вплив характеристик збуджених станів ядер, а саме різних моделей фотонних силових функцій та густин ядерних рівнів, на результати розрахункі

    Potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors incorporating meso-bicyclic urethanes as P2-ligands: structure-based design, synthesis, biological evaluation and protein-ligand X-ray studies

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    11reservedmixedGhosh, A.K.; Gemma, S.;Takayama, J.; Baldridge, A.;Leshchenko-Yashchuk, S.; Miller, H.B.; Wang, Y. F.; Kovalevsky, A-Y.; Koh, Y.; Weber, I.T.; Mitsuya, H.Ghosh, A. K.; Gemma, S.; Takayama, J.; Baldridge, A.; Leshchenko-Yashchuk, S.; Miller, H. B.; Wang, Y. F.; Kovalevsky, A-Y.; Koh, Y.; Weber, I. T.; Mitsuya, H

    Effect of Melatonin on Lipid Barrier in Rats' Skin

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    Abstract In this work we studied the effect of intraperitoneal ad min istration of melatonin in a dose of 1 mg per kg on lip ids and microstructure of rats' skin. A single inject ion of melatonin induced a change in lipid profile most notably in phospholipids and triacylglycerol fractions which contents varied oscillatory in opposite each other with a maximu m divergence at 3 hours. By 24 hours there was a significant increase in triglycerides, and after 48 hours the lipid profile approached the init ial values. After regular daily ad ministration of melatonin for 6 days, the contents of almost all lipid fractions were significantly reduced (most in triacylg lycerols and phospholipids) with growing level of free fatty acids. By 21st day the contents of lip ids in the skin increased again, but did not reach the initial values. Reduction of lip id level was accompanied by pro minent degenerative changes in the microstructure of the skin by the 6th day of experiment. In general, the administration of melatonin in any way caused the changes in skin's lipid profile but after a single introduction parameters of lip id spectrum in two days were restored to their in itial values, and a regular ad min istration for 6 days led to sustained changes in lip id profile and structure of the skin