128 research outputs found
Implementation of Cavity Squeezing of a Collective Atomic Spin
We squeeze unconditionally the collective spin of a dilute ensemble of
laser-cooled rubidium-87 atoms using their interaction with a driven optical
resonator. The shape and size of the resulting spin uncertainty region are well
described by a simple analytical model [M.H.S., I.D.L., V.V., arXiv:0911.3936]
through two orders of magnitude in the effective interaction strength, without
free parameters. We deterministically generate states with up to 5.6(6) dB of
metrologically relevant spin squeezing on the canonical rubidium-87 hyperfine
clock transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Some
additional details and clarified wording in response to referee comments.
Figures and results unchange
Squeezing the Collective Spin of a Dilute Atomic Ensemble by Cavity Feedback
We propose and analyze a simple method to squeeze dynamically and
unconditionally the collective spin of a dilute atomic ensemble by interaction
with a driven mode of an optical resonator, as recently demonstrated [I. D. L.,
M. H. S., and V. V., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 073602 (2010)]. We show that
substantial squeezing can be achieved in the regime of strong collective
ensemble-resonator coupling. The squeezing is ultimately limited either by
photon emission into free space or by the curvature of the Bloch sphere. We
derive both limits and show where each prevails.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Minor revision. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Quantum Algorithmic Readout in Multi-Ion Clocks
Optical clocks based on ensembles of trapped ions offer the perspective of
record frequency uncertainty with good short-term stability. Most suitable
atomic species lack closed transitions for fast detection such that the clock
signal has to be read out indirectly through transferring the quantum state of
clock ions to co-trapped logic ions by means of quantum logic operations. For
ensembles of clock ions existing methods for quantum logic readout require a
linear overhead in either time or the number of logic ions. Here we report a
quantum algorithmic readout whose overhead scales logarithmically with the
number of clock ions in both of these respects. We show that the readout
algorithm can be implemented with a single application of a multi-species
quantum gate, which we describe in detail for a crystal of Aluminum and Calcium
ions.Comment: 4 pages + 7 pages appendix; 5 figures; v3: published versio
Controlling the potential landscape and normal modes of ion Coulomb crystals by a standing wave optical potential
Light-induced control of ions within small Coulomb crystals is investigated.
By intense intracavity optical standing wave fields, subwavelength localization
of individual ions is achieved for one-, two-, and three-dimensional crystals.
Based on these findings, we illustrate numerically how the application of such
optical potentials can be used to tailor the normal mode spectra and patterns
of multi-dimensional Coulomb crystals. The results represent, among others,
important steps towards controlling the crystalline structure of Coulomb
crystals, investigating heat transfer processes at the quantum limit and
quantum simulations of many-body systems.Comment: 6+12 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
States of an Ensemble of Two-Level Atoms with Reduced Quantum Uncertainty
We generate entangled states of an ensemble of 5*10^4 rubidium-87 atoms by
optical quantum nondemolition measurement. The resonator-enhanced measurement
leaves the atomic ensemble, prepared in a superposition of hyperfine clock
levels, in a squeezed spin state. By comparing the resulting reduction of
quantum projection noise (up to 8.8(8) dB) with the concomitant reduction of
coherence, we demonstrate a clock input state with spectroscopic sensitivity
3.0(8) dB beyond the standard quantum limit.Comment: Letter (4 pages, 3 figures) followed by Auxiliary Material (10 pages,
6 figures). Minor changes in presentation and analysis of data. Significant
expansion of Auxiliary Material. Broken images fixe
Pinning an Ion with an Intracavity Optical Lattice
We report one-dimensional pinning of a single ion by an optical lattice. The
lattice potential is produced by a standing-wave cavity along the rf-field-free
axis of a linear Paul trap. The ion's localization is detected by measuring its
fluorescence when excited by standing-wave fields with the same period, but
different spatial phases. The experiments agree with an analytical model of the
localization process, which we test against numerical simulations. For the best
localization achieved, the ion's average coupling to the cavity field is
enhanced from 50% to 81(3)% of its maximum possible value, and we infer that
the ion is bound in a lattice well with over 97% probability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; Text edited for clarity, results unchange
Squeezing collective atomic spins with an optical resonator
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2011.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 128-133).This thesis describes two methods of overcoming the standard quantum limit of signal-to-noise ratio in atomic precision measurements. In both methods, the interaction between an ultracold atomic ensemble and an optical resonator serves to entangle the atoms and deform the uncertainty distribution of the collective hyperfine spin so that it is narrower in some coordinate than would be possible if the atoms were uncorrelated. The first method uses the dispersive shift of the optical resonator's frequency by the atomic index of refraction to perform a quantum non-demolition measurement of the collective spin, projecting it into a squeezed state conditioned on the measurement outcome. The second method exploits the collective coupling of the atoms to the light field in the resonator to generate an effective interaction that entangles the atoms deterministically. Both methods are demonstrated experimentally, achieving metrologically relevant squeezing of 1.5(5) dB and 4.6(6) dB respectively, and simple analytical models, including the effects of scattering into free space, show that much greater squeezing is realistically achievable. To demonstrate the potential usefulness of such squeezing, a proof-of-principle atomic clock whose Allan variance decreases 2.8(3) three times faster than the standard quantum limit is also presented, together with a discussion of the conditions under which squeezing improves its performance.by Ian Daniel Leroux.Ph.D
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