136 research outputs found

    Body composition of patients with neuroblastoma using computed tomography

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    Background: Computed tomography (CT) is often used to investigate muscle and fat mass in adult patients with cancer. However, this method has rarely been used in the pediatric cancer population. The present retrospective study aimed to investigate changes in body composition using CT during treatment in children with neuroblastoma. Procedure: CT images of 29 patients with high-risk neuroblastoma were retrospectively analyzed at diagnosis and longitudinally during treatment. The cross-sectional area of skeletal muscle, intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT), visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and skeletal muscle density at the level of the third lumbar vertebra were examined. To correct for height, cross-sectional areas were divided by height in meters squared. A linear mixed model was estimated to investigate changes in body composition over time. Results: A small increase in skeletal muscle (p =.029), skeletal muscle density (p =.002), and IMAT (p <.001) was found. Furthermore, a rapid increase in VAT (p <.001) and SAT (p =.001) was seen early during treatment with the highest volumes after six cycles of chemotherapy. Conclusions: CT scans obtained during standard care provide insight into the direction and timing of changes in skeletal muscle and different types of adipose tissue in childhood cancer patients. Future research is needed regarding the consequences of the rapid increase of VAT and SAT early during treatment

    Mammographic and sonographic spectrum of non-puerperal mastitis

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    The goal of this study was to explore possible specific mammographic and sonographic features in women with non-puerperal mastitis (NPM), in order to make an accurate diagnosis and prevent unnecessary surgical procedures. From a group of 93 patients with NPM diagnosed between 1987 and 1992, the mammograms of 41, the sonograms and cytology of 47, and the histology of seven patients were retrospectively reviewed. Follow-up was performed on those without histology. In 20 of the 47 patients the inflammation was located subareolarly. In 50% of those with non-subareolar lesions, mammography showed a circumscribed lesion. Sonographically, all patients had an identifiable lesion either well or poorly defined. The majority of the lesions were cystic, but in 23 of 47 cases solid components were seen. Signs of infection in cystic lesions were observed in 25 of 47 cases. Posterior shadowing was not observed. During the follow-up period no breast malignancy was found. It is concluded that NPM has no specific mammographic or sonographic sign. Diagnosis should be made with additional diagnostic assessment, such as FNAB, which was diagnostic in all cases

    High resolution MRI for preoperative work-up of neonates with an anorectal malformation: a direct comparison with distal pressure colostography/fistulography

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare MRI and colostography/fistulography in neonates with anorectal malformations (ARM), using surgery as reference standard. METHODS: Thirty-three neonates (22 boys) with ARM were included. All patients underwent both preoperative high-resolution MRI (without sedation or contrast instillation) and colostography/fistulography. The Krickenbeck classification was used to classify anorectal malformations, and the level of the rectal ending in relation to the levator muscle was evaluated. RESULTS: Subjects included nine patients with a bulbar recto-urethral fistula, six with a prostatic recto-urethral fistula, five with a vestibular fistula, five with a cloacal malformation, four without fistula, one with a H-type fistula, one with anal stenosis, one with a rectoperineal fistula and one with a bladderneck fistula. MRI and colostography/fistulography predicted anatomy in 88 % (29/33) and 61 % (20/33) of cases, respectively (p = 0.012). The distal end of the rectal pouch was correctly predicted in 88 % (29/33) and 67 % (22/33) of cases, respectively (p = 0.065). The length of the common channel in cloacal malformation was predicted with MRI in all (100 %, 5/5) and in 80 % of cases (4/5) with colostography/fistulography. Two bowel perforations occurred during colostography/fistulography. CONCLUSIONS: MRI provides the most accurate evaluation of ARM and should be considered a serious alternative to colostography/fistulography during preoperative work-up. KEY POINTS: • High-resolution MRI is feasible without the use of sedation or anaesthesia. • MRI is more accurate than colostography/fistulography in visualising the type of ARM. • MRI is as reliable as colostography/fistulography in predicting the level of the rectal pouch. • Colostography/fistulography can be complicated by bowel perforation

    Navigated intraoperative ultrasound in pediatric brain tumors

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value and accuracy of navigated intraoperative ultrasound (iUS) in pediatric oncological neurosurgery as compared to intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI). Methods: A total of 24 pediatric patients undergoing tumor debulking surgery with iUS, iMRI, and neuronavigation were included in this study. Prospective acquisition of iUS images was done at two time points during the surgical procedure: (1) before resection for tumor visualization and (2) after resection for residual tumor assessment. Dice similarity coefficients (DSC), Hausdorff distances 95th percentiles (HD95) and volume differences, sensitivity, and specificity were calculated for iUS segmentations as compared to iMRI. Results: A high correlation (R = 0.99) was found for volume estimation as measured on iUS and iMRI before resection. A good spatial accuracy was demonstrated with a median DSC of 0.72 (IQR 0.14) and a median HD95 percentile of 4.98 mm (IQR 2.22 mm). The assessment after resection demonstrated a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 84.6% for residual tumor detection with navigated iUS. A moderate accuracy was observed with a median DSC of 0.58 (IQR 0.27) and a median HD95 of 5.84 mm (IQR 4.04 mm) for residual tumor volumes. Conclusion: We found that iUS measurements of tumor volume before resection correlate well with those obtained from preoperative MRI. The accuracy of residual tumor detection was reliable as compared to iMRI, indicating the suitability of iUS for directing the surgeon’s attention to areas suspect for residual tumor. Therefore, iUS is considered as a valuable addition to the neurosurgical armamentarium. Trial registration number and date: PMCLAB2023.476, February 12th 2024.</p

    Reduced mammillary body volume in individuals with a schizophrenia diagnosis: an analysis of the COBRE data set

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    While the frontal cortices and medial temporal lobe are well associated with schizophrenia, the involvement of wider limbic areas is less clear. The mammillary bodies are important for both complex memory formation and anxiety and are implicated in several neurological disorders that present with memory impairments. However, little is known about their role in schizophrenia. Post-mortem studies have reported a loss of neurons in the mammillary bodies but there are also reports of increased mammillary body volume. The findings from in vivo MRI studies have also been mixed, but studies have typically only involved small sample sizes. To address this, we acquired mammillary body volumes from the open-source COBRE dataset, where we were able to manually measure the mammillary bodies in 72 individuals with a schizophrenia diagnosis and 74 controls. Participant age ranged from 18 to 65. We found the mammillary bodies to be smaller in the patient group, across both hemispheres, after accounting for the effects of total brain volume and gender. Hippocampal volumes, but not subiculum or total grey matter volumes, were also significantly lower in patients. Given the importance of the mammillary bodies for both memory and anxiety, this atrophy could contribute to the symptomology in schizophrenia

    Nonpalpable testes: is there a relationship between ultrasonographic and operative findings?

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    Background: Ultrasonography (US) as a diagnostic tool in the work-up of boys with nonpalpable testes (NPT) is still controversial. Objective: To evaluate the relation between US and operative findings in boys with NPT. Materials and methods: During a 7-year period we saw 135 boys with 152 NPT. All were examined by the referring physician or a paediatric surgeon, underwent US examination, and were then re-examined afterwards by a specialist. Finally, all boys were surgically explored for testicular position. Results: US located 103 NPT (68%), 16 within the abdomen and 87 in the inguinal canal. With knowledge of the US result, 37 testes were palpable on re-examination. The sensitivity of US was 97% for inguinal and 48% for abdominal viable testes. Of the 49 testes (32%) missed by US, 16 were viable in either the abdominal (n=14) or the inguinal (n=2) position. Conclusion: All boys with presumed NPT should be referred to a specialist. US is useful to determine localization of NPT, which facilitates planning the surgical procedure. An inguinal exploration is called for when US identifies the testis in the inguinal canal. Because the sensitivity of US for viable abdominal testes is only 48%, we now always perform laparoscopic exploration when US is negative

    Imaging features of hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome or veno-occlusive disease in children

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    Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, also known as veno-occlusive disease, can occur as a complication of myeloablative chemotherapy, as a result of low-intensity chemotherapy-related liver toxicity or radiotherapy of the liver. Symptoms of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome can range from asymptomatic to liver dysfunction or severe disease with life-threatening acute multi-organ failure. Imaging features can suggest or support this clinical diagnosis. Familiarity with the imaging spectrum of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome is therefore important for both radiologists and clinical oncologists. Here, multi-modality radiologic appearances of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in pediatric patients are illustrated, including outcome after follow-up

    Automatic determination of Greulich and Pyle bone age in healthy Dutch children

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    Background: Bone age (BA) assessment is a routine procedure in paediatric radiology, for which the Greulich and Pyle (GP) atlas is mostly used. There is rater variability, but the advent of automatic BA determination eliminates this. Objective: To validate the BoneXpert method for automatic determination of skeletal maturity of healthy children against manual GP BA ratings. Materials and methods: Two observers determined GP BA with knowledge of the chronological age (CA). A total of 226 boys with a BA of 3-17 years and 179 girls with a BA of 3-15 years were included in the study. BoneXpert's estimate of GP BA was calibrated to agree on average with the manual ratings based on several studies, including the present study. Results: Seven subjects showed a deviation between manual and automatic BA in excess of 1.9 years. They were re-rated blindly by two raters. After correcting these seven ratings, the root mean square error between manual and automatic rating in the 405 subjects was 0.71 years (range 0.66-0.76 years, 95% CI). BoneXpert's GP BA is on average 0.28 and 0.20 years behind the CA for boys and girls, respectively. Conclusion: BoneXpert is a robust method for automatic determination of BA
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