13 research outputs found

    The usage of L-ornithine - L-arginine complex as a new effective step in treatment of acute toxic hepatitis

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    Liver damage and toxic hepatitis occur mainly due to excessive alcohol consumption, viral infections, chemicals, and as a consequence of drug adverse effects. The symptoms of toxic hepatitis often go away when exposure to the toxin stops. But toxic hepatitis can permanently damage the liver, leading to irreversible scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis) and in some cases to liver failure.Thus, there is an ongoing need for finding new substances that can effectively prevent and cure hepatic damage, minimizing adverse effects. Carbon-tetrachloride is extensively being used as a model substance for producing hepatotoxic effects such as fatty degeneration of liver tissue, fibrosis, hepatocellular death, and carcinogenicity. L-arginine is classified as a nonessential amino acid, but may be considered essential or semiessential in stressful situations, including periods of growth (e.g., during childhood or pregnancy) or trauma (e.g., liver disease, severe sepsis, wound healing, cancer). In jaundiced rats, L-arginine supplementation demonstrated anabolic and immunostimulatory properties. Anabolic actions were also confirmed in studies of L-arginine supplementation and improved wound healing, as well as healing of bones, burns, GI tract, and tendons. Researchers have confirmed one of the mechanisms of the arginase enzyme action, which produces a favorable environment for fibroblast and collagen production. L-arginine has exhibited protective effects in spinal cord injury in animals and in cortical impact injury in rats. In another study, exogenous L-arginine resulted in decreased hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury. L-ornithine metabolizes to form L-arginine and assists in the production of urea. This increases the body's ability to eliminate waste-products. L-ornithine and L-arginine work together synergistically to increase protein synthesis and, ultimately, muscle growth. This aminoacid is necessary for metabolic functions and detoxification purposes. It also contributes to release of HGH by the pituitary gland. Lornithine is also used to assist in liver and gallbladder cleansing because it helps to produce urea that is used to flush toxic substances out of the liver. Because of the detoxification properties of the aminoacid it is thought to decrease the incidence of gallstones and liver toxins. The usage of L-ornithine - L-arginine complex for toxic hepatitis treatment is considered to be a new and effective step in the development of modern hepathology

    Association of serum uric acid with albuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients with comorbid obesity and/or essential arterial hypertension

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    Abstract. Decompensation of diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM), duration of the disease, level of proteinuria, obesity and essential arterial hypertension (AH) play the main role in the development and progress of diabetic nephropathy. The present study aimed to analyze the level of serum uric acid in type 2 diabetic patients with comorbid overweight/obesity and AH and to find its possible correlations with lipid panel data and urinary albumin excretion. Methods. 579 medical records of type 2 diabetic patients treated at the Endocrinological department of the municipal non-profit enterprise "Ternopil University Hospital" of Ternopil Regional Council (Ternopil) in 2018-2019 years were analyzed. Results. The analysis of renal panel data of type 2 diabetic patients with comorbid overweight/obesity and AH found out that only serum levels of urea and uric acid were statistically different in the patients with only T2DM and comorbid course of T2DM. Herewith the maximal changes were established for serum uric acid level, which in type 2 diabetic patients with comorbid obesity exceeded by 175.9 % data of only T2DM patients. Moreover, it was established a significant direct relationship between serum uric acid level and BMI and dyslipidemia in both groups of type 2 diabetic patients - with comorbid obesity and with comorbid obesity and AH. At the same time, a significant direct association between serum uric acid level and albuminuria was established only in type 2 diabetic patients with comorbid obesity and AH. Conclusions. Our retrospective study indicates that serum uric acid level is markedly elevated and positively associated with albuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients with comorbid obesity and AH and can be used as a biomarker allowing further risk stratification for development and/or progress of diabetic nephropathy in this cohort of the patients


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    The article highlights the issue of basic psychomotor hazards in adolescence, their impact on the quality and health of schoolchildren and negative expression in the daily life of the young organism. The simulation results of the statistical characteristics of these hazards make it possible to assess the extent unacceptable changes in the future adult organism and adjust the strategy of joint efforts of healthcare workers, parents and school teachers.У статті висвітлено питання основних психомоторних шкідливостей підліткового віку, їх вплив на якісне здоров'я школяра та негативний прояв у щоденному житті юного організму. Результати моделювання статистичних характеристик цих небезпек дають можливість оцінити масштаби недопустимих змін у майбутньому дорослому організмі й скоректувати стратегію спільних зусиль медпрацівників, батьків та педагогів школи


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    Current state of telemedical technologies implementation in the USA is presented in the paper. The reasons resulting in telemedicine application are shown. Important problems for US telemedicine and national interest are indicated. Systematic analysis of software and hardware tools available on US market of telemedical technologies is implemented.В статье представлено современное состояние внедрения телемедицинских технологий в США. Показаны причины, которые обусловливают использование телемедицины. Указаны основные проблемы, являющиеся актуальными в телемедицине США и которые составляют государственный интерес. Осуществлен систематический анализ программных и аппаратных средств, которые предлагаются на рынке телемедицинских технологий в США.У статті представлено сучасний стан впровадження телемедичних технологій в США. Показано причини, які зумовлюють використання телемедицини. Вказано основні проблеми, які є актуальними в телемедицині США і які становлять державний інтерес. Здійснено систематичний аналіз програмних та апаратних засобів, які пропонуються на ринку телемедичних технологій в США

    Evaluation of osteoarthritis duration on the bone mineral density

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    Introduction: Among the rheumatic diseases osteoarthritis ranks first in the world and is the second spread ailment after ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease in Europe (Kovalenko V. M., 2009). The gradual development of osteoporosis and its invisible clinical signs lead to disease progression and severe consequences. Involutive and pathological changes in cartilage and bone tissue lead to the development of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis which are interconnected, inter-processes and progress with age and are parallel. Aims: The purpose of the work was to stress the impact of osteoarthritis duration on the bone mineral density. To achieve this goal, we examined 87 patients with primary osteoarthritis (OA), aged from 35 to 76 year (57,28 ± 2,2 year), where women predominate. results. The average duration of osteoarthritis was (7,56 ± 1,02 year). Osteopenic syndrome was diagnosed in 41,38% (n = 36) patients, among which 11 patients were diagnosed with primary osteoporosis. Results: Study of osteoarthritis disease duration influences basic densitometric parameters of the bone showing reliable differences between groups of patients with disease duration below 5 years and over 10 years. Bone mineral density decreases consequently with increasing of osteoarthritis disease duration, in the group with duration of OA over 10 years it is (0, 826 ± 0,04) g/cm2, which is 14, 32% less than in the group with duration of disease below 5 years and by 10, 02% less than in the group with disease duration from 5 to 10 years. Indicator Young - Adult was less in patients with disease duration more than 10 years - (70,33 ± 3,38)%, which is 13, 30% less than in patients with disease duration below 5 years and 7.43% percent less than in patients with disease duration from 5 to 10 years. The percentage patient’s BMD deviation from the average population rate is the lowest in patients with a osteoarthritis duration more than 10 years and is (75,67 ± 4,98%), which is 13, 58% less than in the group with duration of the disease of «1 - 5 years» and by 11, 37% less than in the group with the duration of disease of «5 -10 years.» Conclusion: Summarizing we can say that the degree of bone demineralization increases consequently with duration of OA disease


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    The article describes basic methods of ambulance teams1 practical activities participating in the national and regional open championships, analyzes the achievements and further perspectives.У статті описано основні методики практичної діяльності бригад швидкої медичної допомоги на національних відкритих та обласних чемпіонатах, проаналізовано здобутки та розкрито подальші перспективи розвитку


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    The article describes the main stages of ambulance development as an integral part of medicine and medicine of disasters.У статті висвітлено основні етапи становлення та розвитку швидкої медичної допомоги як невід'ємної ланки екстремальної медицини та медицини катастроф


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    The national ambulance championships play an important role in the improving of the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, problems' analysis and recognizing the directions of their solving, initiation of international cooperation.Національні чемпіонати швидкої медичної допомоги мають вагоме значення для вдосконалення рівня теоретичних знань і практичних навичок, аналізу проблем служби, визначення напрямків їх вирішення, започаткування міжнародного співробітництва

    Towards the sources of geopolitical cataclysm in the Eastern Europe of the mid-sewenteenth ceuntry – Boris Godunov’s charter of 1592 to the Cossaks

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    The letter of Muscovy ruler Boris Godunov which is held in the Library of Kórnik, is the earliest historical document that testifies about the relations between the government of Muscovy and Ukrainian Cossacks since the end of the sixteenth century. In the article are reviewed the historical context of such contacts and their long term consequences. At that time, led by Krzysztof Kosynskyi, Cossacks entered into conflict with powers of Commonwealth. Godunov informed Cossacks that his government invites them for military service. It was the first time when Cossacks obtained the opportunity to make a choice between the service to the Polish King or Muscovy Tzar. During the next a half of the century, Ukrainian Cossacks transformed into a powerful military corporation, which influenced on the balance of powers in international relations of the region. Later on, when in the consequence of the war with Poland, Cossacks switched themselves to the side of Muscovy in 1654, this change provided a foundation for the hegemony of Muscovy in East Europ

    Clinical peculiarities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease depending on gender of the patients

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    Introduction: The problem of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is important in the most of countries, despite of numerous anti-smoking campaigns. If in previous decades, morbidity and mortality from COPD among men was significantly higher comparing to women, in recent years these indicators became practically equal in patients of both sexes, moreover, in some countries they dominate in women. According to the worldwide statistics, nowadays COPD kills more women than breast and lung cancers that do together. Therefore, there is a need to research the gender peculiarities of clinical course of COPD. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 42 men and women who are smokers and have COPD of the third stage. Age, number of pack-years of smoking, presence of comorbidities and number of exacerbations of COPD during the previous year were considered. Forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1), the distance in meters, that the patient may walk for 6 minutes, severity of dyspnea by MMRC scale, body mass index (BMI) were assessed in all patients. Results: Among the patients with COPD the women were younger than men (respectively, 56 and 67 years, p <0.05), they smoked less (respectively, 37 and 58 pack-years, p <0.05), had lower BMI (respectively, 25 and 28, p <0.05), more exacerbations during the previous year (respectively, 1 and 0, p <0.05) and fewer comorbidities. Gender differences in FEV1 were not found. At the same time women with COPD were less tolerant to physical exertion (they could walk for 6 min 94% of the necessary distance, while the males - 102%, p = 0.05) and developed more significant dyspnea by MMRC scale (respectively, 3.5 and 2.2, p <0.05). Conclusions: There are some sex differences in the development and clinical course of COPD, which are caused, apparently, by specific neurohumoral regulation of bronchopulmonary system functions, hormonal influence on the metabolism of tobacco smoke and by different severity of oxidative stress that damages the bronchopulmonary tissue. Further study of sexual peculiarities of COPD may improve the effectiveness of treatment of this widespread disease