44 research outputs found

    Long-term endurance training-induced cardiac adaptation in new rabbit and dog animal models of the human athlete’s heart

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    Sudden cardiac death in athletes is rare and most often unexpectable. For a better understanding of cardiac re- modeling, this study presents the effects of chronic vigor- ous exercise on cardiac structure and electrophysiology in new rabbit and dog athlete’s heart models. Rabbits and dogs were randomized into sedentary (’Sed’), exer- cised (subjected to 16 weeks chronic treadmill exercise (’Ex’) groups, and a testosterone-treated (’Dop’) group in dogs. Echocardiography and electrocardiogram were performed. Proarrhythmic sensitivity and autonomic re- sponses were tested in conscious dogs. ‘Ex’ animals exhibited left ventricular enlargement with bradycardia (mean RR in ‘Ex’ vs. ‘Sed’ rabbits: 335 ± 15 vs. 288 ± 19 ms, p ≤ 0.05, and in ‘Dop’ vs. ‘Ex’ vs. ‘Sed’ dogs: 718 ± 6 vs. 638 ± 38 vs. 599 ± 49 ms) accompanied by an increase of heart rate variability in both species (e.g. SD RR in ‘Ex’ vs. ‘Sed’ rabbits: 3.4 ± 0.9 vs. 1.4 ± 0.1 ms, p ≤ 0.05, and in ‘Dop’ vs. ‘Ex’ vs. ‘Sed’ dogs: 156 ± 59 vs. 163 ± 44 vs. 111 ± 49 ms) indicating an increased vagal tone. A lower response to parasym- patholytic agent atropine and more pronounced QT c in- terval lengthening after dofetilide challenge were found in ’Ex’ and ’Dop’ dogs compared to the ‘Sed’ group. No morphological and functional changes were found after chronic steroid treatment in dogs. The structural-functional findings share more similarities with human athlete’s heart. Slight repolarization sensitivity in the exercised dogs may indicate an increased risk of arrhythmias in athletes under different circumstances. These animal models might be useful for the further investigations of the cardiovascular effects of competitive training

    Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase G oxidation contributes to impaired sarcomeric proteins in hypertrophy model

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    Volume overload (VO) induced hypertrophy is one of the hallmarks to the development of heart diseases. Understanding the compensatory mechanisms involved in this process might help preventing the disease progression.Therefore, the present study used 2 months old Wistar rats, which underwent an aortocaval fistula to develop VO-induced hypertrophy. The animals were subdivided into four different groups, two sham operated animals served as age-matched controls and two groups with aortocaval fistula. Echocardiography was performed prior termination after 4- and 8-month. Functional and molecular changes of several sarcomeric proteins and their signalling pathways involved in the regulation and modulation of cardiomyocyte function were investigated.The model was characterized with preserved ejection fraction in all groups and with elevated heart/body weight ratio, left/right ventricular and atrial weight at 4- and 8-month, which indicates VO-induced hypertrophy. In addition, 8-months groups showed increased left ventricular internal diameter during diastole, RV internal diameter, stroke volume and velocity-time index compared with their age-matched controls. These changes were accompanied by increased Ca2+ sensitivity and titin-based cardiomyocyte stiffness in 8-month VO rats compared with other groups. The altered cardiomyocyte mechanics was associated with phosphorylation deficit of sarcomeric proteins cardiac troponin I, myosin binding protein C and titin, also accompanied with impaired signalling pathways involved in phosphorylation of these sarcomeric proteins in 8-month VO rats compared with age-matched control group. Impaired protein phosphorylation status and dysregulated signalling pathways were associated with significant alterations in the oxidative status of both kinases CaMKII and PKG explaining by this the elevated Ca2+ sensitivity and titin-based cardiomyocyte stiffness and perhaps the development of hypertrophy.Our findings showed VO-induced cardiomyocyte dysfunction via deranged phosphorylation of myofilament proteins and signalling pathways due to increased oxidative state of CaMKII and PKG and this might contribute to the development of hypertrophy

    A szívritmuszavarok és a myocardiális repolarizáció mechanizmusainak vizsgálata; antiaritmiás és proaritmiás gyógyszerhatások elemzése = Study of the mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias and repolarization, antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic drug action

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    A kardiovaszkuláris betegségek és azon belül is az életet veszélyeztető kamrai és pitvari aritmiák a fő halálozási okok közé tartoznak a fejlett ipari országokban, de Magyarországon is. Ezzel összhangban, a jelen kutatási projekt is a különböző életet veszélyeztető aritmiák megelőzésének a lehetőségét, és a különböző gyógyszerek antiaritmiás és proaritmiás hatásainak a kutatását tűzte ki célul. Vizsgálataink során megállapítottuk, hogy kísérletes diabetes mellitusban mind kutyán, mind nyúlon az IKs áram és következményesen a repolarizációs rezerv csökkenése következik be amely emberben vélhetően hozzájárulhat e betegségben észlelt hirtelen szívhalál kockázat növekedéséhez. Molekuláris biológiai vizsgálatokban sikerült feltérképeznünk az emberi szívizom különféle ioncsatornáinak denzitását is. A proaritmiás gyógyszerhatások elemzésére újszerű módszert dolgoztunk ki, amelynek gyógyszerbiztonsági klinikai jelentősége és hasznosulása várható. A projekt teljesítése során további új ismereteket szereztünk a Na+/Ca2+ cseremechanizmus (NCX) repolarizációban betöltött szerepét illetően. In vivo kutya kísérletekben vizsgáltuk a peroxynitrit és gap junction csatornák szerepét az ischaemiás prekondicionálásban. Ezek az eredmények várhatóan hozzájárulnak egyrészt a szívizomzat élettani, kórélettani (aritmia mechanizmusok) ismereteinek a gyarapításában, másrészt új és biztonságos antiaritmiás terápiák kifejlesztéséhez. | Cardiovascular diseases, including life threatening ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, are the leading causes of mortality in industrialized countries and also in Hungary. In harmony with this, the major goal of the project was to investigate the mechanisms involved in cardiac repolarization and in antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic drug actions. Representing important findings during the project, we established that in experimental diabetes mellitus the IKs potassium current is down-regulated resulting in the attenuation of repolarization reserve which may contribute to the increased proarrhythmic risk of diabetic patients. Using molecular biological methods we have analyzed the transmembrane ion channel densities of the human heart. To assess proarrhyhtmic drug side effects we developed a novel method which can be expected to contribute to better prediction of proarrhythmic risk in both preclinical and clinical safety pharmacology investigations. During the project, we have gained further insights regarding the role of NCX in the cardiac repolarization process. In in vivo studies we have investigated the possible role of peroxynitrite and gap junctions in ischaemic preconditioning. These results can be expected to help to better understand the physiology and pathophysiology of cardiac muscle, and arrhythmias, and should significantly contribute to the development of safer and more effective antiarrhythmic treatment modalities

    Altered Cellular Protein Quality Control System Modulates Cardiomyocyte Function in Volume Overload-Induced Hypertrophy

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    Volume-induced hypertrophy is one of the risk factors for cardiac morbidity and mortality. In addition, mechanical and metabolic dysfunction, aging, and cellular redox balance are also contributing factors to the disease progression. In this study, we used volume overload (VO), which was induced by an aortocaval fistula in 2-month-old male Wistar rats, and sham-operated animals served as control. Functional parameters were measured by transthoracic echocardiography at termination 4- or 8-months after VO. The animals showed hypertrophic remodeling that was accompanied by mechanical dysfunction and increased cardiomyocyte stiffness. These alterations were reversible upon treatment with glutathione. Cardiomyocyte dysfunction was associated with elevated oxidative stress markers with unchanged inflammatory signaling pathways. In addition, we observed altered phosphorylation status of small heat shock proteins 27 and 70 and diminished protease expression caspases 3 compared to the matched control group, indicating an impaired protein quality control system. Such alterations might be attributed to the increased oxidative stress as anticipated from the enhanced titin oxidation, ubiquitination, and the elevation in oxidative stress markers. Our study showed an early pathological response to VO, which manifests in cardiomyocyte mechanical dysfunction and dysregulated signaling pathways associated with enhanced oxidative stress and an impaired protein quality control system