30 research outputs found

    Development of expertise through co-creation in networks: An ethnographic case study from a professional service context

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    Professional service firms are recognized as a still growing sector in modern economies. In professional services, expertise and knowledge are the key resources, and constant development and renewal of the resource base is essential to remain innovative and successful. Vast research and literature on professional services provide insights into how professional service providers use their expertise in collaboration. However, business development occurs in co-creation networks, where professional service providers collaborate with customers and other stakeholders. In these types of co-creation processes, the solution is sought together, utilizing the expertise and knowledge of all participants; this search is also about embracing uncertainty and working without setting an exact goal. Therefore, focusing explicitly on outlining expertise and what constitutes business-to-business services based on co-creation is needed. Since professional services rely heavily on expertise and are crucial in facilitating knowledge creation in their customers, a more detailed understanding of expertise is needed to successfully collaborate with customers in value co-creation networks. I also argue that the expertise needed when operating in co-creation networks differs from that needed in more traditional development and collaboration processes between professional service provider customers. More precisely, I believe different aspects and expertise areas gain a more prominent role when collaboration occurs in co-creation networks. My study aims to build an empirically grounded framework of expertise and its development in professional services in today’s ever-more networked business world. To reach the research objective, I have conducted an ethnographic case study of three individual studies and the synthesis part. Adopting ethnography as a research approach allows for building a contextual and detailed understanding of expertise in professional services. The individual studies focus on developing an executive learning community focusing on collective creation, facilitation activities and their role in supporting co-creation, and strategy co-creation between independent consultants in a micro firm context. The synthesis part of this study integrates the literature and empirical findings of the original studies and introduces the empirical framework and discusses what the expertise consists of in professional services, especially in management consulting, coaching, and business development. The key concepts of service-dominant logic and its view on co-creation - service, value, actors, and resources - are used to highlight the areas of expertise that gain importance when professionals engage in co-creation with customers and other stakeholders. Expertise areas in professional services based on the results of my study are 1) knowledge-based expertise, 2) practice-based expertise, 3) emotional and situational expertise, and 4) a co-creation mindset. The fourth category - a co-creation mindset - can be seen as an area of expertise that guides the collaboration and work of the professionals at the heart of expertise forming the so-called red thread. In the ever more networked, interactional, and joint way of conducting business, developing new solutions, and enabling learning, expertise permitting co-creation is highlighted. It can be argued that the network’s multi-layered nature is a platform for expertise development. Also, varied contexts provide access to myriad resources or arenas for developing practice-based expertise via reflection, which then develops into a part of knowledge-based expertise. In practice, expertise develops through reflection, action, and dialogue. This study contributes to the professional service literature by providing a nuanced and fine-grained analysis and the categorization of expertise by combining existing literature and the findings of the empirical study. This study increases understanding of the practice of expertise development and discusses the nature of expertise. Expertise results from resource development and experience developed through consciously addressing challenging problems and having the courage to step beyond one’s comfort zone. Expertise is also developed and appreciated in interaction; thus, this study highlights the social aspects of expertise

    Developing an executive learning community: Focus on collective creation

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    The preoccupation within executive education with addressing relevance and resource constraints, with developing the capacity of participants to become reflexive practitioners, and with sustaining long-lasting change in organizations calls for new innovations and formats for executive education. Building on theories of the collective creation of value and learning communities, and employing a methodology based on narrative ethnography, we empirically investigated how collective creation is facilitated to develop a learning community in executive education with a longitudinal study of learning camps. The study demonstrated how improvisational theater activities can strengthen collective creation to foster the development of a learning community and how the sense of community supports collective creation. The study develops a framework for developing executive learning communities. </p

    Unraveling mechanisms of value co-creation in festivals

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    The aim of this qualitative case study is to explore the mechanisms underlying value co-creation in the context of networked festival productions. Applying the managerial perspective, this study particularly explores why co-creation represent a valuable factor in networked festival productions and how the activities are conducted in the value creative platform, namely conversational space. Considering festivals as services in their host destinations, this study applies the context of three festivals in one city in Finland and draws on the literature on festival management, service experience, and value co-creation. The study shows that the co-creation of conversational space fosters value co-creation as an interactive process, that is, as a mechanism of value co-creation. Conversational space is found to intertwine the festival with its host community and therefore influencing to the justification of a festival’s existence by empowered legitimacy. Festival managers need to consider conversational space as strategically crucial because of the need to gain public support for festival and to enhance the justification and existence of festival in its destination

    Opportunity recognition in a hub-governed network – insights from garage services

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    This paper examines opportunity recognition activities in a hub-governed service network. More precisely, the research questions are: How do opportunities emerge in a hub network context? and What are the activities of different network actors concerning opportunity recognition? We conducted a case study of a network of service entrepreneurs orchestrated by a hub firm, with the data consisting of 35 interviews. In this study we have explored the opportunity recognition from the perspective of both he hub firm and entrepreneurs. Firstly our analysis shows that there is a great deal of innovation potential in the grass roots of our case network. The challenge is that local improvements mostly stay local. Improving interaction might also help to identify and implement local adaptations and improvements so as to benefit the entire chain. We posit that the hub firm and network would benefit from empowering small firms’ initiatives for renewal. Secondly, in terms of the effectuation literature we have extended the analysis into the context of small firms operating in a hub network context, where elements of both causation and effectuation are evident. Firms are experiencing opportunity recognition through the causation processes observed in the hub network, while also simultaneously engaging in opportunity development through effectuation processes. </p

    Proceedings of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference HTHIC 2017

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze, what are the risks and benefits involved in co-creating a cultural brand ecosystem by adopting the perspective of one stakeholder. The longitudinal empirical study follows an owner-manager of a small VillaSpa located in a historic area of summer villas. Interviewing the owner / managergave us an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon as we gathered data on how that single actorconstructing a brand ecosystem viewed value co-creation. We explored the data by reference to priorliterature on value co-creation and brand ecosystems. The results contribute to the research on brandecosystems by discussing a case that is novel in researching the building of a brand ecosystem in the contextof heritage and tourism. The results demonstrate the importance of involving all relevant stakeholders in cocreating a brand ecosystem. The findings should encourage future research on the joint narratives of allrelevant stakeholders. The research also illustrates a perspective on failing in the course of building a brandecosystem.</p

    Äitiys Vanajan vankilassa : Kokemuksia äitiydestä ja tuen tarpeesta äidin ollessa erossa lapsestaan vankeusrangaistuksen aikana

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    Perhesuhteilla on suuri merkitys vangin yhteiskuntaan takaisin sijoittumisessa ja rikoksettoman elämän tukemisessa vankeusrangaistuksen jälkeen. Syksyllä 2010 Suomen vankiloissa työskenteli kaksi perhetyöhön palkattua työntekijää, joista toinen on Vanajan vankilan perhetyön ohjaaja. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituk-sena oli selvittää, miten Vanajan vankilan Vanajan osastolla vankeusrangaistus-taan suorittavat naiset kokevat äitiyden vankeusaikana ja millaista tukea he kai-paavat äitiyteen ja perhesuhteiden ylläpitämiseen ollessaan erossa lapsistaan. Lisäksi tutkimuksella pyrittiin selvittämään, millaista tukea haastatellut äidit oli-vat vankeusaikanaan saaneet ja kuinka tuki oli vastannut heidän tarpeitaan. Tutkimus oli kvalitatiivinen ja aineistolähtöinen. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin ke-väällä 2010 haastattelemalla kahdeksaa Vanajan vankilan Vanajan osastolla vankeusrangaistusta suorittavaa naisvankia, joilla oli alle 18-vuotiaita lapsia. Haastattelut perustuivat vapaaehtoisuuteen. Haastattelumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja aineisto analysoitiin teemoittelemalla. Äitiyden kokemuksia ja vanhemmuutta tulkittiin psykologisten teorioiden pohjalta. Vankeusrangaistuksen vaikutuksia äitiyteen taustoitettiin Suomen rikosseuraamusjärjestelmää ja sille asetettuja tehtäviä sekä kuntoutumista koskevalla tiedolla. Vankeusaikana ollessaan erossa lapsistaan, äidit ikävöivät ja kantoivat huolta näiden hyvinvoinnista. Vankeusrangaistukseen liittyvät häpeän tunteet vaikuttivat naisten itsetuntoon ja kykyyn toimia vanhempana. Naiset pitivät tiiviisti yhte-yttä lapsiinsa, vaikka vanhemmuus vankeusaikana koettiinkin raskaaksi. Vanajan osastolla tehtävä perhetyö ja yhteydenpitomahdollisuudet koettiin hyviksi ja voimia antaviksi. Äidit toivovat keskusteluapua ja parannuksia perhesuhteiden ylläpitomahdollisuuksiin myös suljettuihin laitoksiin. Äidit kokivat lapsen osallistumisen perhekuntoutukselliseen työskentelyyn tärkeäksi ja toivoivat sen lisäämistä. Myös teknologian tehokkaampi hyödyntäminen perhesuhteiden hoidossa oli naisten mielestä tärkeää. Tutkimus osoittaa, että vankilan perhetyö koetaan tärkeäksi ja sen toivotaan lisääntyvän ja kehittyvän työmuotona. Riittävä työntekijöiden määrä, toiminta-muotojen kehittäminen ja yhteistyön tehostaminen yhteiskunnan palvelujärjestelmien kanssa nähdään avaimina hyvään perhetyöhön.Family relations have a significant role in how the prisoner readjusts to society after imprisonment and in supporting life without crime. In the autumn of 2010 there were two employees in Finnish prisons whose job description was to help support prisoners’ family relations; one of them was a family counselor in Vanaja Prison. The purpose of this study was to find out how the women prisoners in one ward in Vanaja Prison experience motherhood during imprisonment and what kind of help they need to maintain their family relations while separated from their children. The study also aimed to find out what kind of support the women had had during their imprisonment and how the support met their needs. The effect of imprisonment on motherhood was investigated based on the Finnish system of correctional services and rehabilitation. The study was qualitative and empirically oriented. The data were collected in spring 2010 through theme interviews of eight women prisoners in Vanaja prison who had children under the age of 18. Participation was voluntary for the interviewees. The data were analyzed by thematizing it. The analysis drew from theories on motherhood. Imprisoned women missed their children and worried about their welfare. The shame associated to imprisonment affected the women’s self-esteem and ability to function as a parent. The women actively maintained contact with their children even though motherhood during imprisonment was considered taxing. The opportunities for keeping in touch with the children and family work in Vanaja Ward was experienced as supportive and beneficial. The mothers wished better opportunities for maintaining contact with children and counseling in closed prisons. The child’s participation in family work was seen important and the mothers hoped it could be increased in the future. A better exploitation of technology in maintaining family relations was also emphasized. The study provides evidence of the importance of family work in prison. A sufficient number of employees, development of work methods and increased cooperation with society’s other service systems are suggested as means for improvement of family work in prisons

    Asiakastiedon absorptio teollisten palveluiden kehittämisessä

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    Doesn't tha' understand a bit o' Yorkshire when tha' hears it? Representation of Yorkshire Dialect in The Secret Garden and its Finnish Translation

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    Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee yleiskielestä (”kirjakielestä”) poikkeavien kielimuotojen käyttöä kirjallisuudessa. Tutkimuksen aineistona on Frances Hodgson Burnettin lastenkirja The Secret Garden (1911) ja siitä Sari Karhulahden käännös Salainen Puutarha vuodelta 2006. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin Burnett on esittänyt Yorkshiren murretta kirjallisessa muodossa, ja millä keinoin Karhulahti on välittänyt illuusion puhutusta kielen variantista. Tutkimushypoteesina oli, että käännöksessä on käytetty vähemmän selvästi murteellisia kielen piirteitä ja täten sen kieli on lähempänä kirjakieltä kuin alkuperäisteksti. Lisäksi tutkittiin, millä tavoin suomentajan valinnat vastaavat suomenkieliselle kirjallisuudelle tyypillisiä tapoja kuvata ei-standardia kieltä. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin yhden puhujan, Martha Sowerbyn, puhetta. Materiaali koostui yhteensä 400 lauseesta, joista 200 oli alkuperäisestä teoksesta ja vastaavat 200 suomenkielisestä käännöksestä. Lauseista analysoitiin yleiskielestä eroavia fonologis-morfologisia, leksikaalisia ja syntaktisia piirteitä. Ne piirteet, joissa löytyi eroja yleiskieleen verrattuna olivat erilaisia alkuperäisessä tekstissä ja käännöksessä, mikä selittyy englannin ja suomen kielen eroilla. Alkuperäistekstissä murteellisuuksia löytyi jokaiselta tutkitulta kielen tasolta. Karhulahti on käännöksessään käyttänyt sekä murteellisia että modernin puhekielen piirteitä. Murteellisuudet esiintyvät ainoastaan leksikaalisella tasolla. Fonologisella, morfologisella ja syntaktisella tasolla Karhulahti on käyttänyt laajalle levinneitä puhekielen piirteitä, jotka ovat hyvin yleisiä sekä alkuperäisessä suomenkielisessä kirjallisuudessa että suomenkielisessä käännöskirjallisuudessa. Tämä kertoo myös, että vaikka käännöksessäkin käytetään kirjallista murretta, se on lähempänä kirjakieltä kuin alkuperäisteoksessa käytetty kielimuoto.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Linking network facilitation activities to expertise development: insights in the professional service context (Esitys Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research, Uppsala 24.-26.4. 2019)

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    The purpose of this study is to explore and discuss network facilitation and build a link between facilitation activities and expertise development. In this study, we look at networks not only as a platform co-creating new services for management coaching but also the role of networks in enabling expertise development.  We have conducted a process case study focusing on a interorganizational network in a professional service context. In the literature on networks management, there is an extensive discussion about management of networks and even discussion about to which extent networks can be managed. Network management has been looked at from the capabilities and competences perspective. In our study, we provide a more fine-grained analysis of a network facilitation in the context of management coaching. We have identified and discussed network facilitation activities: engaging in co-development, encouraging in relationship building, and enabling co-creative knowledge creation. Secondly, we have linked the network facilitation capabilities to expertise development. In our study, we build on the idea that expertise develops by developing and using capabilities for network facilitation. Thus, we show how network facilitation can provide possibilities for expertise development with the focus on professional service context. </p

    Learning for expertise in collaborative networks – Insights of practitioners

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    In this work in process study the focus is on work place learning in network context. We conduct a qualitative case study focusing on two service networks. The interest is in the experiences of experts, who have a key role in facilitating network collaboration and activities. Drawing from the network and learning network literature together with the insights of workplace learning, we explore learning on different levels and analyze the characteristics of the learning process in the network context. Our research also contributes to the discussion about learning networks research, since we argue that even networks established without specific learning objectives can become learning networks. Our findings indicate that a network provides a platform for developing expertise through progressive problem solving. In our study we also highlight the importance of network facilitation and explore the experiences of experts having central role in facilitating collaboration and coordinating the network. This study offers a fine-grained analysis of learning on different levels and also highlights the elements that support learning in different levels. This study also provides practical knowledge about learning on different levels and factors to be considered and developed in order to support learning in networks.</p