56 research outputs found

    Multistability at arbitrary low optical intensities in a metallo-dielectric layered structure

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    We show that a nonlinear metallo-dielectric layered slab of subwavelength thickness and very small average dielectric permittivity displays optical multistable behavior at arbitrary low optical intensities. This is due to the fact that, in the presence of the small linear permittivity, one of the multiple electromagnetic slab states exists no matter how small is the transmitted optical intensity. We prove that multiple states at ultra-low optical intensities can be reached only by simultaneously operating on the incident optical intensity and incidence angle. By performing full wave simulations, we prove that the predicted phenomenology is feasible and very robust.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Technology development of obtaining essential fatty acids from hydrobionts hydrolyzates

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    Articleɷ-3, 6-fatty acids from hydrobiontsare a minor component in the nutrition of European countries population. This causes a number of diseases, such as cardiovascular ones, cancer etc. There is a task of concentrating these acids in oil due to the fact that to meet their daily needs it is problematic to use large quantities of fish oil-from 15 to 20 g. Particularly rich in ɷ-3, 6-acids are wastes from the cutting of hydrobionts, containing muscle tissue and skin. Protein hydrolysates were obtained from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) and Atlantic herring (Clupeaharengus) wastes by the electrochemical method using electrolyzers of the original design which are allowed to be used in food industry. A technological scheme of separating of lipids from protein hydrolyzates has been developed and experimental batches of oil samples have been developed. To concentrate the fatty acids the cryoconcentration method was used. The phase transitions of the obtained lipids were studied after their cryoconcentration in the temperature range from + 15 °C to minus 40 °C in the environment of calcium chloride using a low-temperature refrigeration unit. To analyze phase transitions the plant was used, which is a container with a solution of calcium chloride cooled by a low-temperature refrigeration machine. The properties of 5 fractions of lipids formed at the time of lipid phase transitions have been identified and studied (the fractional composition, acid, iodine numbers, the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), vitamin D3 and A). It was established that as cryoconcentration increases the concentration of PUFAs, reaching values close to 90%, which allows the resulting product to be attributed to biologically active food additives (BAA). By calculation, it was shown that to create functional food products on fish base from fish of the Gadidae family it is enough to inject 4 grams of BAA to 100 grams of the product. Organoleptic properties of food products from low-fat fish species were improved

    Система автоматического адаптивного управления полнопоточной гидрообъемной трансмиссией для трехосного полноприводного автомобиля

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    The article presents the research results aimed at theoretical justification of requirements for automatic adaptive control systems (AACS) to be the basis of developed intelligent transmissions of multi-drive wheeled all-terrain vehicles.To conduct studies was used a specially developed mathematical model of motion of triaxial all-wheel drive vehicle “Gidrohod-49061”, equipped with CVT full flow hydrostatic transmission (HST) on a non-deformable support surface. This mathematical model is to simulate different operating conditions of the vehicle, which are a consequence both of disturbances from the road and of control actions from the driver and AACS.The article presents some results of theoretical and experimental studies to prove the adequacy of the developed mathematical model.The results analysis of mathematical modeling proved conclusively that one of the main tasks to be solved owing to developed AACS of intelligent transmission of multi-drive wheeled vehicle is to reduce the mismatch value in operation of drive wheels.It is shown that the reasons for these mismatches can be either AACS error when processing control signals or other factors that characterize operating conditions of the drive wheels. Therefore, the paper proposes to develop a tracking control system of HST of the considered vehicle using the output parameters characterizing operation conditions of its drive wheels rather than the values of control parameters of hydraulic working volumes. As output parameters, it is proposed to use the speed of the drive wheels (hydro-motor shafts) and pressure drop in the main pump hydraulic drives, coming to HST.Therefore it is proposed to develop HST AACS of the vehicle under consideration, as a system of two-level regulation, including the kinematic (main level) and power (level of correction) circuits. The former provides, at the first approximation, the required values of the drive wheel speeds in the given conditions, and the latter, within the dead zone of the former, seeks to provide the optimum torque distribution to the wheels in these conditions.В статье на основании результатов проведенного математического моделирования получено теоретическое обоснование требований к системе автоматического адаптивного управления (СААУ) полнопоточной гидрообъемной трансмиссией трехосного полноприводного автомобиля, даны рекомендации по ее структуре и сформулированы предлагаемые для использования в ней законы регулирования. Кроме этого приведены результаты апробации предложенных решений, полученные в результате проведенных численных экспериментов на разработанной математической модели объекта исследований в условиях прямолинейного его движения по недеформируемой опорной поверхности. DOI: 10.7463/aplts.0415.081226

    Development of encapsulated extracts on the basis of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in the composition of functional foods with oncoprotective properties

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    ArticleMeadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a quite common plant throughout the European countries, including Russia. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the meadowsweet are mainly associated with the action of biologically active substances (BAS), in particularly tannins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins, flavonoids, essential oils etc. The main substances with proven clinical effects are salicylates and flavonoids, what allows to consider meadowsweet as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, nootropic, adaptogenic and antihypoxic agent. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of BAS in water and 70% ethyl alcohol extract of F. ulmaria flowers from different regions of Russia and develop their encapsulated forms for further use as an ingredient for functional food products. To increase the shelf life of meadowsweet extracts and create a stable form for their delivery to the human body with various food products, encapsulated forms of extracts in the form of microand nanosized capsules were developed. The method of encapsulation was carried out using a spray dryer. It was shown that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be added to a chicken pate without negative effect on the organoleptic properties of the finished product. The calculation of the cost of the meat product with the complex functional dry mixture showed a slight increase in the cost of the final product compared to the traditional analogue. This study shows that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be used for inclusion in various food products, to ensure the functional properties of food and optimize the population's rations


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    Ruski inozemni turizam poznat je na svjetskom turističkom tržištu. Izvoz turističkih usluga u Rusiju zabranjen je sankcijama za ekonomije mnogih zemalja. U današnje vrijeme prisutne su nove tendencije koje bi trebale radikalno promijeniti strukturu ruskog domaćeg turizma i utjecati na inozemni turizam. Za to postoje vanjski i unutarnji tržišni i politički razlozi. U Rusiji država potiče razvoj domaćeg turizma različitim programima i strategijom njegova razvoja. Poduzetničke aktivnosti, konkurencija, investicija u turizam i turistička infrastruktura također su u porastu. U današnjoj Rusiji vidljiva je promjena od „inozemnog turizma” prema „domaćem turizmu”. Ovo posljednje donosi dodatne prihode ruskim regijama. Sadašnja ekonomska i politička situacija doprinosi tom procesu. Pad prihoda uzrokovan ekonomskom krizom prisiljava Ruse da manje putuju u inozemstvo, a raste broj putnika u domaće jeftinije destinacije. Suočena s ekonomskim sankcijama ruska državna tijela traže unutrašnje investicije i mogućnosti smanjenja troškova uvoza. Počeli su više pažnje posvećivati domaćem turizmu. Pod sloganom „supstitucija uvoza” i „protusankcije” neke restrikcije koje utječu na međunarodni turizam, preferencije prema domaćem turizmu i stimulacija potražnje elaborirane su u ovom radu. Također i restrikcije inozemnog turizma kao i zabrana stranim kompanijama da djeluju na ruskom turističkom tržištu postali su politički faktor. Pad ruskog inozemnog turizma jača konkurenciju među svojim destinacijama, a povezano je i s Republikom Hrvatskom. Broj ruskih turista u Hrvatskoj pada iz godine u godinu. S jedne strane to može imati negativan utjecaj na hrvatsko turističko tržište, a s druge strane može otvoriti nove mogućnosti za pronalaženje načina da se privuče više posjetitelja iz Hrvatske. Smatramo da to može biti u interesu Hrvatske.Russian outbound tourism is well noticed in the World Tourist Market. Exporting tourist services to Russia has been the boon for the economies of many countries. Nowadays new tendencies are being revealed which should radically change the structure of Russian national tourism and influence the International tourism. There are outer and inner, market and political reasons for that. In Russia the government supports the inner and inbound tourism by means of programs and the strategy of its development. Entrepreneurial activities, competition, investment in tourism and tourist infrastructure are growing as well. In nowadays Russia the shift from “The industry of outbound tourism” to “The industry of national tourism” is well seen. The latter brings additional revenues to Russian regions. Current economic and political situation is contributing to this process. The economic-crisis-related decline in incomes pushes Russians to travel abroad less and instead increases the number of travelers within the country to cheaper destinations. Facing economic sanctions Russian authorities search for inner investment and the possibilities to reduce the cost of import. They started paying more attention to inner tourism. Under the slogans of “import-substitution” and “counter-sanctions” some restrictions on outbound tourism, preferences for the national tourism industry, and stimulation of consumers’ demand were elaborated in this paper. Also the outbound tourism restrictions, prohibition for some foreign companies to act on Russian tourist market became a political factor. The decline of Russian outbound tourism strengthens the competition among its destinations. It is related to Republic of Croatia. The number of Russian visitors to Croatia declines from year to year. On the one hand it may have negative influence on Croatian tourist market, on the other – it opens new possibilities to find ways to attract more visitors from Russia. We suppose that it may be in the interest of Croatia

    On Two Models of the Light Pulse Delay in a Saturable Absorber

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    A comparative analysis of two approaches to description of the light modulation pulse delay in a saturable absorber is presented. According to the simplest model, the delay of the optical pulse is a result of distortion of its shape due to absorption self-modulation in the nonlinear medium. The second model of the effect, proposed at the beginning of our century, connects the pulse delay with the so-called "slow light" resulting from the group velocity reduction under conditions of the coherent population oscillations. It is shown that all the known experimental data on the light pulse delay in saturable absorbers can be comprehensively described in the framework of the simplest model of saturable absorber and do not require invoking the effect of coherent population oscillations with spectral hole-burning and anomalous modifications of the light group velocity. It is concluded that the effect of group velocity reduction under conditions of coherent population oscillations has not received so far any experimental confirmation, and the assertions about real observation of the "slow light" based on this mechanism are groundless.Comment: Regretfully, the journal version of the paper (in Optics and Spectroscopy) appeared to be strongly corrupted due to ignorant editing. In particular, "coherent population oscillations" (CPO) was replaced by "population coherent oscillations" (PCO), "bleaching" - by "clearing", and "bleachable absorber " - by "clearable absorber". Here we present original version of the pape

    Vilna governors (1864-1917): construction of historical myths and reality

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    The article discusses the mythologization in the Soviet historiography of the image of the pre-revolutionary governor. It is shown that for an objective assessment of this category of officials, it is necessary to reveal their real socio-cultural appearance. A mechanism for such an analysis is proposed using the example of Vilna governors (1864-1917) for key positions (educational level, origin, religion, age, marital status, career).В статье рассматривается мифологизация в советской историографии образа дореволюционного губернатора. Показано, что для объективной оценки этой категории чиновников необходимо раскрыть их реальный социокультурный облик. Предлагается механизм подобного анализа на примере виленских губернаторов (1864-1917 гг.) по ключевым позициям (образовательный уровень, происхождение, вероисповедание, возраст, семейное положение, карьера)