234 research outputs found

    Lattice QCD meets experiment in hadron physics

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    We review recent results in lattice QCD from numerical simulations that allow for a much more realistic QCD vacuum than has been possible before. Comparison with experiment for a variety of hadronic quantities gives agreement to within statistical and systematic errors of 3%. We discuss the implications of this for future calculations in lattice QCD, particularly those which will provide input for B factory experiments.Comment: Review talk at HADRON2003, Aschaffenberg, Germany, September 200

    B_s Mesons using Staggered Light Quarks

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    Last year we proposed using staggered fermions as the light quarks, combined with nonrelativistic heavy quarks, in simulations of heavy-light mesons. A first round of tests which focuses on the B_s meson has been completed using quenched lattices, and results are presented here for the kinetic B_s mass, the B_s^* - B_s splitting, and f_{B_s}. The next project, already underway, is to compute the B and B_s decay constants and spectra on the n_f = 2+1 and 3 MILC lattices. We report on progress with one set of these configurations.Comment: Talk presented by M.W. at Lattice2002(heavyquark

    D→KlνD \rightarrow Kl{\nu} semileptonic decay using lattice QCD with HISQ at physical pion masses

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    The quark flavor sector of the Standard Model is a fertile ground to look for new physics effects through a unitarity test of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. We present a lattice QCD calculation of the scalar and the vector form factors (over a large q2q^2 region including q2=0q^2 = 0) associated with the D→KlνD \rightarrow Kl{\nu} semi-leptonic decay. This calculation will then allow us to determine the central CKM matrix element, VcsV_{cs} in the Standard Model, by comparing the lattice QCD results for the form factors and the experimental decay rate. This form factor calculation has been performed on the Nf=2+1+1N_f =2+1+1 MILC HISQ ensembles with the physical light quark masses.Comment: Proceedings for the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2017), 8 pages, 5 figure

    Taste-Changing in Staggered Quarks

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    We present results from a systematic perturbative investigation of taste-changing in improved staggered quarks. We show one-loop taste-changing interactions can be removed perturbatively by an effective four-quark term and calculate the necessary coefficients.Comment: 3 pages using espcrc2.sty and amsmath.sty, 1 Feynman diagram using feynmp.sty for Lattice2002(improve

    B semileptonic decays with 2+1 dynamical quark flavors

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    We study semileptonic B decays, using MILC dynamical configurations with Nf=2+1N_f=2+1. NRQCD heavy and AsqTad light quark actions are used. We obtain the semileptonic form factors f+(q2)f_+(q^2) and f0(q2)f_0(q^2) in the chiral limit.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, talk presented at Lattice 2005 (Heavy quark physics

    Light meson form factors at high Q2Q^2 from lattice QCD

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    Measurements and theoretical calculations of meson form factors are essential for our understanding of internal hadron structure and QCD, the dynamics that bind the quarks in hadrons. The pion electromagnetic form factor has been measured at small space-like momentum transfer ∣q2∣<0.3|q^2| < 0.3~GeV2^2 by pion scattering from atomic electrons and at values up to 2.52.5~GeV2^2 by scattering electrons from the pion cloud around a proton. On the other hand, in the limit of very large (or infinite) Q2=−q2Q^2=-q^2, perturbation theory is applicable. This leaves a gap in the intermediate Q2Q^2 where the form factors are not known. As a part of their 12 GeV upgrade Jefferson Lab will measure pion and kaon form factors in this intermediate region, up to Q2Q^2 of 66~GeV2^2. This is then an ideal opportunity for lattice QCD to make an accurate prediction ahead of the experimental results. Lattice QCD provides a from-first-principles approach to calculate form factors, and the challenge here is to control the statistical and systematic uncertainties as errors grow when going to higher Q2Q^2 values. Here we report on a calculation that tests the method using an ηs\eta_s meson, a 'heavy pion' made of strange quarks, and also present preliminary results for kaon and pion form factors. We use the nf=2+1+1n_f=2+1+1 ensembles made by the MILC collaboration and Highly Improved Staggered Quarks, which allows us to obtain high statistics. The HISQ action is also designed to have small discretisation errors. Using several light quark masses and lattice spacings allows us to control the chiral and continuum extrapolation and keep systematic errors in check.Comment: Presented at Lattice 2017, the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory at Granada, Spain (18-24 June 2017

    Progress Calculating Decay Constants with NRQCD and AsqTad Actions

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    We combine a light AsqTad antiquark with a nonrelativistic heavy quark to compute the decay constants of heavy-light pseudoscalar mesons using the ensemble of 3-flavor gauge field configurations generated by the MILC collaboration. Preliminary results for fBsf_{B_s} and fDsf_{D_s} are given and status of the chiral extrapolation to fBf_B is reported. We also touch upon results of the perturbative calculation which matches matrix elements in the effective theory to the full theory at 1-loop order.Comment: Talk delivered at Lattice2003(heavy), 3 page

    Nonperturbative tests of the renormalization of mixed clover-staggered currents in lattice QCD

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    The Fermilab Lattice and MILC collaborations have shown in one-loop lattice QCD perturbation theory that the renormalization constants of vector and axial-vector mixed clover-asqtad currents are closely related to the product of those for clover-clover and asqtad-asqtad (local) vector currents. To be useful for future higher precision calculations this relationship must be valid beyond one-loop and very general. We test its validity nonperturbatively using clover and Highly Improved Staggered (HISQ) strange quarks, utilising the absolute normalization of the HISQ temporal axial current. We find that the renormalization of the mixed current differs from the square root of the product of the pure HISQ and pure clover currents by 2−3%. We also compare discretization errors between the clover and HISQ formalisms
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