10 research outputs found

    Preface: Language Change and the New Millennium

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    All linguists, at some time in their studies, run headlong into fundamental issues associated with language change, and I could not celebrate the ESJ 12th anniversary without investigating the English Language of the New Millennium. Change in languages over time seems to be an inevitable constant. All languages have undergone and, if not dead, are undergoing change. As Ferdinand de Saussure put it more than a century ago, “the linguistic river never stops flowing” (Course in General Linguistics, 1916:110). The English language has been no exception and continues to be widely discussed from different areas or branches of linguistics, such as generative, historical, variationist or corpus linguistics. There is, however, much that still needs to be investigated

    Language Change, New Millennium, and the Watershed in the Use of English

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    We all agree that language, like any living being, undergoes constant change and evolution to adapt to the needs of its users. Therefore, the English Language being a Lingua Franca is not an exception, and it keeps pace more than other languages in the world with cutting edge developments in all areas of human life with its primary function of effective communication in professional as well as ordinary real-life situations. The development of English as an International Language has become more noticeable since the beginning of globalization. Furthermore, it leads to the definition of Global English(es) and is even more vivid after digitalization in which its significant role and existential function are now unquestionable. Moreover, it is the best communication tool for global citizens, individuals equipped with 21st century skills uniting under one common goal of making the world a better place to live via sharing and exchanging knowledge and expertise, as well as collaborating and cooperating more than ever before, using this powerful weapon connecting us all - English. With this thematic literature review, based on synchronic and diachronic linguistics, the two authors reconstruct and highlight expeditious changes and turning points undergone by the English Language, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the conclusion, a summary of the key findings taken from the literature were given, and their significance were emphasised, as many changes in vocabulary are in order (abbreviations, simultaneous conversations, new uses, new structures, popularised health communication), especially in how they reflect a new language need to express the dynamism of current global challenges

    Reaching italian Audiance: Cultural and Linguistic Transfers in Audiovisual Translation. The Case of Slumdog Millionaire

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    Questo lavoro muove dalla semiotica della traduzione audiovisiva per analizzare le principali strategie attraverso cui l’alterità culturale viene verbalizzata, filtrata e organizzata nella coscienza del traduttore. Partendo dal modello teorico di Even Zohar (1976) e dai concetti trattati da Venuti (1998) di addomesticamento e di estraniamento, proverò a svelare e a discutere nuovi metodi di ricerca riguardanti il potenziale traduttivo dei film. Attraverso l’analisi di Slumdog Millionaire (D. Boyle: 2008), sui piani del doppiaggio e della sottotitolazione interlinguistica, prenderò in considerazione una serie di questioni riguardanti l’atteggiamento degli italiani verso l’inglese indiano ed esplorerò la possibilità di applicare il mio modello alla didattica della lingua inglese.This paper draws upon the semiotics of audiovisual translation to analyse the main strategies through which the cultural Other is verbalized, filtered and arranged through the consciousness of the translator. Starting from Even-Zohar’s theoretical framework (1976), and Venuti’s concepts of domestication and foreignization (1998), I will try to unveil and discuss new research methodologies relating to the translation potential of films. Through the analysis of the film Slumdog Millionaire (D. Boyle: 2008), on the levels of dubbing and interlingual subtitling, I will consider a number of issues that relate to the Italian attitude towards Indian English and I will also explore the applicability of my model in English language teaching

    Mastering reading strategies in english for psychological studies: some examples of good practice

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    L’articolo mette in luce la natura della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica attraverso test psicologici, e in particolare attraverso la liberazione da blocchi espressivi da parte degli studenti, poiché fornisce materiale utile da applicare all’insegnamento dell’Inglese a studenti di Psicologia. Gli obiettivi di un corso così strutturato sono: lavorare sul lessico scientifico, attraverso lo studio dei processi di formazione delle parole e l’interpretazione delle metafore scientifiche, che di solito hanno come scopo grande chiarezza, precisione e concretezza. Le risorse elettroniche (dizionari online, glossari, riviste scientifiche, e video, fra le altre cose) possono fornire materiali di riferimento utili per la ricerca e uno speciale input visivo che aiuta a catturare l’attenzione degli studenti e che permette loro di partecipare più attivamente alle attività programmate e svolte in grandi classi. Lo scopo ultimo è quello di preparare gli studenti ad un apprendimento permanente dell’inglese, nonché far acquisire loro una competenza linguistica finalizzata alla futura professione.The paper outlines the nature of Neuro-Linguistic Programming through psychological testing, and in particular through the unlocking of students’ self-expression, with its fascinating material when teaching English to students of psychology. The aims of such a course are: to work on scientific lexicon, through the study of word-formation processes, and to exploit scientific metaphors, frequently aimed at high clarity, precision, and concreteness. Internet resources (online dictionaries, thesauri, journals, videos, among others) can provide reference materials useful for research and a special visual input that helps attract students’ attention and lets them react more actively to the activities set up and carried out in large classes. Goals are set to prepare students for continuing studies in English, and for English language competency at work that is career-specific

    Importance of Integrating Effective Teaching Methods in Business English Classroom

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    The paper will highlight the importance of integrating effective teaching methods in teaching English for Specific Purposes, in particular Business English. Based on the survey, where 48 BE instructors participated from different countries, the article will demonstrate the significance of Lexical Approach, Task-Based and Project-based Learning by evaluating the outcomes of integrating them in teaching practice and beyond. The results once again confirmed the hypothesis. The survey consisted of both open and close-ended questions and aimed at voicing the opinion of BE Course Instructors globally. The target audience was exposed to the above-mentioned teaching methods. At the same time, the survey provides recommendations for beginner BE Lecturers on how to ensure maximal approximation to the authentic environment via practicing most useful teaching methods and making the learning process more result-driven, engaging and enjoyable

    Importance of Integrating Effective Teaching Methods in Business English Classroom

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    The paper will highlight the importance of integrating effective teaching methods in teaching English for Specific Purposes, in particular Business English. Based on the survey, where 48 BE instructors participated from different countries, the article will demonstrate the significance of Lexical Approach, Task-Based and Project-based Learning by evaluating the outcomes of integrating them in teaching practice and beyond. The results once again confirmed the hypothesis. The survey consisted of both open and close-ended questions and aimed at voicing the opinion of BE Course Instructors globally. The target audience was exposed to the above-mentioned teaching methods. At the same time, the survey provides recommendations for beginner BE Lecturers on how to ensure maximal approximation to the authentic environment via practicing most useful teaching methods and making the learning process more result-driven, engaging and enjoyable

    The Importance of Integrating Effective Teaching Methods in Business English Classroom

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    The paper highlights the importance of integrating effective methods in teaching English for Specific Purposes, in particular Business English.  According to the survey, which includes the contribution from 48 BE instructors worldwide, the article demonstrates the significance of lexical approach, task-based and project-based learning by evaluating the outcomes of integrating them in teaching practice and beyond. The results once again confirmed the hypothesis that task-based learning, lexical approach and project-based learning are the most effective teaching methods in BE classroom. The survey consisted of both open and close-ended questions and aimed at voicing the opinion of BE Course Instructors globally. The target audience was exposed to the above-mentioned teaching methods.  At the same time, the survey provides recommendations for novice BE Lecturers on how to ensure maximal approximation to the authentic environment via practicing most useful teaching methods and making the learning process more result-driven, engaging and enjoyable.&nbsp

    L’acquisizione dell’inglese da parte di apprendenti italiani in contesti non guidati: l’errore linguistico in età prescolare

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    Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, la ricerca su ELT si è concentrata sul ruolo delle nuove tecnologie nell’apprendimento, considerando tutte le forme di social media, cartoni animati e video giochi, in quanto tali materiali possono mantenere alti i livelli di interesse, sostenendo così la motivazione. In particolare, i cartoni presentano una combinazione di linguaggio verbale e non verbale, offrendo la possibilità di sviluppare diversi livelli di analisi, favorendo sia un approccio linguistico sia uno culturale. Gli effetti positivi dei cartoni sull’apprendimento sono stati comprovati da diverse ricerche, ma questo contesto di riferimenti deve essere ridefinito se si prende in considerazione l’apprendimento in età prescolare. Al fine di analizzare un apprendimento che è sia formale sia informale, la presente ricerca considererà gli effetti che diverse tipologie di cartoni hanno sull’apprendimento della lingua inglese per la valutazione delle abilità di speaking, la conoscenza del lessico e la motivazione, prestando particolare attenzione al ruolo dell’errore linguistico. Over the past decades, ELT research has focused on the role of ICT in learning, considering all the forms of social media, cartoons, and videogames, since they can maintain high levels of interest, thus sustaining motivation. In particular, cartoons present a combination of verbal and nonverbal language, offering the opportunity to develop different levels of analysis, favouring a linguistic focus and a cultural one. The positive effects of cartoons on learning are proved by several researches, but this background of references must be re-structured if preschool children’s learning is considered. In order to analyse a learning that is both formal and informal, the present research will muse on the effects that different typology of cartoons have on English learning process in order to assess speaking skills, vocabulary knowledge, and motivation, paying specific attention to the role played by errors/mistakes

    A pathway in vocational education in English language to enhance students’ curricula in Italy and in Spain

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    This comparative study analyzes the vocational training regulations and practicesin Italy and in Spain and it searches for the opportunities to look for a better coherenceto vocational training in both countries through a fruitful exchange of good practices. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Italian andSpanish legislation in use for the PCTO in Italy and FP Dual in Spain, in order to drawuseful modules for the continuous improvement of programs regarding the vocational guidance in high schools. This comparative analysis contributes to the understanding of how educational policies can promote a more effective transition of students from school to the world of work, fostering the development of practical skills and improving the employability of young people in both countries. The two PCTO projects describedshow how using CLIL methodology, helps students to use and to improve their English language communication (L2) with classmates, tutors and supervisors. Additionally,the use of the Flipped Classroom approach significantly enhances studentspractical learning skills. Questo studio comparativo analizza le normative e le prassi in materia di formazione professionale in Italia e in Spagna e analizza le opportunità per una maggiore coerenza della formazione professionale in entrambi i Paesi attraverso un proficuo scambio di buone pratiche.L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di fornire una panoramica completa della legislazione italiana e spagnola in uso rispettivamente per il PCTO in Italia e per la FPDual in Spagna, al fine di tracciare elementi utili per il miglioramento continuo dei programmi di orientamento professionale nelle scuole superiori. Questa analisi comparativa contribuisce alla comprensione di come le politiche educative possano promuovere una transizione più efficace degli studenti dalla scuola al mondo del lavoro, favorendolo sviluppo di competenze pratiche e migliorando l’occupabilità dei giovani in entrambi i paesi. I due progetti PCTO descritti mostrano come l’utilizzo della metodologia CLIL aiuti gli studenti a utilizzare e migliorare la loro conoscenza della lingua inglese(L2) nella comunicazione con compagni, tutor e supervisori. Inoltre, l’uso dell’approccio Flipped Classroom migliora significativamente le capacità di apprendimentopratico degli studenti

    The Role of Needs Analysis in English for Academic Purposes in Higher Education

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    Despite the established importance of English worldwide, and notwithstanding the fact that in expanding circle countries (defined as expanding or extending circle countries those countries where English is used as a foreign language), English for Academic Purposes plays an increasingly important role. Studies on the linguistic needs of university students are still lacking their perspective, at least in Italy, where students studying English language in Higher Education institutions are expected to gain access to the discourses of the academia via language competence. For this reason, the present paper reviews the theoretical and practical bases of English for Academic Purposes in order to provide further thought-provoking ideas based on a study carried out in the Italian university context. As far as method is concerned, due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the study was conducted through Google Forms. The results of the authors’ questionnaire model are presented and analysed for the purpose of this research. Findings demonstrate both the complex network of elements that play a significant role in determining the needs of EAP students in Italy, and the unavoidable necessity to set priorities. It is a fact that needs in a learner-centred system are not static. In addition, learning EAP is bound to mean learning to be an independent learner