1 research outputs found

    Effect Of Adding Unconventional Raw Materials On The Technological Properties Of Rice Fresh Pasta

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    The aim of this study was to develop fettuccini type rice fresh pasta by cold extrusion. To produce the pasta, a 22 Central Composite Rotational Design was used, in which the effects of the addition of pre-gelatinized rice flour - PGRF (0-60%) and modified egg albumin - MEA (0-10%) were studied. The dependent variables were the results of the cooking test and of the instrumental texture. The optimum cooking time for all of the formulations of rice fresh pasta was 3 minutes. MEA had a greater effect on increasing the weight of the pasta when compared to that of PGRF. It was found that with the addition of PGRF increase in loss of solids in cooking water, whereas MEA exerted the opposite effect on this parameter. Moreover, the maximum value of MEA (10%) had an optimum effect on pasta firmness, while PGRF had a negative effect on this parameter. The maximum values of PGRF and MEA reduced the stickiness of the pasta. Based on these results and on the parameters considered as most important, the rice pasta with the best technological characteristics was that with the maximum levels of MEA (10%) and no addition of PGRF (0%). This product was submitted to sensory and microbiological analyses, with good results.332257264Alamprese, C., Casiraghi, E., Rossi, M., Modeling of fresh egg pasta characteristics for egg content and albumen to yolk ratio (2009) Journal of Food Engineering, 93, pp. 302-307. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2009.01.025Alamprese, C., Casiraghi, E., Rossi, R., Effects of housing system and age of laying hens on egg performance in fresh pasta production: Pasta cooking behaviour (2011) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91, pp. 910-914. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.4264, PMid:21384359(2011) Approved Methods of Analysis, , AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CEREAL CHEMISTS - AACC, 11th ed. 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