5,225 research outputs found

    Towards Better Tools to Support Mixed Methods in Game User Research

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    Positive Ageing: Elements and factors for design

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    Copyright © 2015 ACM. A significant number of models and frameworks have introduced, and been used to support, positive approaches to ageing. They include Successful Ageing, Active Ageing and Ageing in Place, among others. The number of models can create confusion for technology designers who wish to incorporate such models into practice. This paper reviews different models of positive ageing in order to distil a comprehensive list of elements and factors that are important to, and supportive of, positive ageing. This list offers designers a useful source for considering the design of technology to support positive ageing. Finally, we discuss some gaps found in existing models and offer some insights into how designers could use this paper as a resource for design

    Estimation of Scalar Field Distribution in the Fourier Domain

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    In this paper we consider the problem of estimation of scalar field distribution collected from noisy measurements. The field is modelled as a sum of Fourier components/modes, where the number of modes retained and estimated determines in a natural way the approximation quality. An algorithm for estimating the modes using an online optimization approach is presented, under the assumption that the noisy measurements are quantized. The algorithm can estimate time-varying fields through the introduction of a forgetting factor. Simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Hematological response in sheep given protracted exposures to Co 60 gamma radiation

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    Leukocyte count changes in sheep after prolonged exposure to gamma irradiation at rate of 1.9 R/h

    Bioinformatics for Membrane Lipid Simulations: Models, Computational Methods, and Web Server Tools

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    Biological membranes are complex environments consisting of different types of lipids and membrane proteins. The structure of a lipid bilayer is typically difficult to study because the membrane liquid crystalline state is made up of multiple disordered lipid molecules. This complicates the description of the lipid membrane properties by the conformation of any single lipid molecule. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used extensively to investigate properties of membrane lipids, lipid vesicles, and membrane protein systems. All-atom membrane models can elucidate detailed contacts between membrane proteins and its surrounding lipids, while united-atom and coarse-grained description have allowed larger models and longer timescales up to microsecond mark to be probed. Additionally, membrane models with mixed phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide content have made it possible to model improved views of biological membranes. Here, we present an overview of commonly used lipid force fields by the biosimulation community, useful tools for membrane MD simulations, and recent advances in membrane simulations

    Mapping the Universe Expansion: Enabling percent-level measurements of the Hubble Constant with a single binary neutron-star merger detection

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    The joint observation of the gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signal from the binary neutron-star merger GW170817 allowed for a new independent measurement of the Hubble constant H0H_0, albeit with an uncertainty of about 15\% at 1σ\sigma. Observations of similar sources with a network of future detectors will allow for more precise measurements of H0H_0. These, however, are currently largely limited by the intrinsic degeneracy between the luminosity distance and the inclination of the source in the gravitational-wave signal. We show that the higher-order modes in gravitational waves can be used to break this degeneracy in astrophysical parameter estimation in both the inspiral and post-merger phases of a neutron star merger. We show that for systems at distances similar to GW170817, this method enables percent-level measurements of H0H_0 with a single detection. This would permit the study of time variations and spatial anisotropies of H0H_0 with unprecedented precision. We investigate how different network configurations affect measurements of H0H_0, and discuss the implications in terms of science drivers for the proposed 2.5- and third-generation gravitational-wave detectors. Finally, we show that the precision of H0H_0 measured with these future observatories will be solely limited by redshift measurements of electromagnetic counterparts

    Multipartite entanglement in quantum spin chains

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    We study the occurrence of multipartite entanglement in spin chains. We show that certain genuine multipartite entangled states, namely W states, can be obtained as ground states of simple XX type ferromagnetic spin chains in a transverse magnetic field, for any number of sites. Moreover, multipartite entanglement is proven to exist even at finite temperatures. A transition from a product state to a multipartite entangled state occurs when decreasing the magnetic field to a critical value. Adiabatic passage through this point can thus lead to the generation of multipartite entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Self-irradiation enhanced tritium solubility in hydrogenated amorphous and crystalline silicon

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    Experimental results on tritium effusion, along with the tritium depth profiles, from hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and crystalline silicon (c-Si) tritiated in tritium (T2) gas at various temperatures and pressures are presented. The results indicate that tritium incorporation is a function of the material microstructure of the as-grown films, rather than the tritium exposure condition. The highest tritium concentration obtained is for a-Si:H deposited at a substrate temperature of 200°C. The tritium content is about 20 at. % on average with a penetration depth of about 50 nm. In contrast, tritium occluded in the c-Si is about 4 at. % with penetration depth of about 10 nm. The tritium concentration observed in a-Si:H and c-Si is much higher than the reported results for the post-hydrogenation process. β irradiation appears to catalyze the tritiation process and enhance tritium dissolution in the silicon matrix. The combination of tritium decay and β-induced ionizations results in formation of reactive species of tritium (tritium atoms, radicals, and ions) that readily adsorb on silicon. The electron bombardment of the silicon surface and subsurface renders it chemically active thereby promoting surface adsorption and subsurface diffusion of tritium, thus leading to tritium occlusion in the silicon matrix. Gaussian deconvolution of tritium effusion spectra yields two peaks for a-Si:H films tritiated at high temperature (250°C), one low temperature (LT) peak which is attributed to tritiated clusters and higher order tritides, and another high temperature peak which is attributed to monotritides. Activation energy of 2.6-4.0 eV for the LT peak was found. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

    Seasonal and spatial dynamics of the primary vector of plasmodium knowlesi within a major transmission focus in Sabah, Malaysia

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    Background The simian malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi is emerging as a public health problem in Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysian Borneo where it now accounts for the greatest burden of malaria cases and deaths. Control is hindered by limited understanding of the ecology of potential vector species. Methodology/Principal Findings We conducted a one year longitudinal study of P. knowlesi vectors in three sites within an endemic area of Sabah, Malaysia. All mosquitoes were captured using human landing catch. Anopheles mosquitoes were dissected to determine, oocyst, sporozoites and parous rate. Anopheles balabacensis is confirmed as the primary vector of. P. knowlesi (using nested PCR) in Sabah for the first time. Vector densities were significantly higher and more seasonally variable in the village than forest or small scale farming site. However An. balabacensis survival and P. knowlesi infection rates were highest in forest and small scale farm sites. Anopheles balabacensis mostly bites humans outdoors in the early evening between 1800 to 2000hrs. Conclusions/Significance This study indicates transmission is unlikely to be prevented by bednets. This combined with its high vectorial capacity poses a threat to malaria elimination programmes within the region. Author Summary The first natural infection of Plasmodium knowlesi was reported 40 years ago. At that time it was perceived that the infection would not affect humans. However, now P. knowlesi is the predominant malaria species (38% of the cases) infecting people in Malaysia and is a notable obstacle to malaria elimination in the country. Plasmodium knowlesi has also been reported from all countries in Southeast Asia with the exception of Lao PDR and Timor Leste. In Sabah, Malaysian Borneo cases of human P. knowlesi are increasing. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of the bionomics of the vectors is required so as to enable proper control strategies. Here, we conducted a longitudinal study in Kudat district, Sabah, to determine and characterize the vectors of P. knowlesi within this transmission foci. Anopheles balabacensis was the predominant mosquito in all study sites and is confirmed as vector for P. knowlesi and other simian malaria parasites. The peak biting time was in the early part of the evening between1800 to 2000. Thus, breaking the chain of transmission is an extremely challenging task for the malaria elimination programme

    BOSS-LDG: A Novel Computational Framework that Brings Together Blue Waters, Open Science Grid, Shifter and the LIGO Data Grid to Accelerate Gravitational Wave Discovery

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    We present a novel computational framework that connects Blue Waters, the NSF-supported, leadership-class supercomputer operated by NCSA, to the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Data Grid via Open Science Grid technology. To enable this computational infrastructure, we configured, for the first time, a LIGO Data Grid Tier-1 Center that can submit heterogeneous LIGO workflows using Open Science Grid facilities. In order to enable a seamless connection between the LIGO Data Grid and Blue Waters via Open Science Grid, we utilize Shifter to containerize LIGO's workflow software. This work represents the first time Open Science Grid, Shifter, and Blue Waters are unified to tackle a scientific problem and, in particular, it is the first time a framework of this nature is used in the context of large scale gravitational wave data analysis. This new framework has been used in the last several weeks of LIGO's second discovery campaign to run the most computationally demanding gravitational wave search workflows on Blue Waters, and accelerate discovery in the emergent field of gravitational wave astrophysics. We discuss the implications of this novel framework for a wider ecosystem of Higher Performance Computing users.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Accepted as a Full Research Paper to the 13th IEEE International Conference on eScienc