19 research outputs found

    Autonomous navigation with deadlock detection and avoidance

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    This paper studies alternatives to solve the problem of autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown indoor environments. The navigation system uses fuzzy logic to combine the information obtained from range sensors and the navigational data to plan the robot鈥檚 movements. The strategy is built upon five modules: i) target following, ii) obstacle avoidance, iii) possible path, iv) deadlock detection and v) wall following. Given a possible path and obstacles near the environment of the robot, the controller will modulate the output velocity in order to go to the target and avoid collisions. In case of dead lock situations, a method that enables the robot to detect, escape and reach the target is proposed. The performance and behavior of the proposed navigational system was evaluated through simulations in different conditions, where the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with previous results.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Autonomous navigation with deadlock detection and avoidance

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    This paper studies alternatives to solve the problem of autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown indoor environments. The navigation system uses fuzzy logic to combine the information obtained from range sensors and the navigational data to plan the robot鈥檚 movements. The strategy is built upon five modules: i) target following, ii) obstacle avoidance, iii) possible path, iv) deadlock detection and v) wall following. Given a possible path and obstacles near the environment of the robot, the controller will modulate the output velocity in order to go to the target and avoid collisions. In case of dead lock situations, a method that enables the robot to detect, escape and reach the target is proposed. The performance and behavior of the proposed navigational system was evaluated through simulations in different conditions, where the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with previous results.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    A cellular automata to model epidemics

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    Compartmental models are very popular in epidemiology, they provide excellent results when the populations satisfy certain hypotheses as large population size or population homogeneity, the complexity of this models is low making their analysis intuitive. In the other hand, they ignore important factors inherent to the problem, such as the nature of contacts between individuals and population heterogeneity. Cellular automata models are adequate to describe natural systems consisting of a massive collection of simple objects. They represent the global system behavior as a colection of simpler objects or cells. In this paper we propouse a cellular automata model to study the time evolution of a heterogeneous population through the various stages of disease resulting from the individuals interactions (epidemic). We validate the model with real data of flu that hit Geneva (Switzerland) in 1918 and then we will test the model under different assumptions discussing the result that each has on the disease dynamics.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    A cellular automata to model epidemics

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    Compartmental models are very popular in epidemiology, they provide excellent results when the populations satisfy certain hypotheses as large population size or population homogeneity, the complexity of this models is low making their analysis intuitive. In the other hand, they ignore important factors inherent to the problem, such as the nature of contacts between individuals and population heterogeneity. Cellular automata models are adequate to describe natural systems consisting of a massive collection of simple objects. They represent the global system behavior as a colection of simpler objects or cells. In this paper we propouse a cellular automata model to study the time evolution of a heterogeneous population through the various stages of disease resulting from the individuals interactions (epidemic). We validate the model with real data of flu that hit Geneva (Switzerland) in 1918 and then we will test the model under different assumptions discussing the result that each has on the disease dynamics.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    A cellular automata to model epidemics

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    Compartmental models are very popular in epidemiology, they provide excellent results when the populations satisfy certain hypotheses as large population size or population homogeneity, the complexity of this models is low making their analysis intuitive. In the other hand, they ignore important factors inherent to the problem, such as the nature of contacts between individuals and population heterogeneity. Cellular automata models are adequate to describe natural systems consisting of a massive collection of simple objects. They represent the global system behavior as a colection of simpler objects or cells. In this paper we propouse a cellular automata model to study the time evolution of a heterogeneous population through the various stages of disease resulting from the individuals interactions (epidemic). We validate the model with real data of flu that hit Geneva (Switzerland) in 1918 and then we will test the model under different assumptions discussing the result that each has on the disease dynamics.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Autonomous navigation with deadlock detection and avoidance

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    This paper studies alternatives to solve the problem of autonomous mobile robots navigation in unknown indoor environments. The navigation system uses fuzzy logic to combine the information obtained from range sensors and the navigational data to plan the robot鈥檚 movements. The strategy is built upon five modules: i) target following, ii) obstacle avoidance, iii) possible path, iv) deadlock detection and v) wall following. Given a possible path and obstacles near the environment of the robot, the controller will modulate the output velocity in order to go to the target and avoid collisions. In case of dead lock situations, a method that enables the robot to detect, escape and reach the target is proposed. The performance and behavior of the proposed navigational system was evaluated through simulations in different conditions, where the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated and compared with previous results.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Desarrollo e implementaci贸n de un dispositivo de adquisici贸n y almacenamiento de sonidos para ganader铆a de precisi贸n

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    El monitoreo preciso de las actividades alimentarias de los rumiantes (rumia y pastoreo) es un importante indicador de su salud y bienestar. Un buen seguimiento en la dieta repercute de manera directa en la calidad y cantidad de la leche y carne producidas por el animal. En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo e implementaci贸n de un dispositivo de adquisici贸n y almacenamiento de se帽ales para el monitoreo de actividades alimentarias en ganado bovino. Dicho dispositivo tiene por objetivo captar los sonidos producidos por los animales durante su alimentaci贸n, sin interferir en su comportamiento normal y sin intervenci贸n del operador. El sistema propuesto consta de tres m贸dulos: i) un m贸dulo de adquisici贸n y limpieza del sonido producido por el animal, ii) un m贸dulo de compresi贸n de la se帽al resultante, organizaci贸n y almacenamiento de los datos y iii) un m贸dulo de administraci贸n de la energ铆a. El sistema fue dise帽ado para tener una autonom铆a de una semana y soportar las condiciones operacionales presentes en el campo de aplicaci贸n, como son la presencia de ruidos y condiciones clim谩ticas adversas.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Desarrollo e implementaci贸n de un dispositivo de adquisici贸n y almacenamiento de sonidos para ganader铆a de precisi贸n

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    El monitoreo preciso de las actividades alimentarias de los rumiantes (rumia y pastoreo) es un importante indicador de su salud y bienestar. Un buen seguimiento en la dieta repercute de manera directa en la calidad y cantidad de la leche y carne producidas por el animal. En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo e implementaci贸n de un dispositivo de adquisici贸n y almacenamiento de se帽ales para el monitoreo de actividades alimentarias en ganado bovino. Dicho dispositivo tiene por objetivo captar los sonidos producidos por los animales durante su alimentaci贸n, sin interferir en su comportamiento normal y sin intervenci贸n del operador. El sistema propuesto consta de tres m贸dulos: i) un m贸dulo de adquisici贸n y limpieza del sonido producido por el animal, ii) un m贸dulo de compresi贸n de la se帽al resultante, organizaci贸n y almacenamiento de los datos y iii) un m贸dulo de administraci贸n de la energ铆a. El sistema fue dise帽ado para tener una autonom铆a de una semana y soportar las condiciones operacionales presentes en el campo de aplicaci贸n, como son la presencia de ruidos y condiciones clim谩ticas adversas.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO