15,910 research outputs found

    A PDP-15 to industrial-14 interface at the Lewis Research Center's cyclotron

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    An interface (hardware and software) was built which permits the loading, monitoring, and control of a digital equipment industrial-14/30 programmable controller by a PDP-15 computer. The interface utilizes the serial mode for data transfer to and from the controller, so that the required hardware is essentially that of a teletype unit except for the speed of transmission. Software described here permits the user to load binary paper tape, read or load individual controller memory locations, and if desired turn controller outputs on and off directly from the computer

    Radiofrequency testing of satellite segment of simulated 30/20 GHz satellite communications system

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    A laboratory communications system has been developed that can serve as a test bed for the evaluation of advanced microwave (30/20 GHz) components produced under NASA technology programs. The system will ultimately permit the transmission of a stream of high-rate (220 Mbps) digital data from the originating user, through a ground terminal, through a hardware-simulated satellite, to a receiving ground station, to the receiving user. This report contains the results of radiofrequency testing of the satellite portion of that system. Data presented include output spurious responses, attainable signal-to-noise ratios, a baseline power budget, usable frequency bands, phase and amplitude response data for each of the frequency bands, and the effects of power level variation

    Microwave integrated circuits for space applications

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    Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC), which incorporate all the elements of a microwave circuit on a single semiconductor substrate, offer the potential for drastic reductions in circuit weight and volume and increased reliability, all of which make many new concepts in electronic circuitry for space applications feasible, including phased array antennas. NASA has undertaken an extensive program aimed at development of MMICs for space applications. The first such circuits targeted for development were an extension of work in hybrid (discrete component) technology in support of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS). It focused on power amplifiers, receivers, and switches at ACTS frequencies. More recent work, however, focused on frequencies appropriate for other NASA programs and emphasizes advanced materials in an effort to enhance efficiency, power handling capability, and frequency of operation or noise figure to meet the requirements of space systems

    Scattering of 42 MeV /6.7-pJ/ alpha particles from even isotopes of cadmium. Supplement 1 - Absolute cross sections

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    Absolute cross sections for scattering of 42 MeV alpha particles from even isotopes of cadmiu

    Elastic and inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles from even tellurium isotopes

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    Angular distributions of elastic and inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles measured for even tellurium isotope

    Gamma ray angular correlations following inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles from magnesium 24

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    Angular correlation between inelastically scattered alpha particles and gamma rays emitted in subsequent nuclear decay of magnesium 2

    SAVLOC, computer program for automatic control and analysis of X-ray fluorescence experiments

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    A program for a PDP-15 computer is presented which provides for control and analysis of trace element determinations by using X-ray fluorescence. The program simultaneously handles data accumulation for one sample and analysis of data from previous samples. Data accumulation consists of sample changing, timing, and data storage. Analysis requires the locating of peaks in X-ray spectra, determination of intensities of peaks, identification of origins of peaks, and determination of a real density of the element responsible for each peak. The program may be run in either a manual (supervised) mode or an automatic (unsupervised) mode
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