27 research outputs found

    Gnathostomosis in Fish from Tres Palos Lagoon, Guerrero, Mexico

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    Helobdella atli Oceguera-Figueroa & Leon-Regagnon, new species

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    Helobdella atli Oceguera­Figueroa & León­Régagnon, new species External Morphology. Adults are mostly of a white­yellowish color, some of them slightly darker. On the dorsal surface, there is a middorsal line of papillae only found in a 2 and a 3 of each midbody somite. Body margins show small projections in a 2 and a 3 giving the organism a serrated appearance (Fig. 1). Ventral surface white without papillae (Fig. 2). Body length 7.5 mm, maximal width 2.3 mm. (n= 20). Male gonopore situated on XII a 1 /a 2, female gonopore on XII a 2 /a 3. Genital pores separated by a single annulus. Anus located on the dorsal surface at XXVII (Fig. 3). One pair of eyes located on somite IV. A well defined nuchal scute occurs at VIII a 1 /a 2 (Fig. 4). Somites I­II fused. Somites III–IV fused or not well divided. Somite V biannulate, somites VI­XXIV triannulate, somites XXV–XXVI biannulate and somite XXVII uniannulate. Oral sucker somewhat triangular with mouth­pore subterminal. Caudal sucker smooth and directed ventrally in relaxed specimens. Internal Morphology. The mouth pore is located on the anterior margin of the oral sucker. Proboscis in membranous sheath. Salivary cells arranged diffusely in parenchyma in somites XI–XIII. Ductules of the salivary cells forming a bundle inserting into the base of the proboscis in somite XIII. Oesophagus simple, not recurved. Mycetomes absent. Crop provided with six digitiform caeca in somites XIV–XIX; postcaeca or diverticula absent. Intestine with four caeca in somites XX­XXIII, the first two anteriorly directed and the last two pairs laterally directed (Fig. 5). Six pairs of testisacs found intersegmentally from XIII/XIV to XVIII/XIX. Vas deferens with a long posterior extension, sometimes to the last pair of crop caeca in somite XIX. Ovisacs simple, not folded, very large, reaching somite XIX (Fig. 6). Etymology: atl means “water” in Nahuatl, a native dialect of the central region of Mexico, and refers to the environment where the leeches live. Type Locality: Laguna de Totolcingo, Municipio de “El Carmen Tequexquita” Tlaxcala, México. Other localities: Aljojuca, Puebla and Xochimilco, Mexico D.F. Holotype: Colección Nacional de Helmintos (CNHE 5208). Fixed in Formalin 4 % and preserved in 70 % ethanol. Length 6.2mm, width 2.1mm. Paratypes: Colección Nacional de Helmintos. Five specimens (CNHE 5209) one slide (CNHE 5210) American Museum of Natural History (AMNH 5264 annelida)Published as part of Oceguera-Figueroa, Alejandro & Leon-Regagnon, Virginia, 2005, A new freshwater leech species of Helobdella (Annelida: Glossiphoniidae) from central Mexico, pp. 1-8 in Zootaxa 976 on pages 2-6, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17133

    Gorgoderina festoni n. sp. (Digenea: Gorgoderidae) in anurans (Amphibia) from Mexico.

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    Ficha diagnostica del holotipo de Gorgoderina festoni, especie descrita en este protologo

    Gorgoderina festoni n. sp. (Digenea: Gorgoderidae) in anurans (Amphibia) of Mexico.

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    Gorgoderina festoni n. sp. is described from the urinary bladder of Gastrophryne usta, Leptodactylus labialis, L. melanonotus and Bufo marinus from localities at low altitude in the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Colima, Mexico. This species differs from most other species of the genus by a combination of the following characters: lobed vitelline masses, body size 3.45–4.26 (mean 3.75) mm and suckerratio 1:1.3–1.52 (mean 1:1.44). The new species shares these three features with G. bilobata Rankin, 1937, G. schistorchis Steelman, 1938, G. tenua Rankin, 1937, G. vitelliloba (Olsson, 1876) and G. cryptorchis Travassos, 1924, but it differs from the first four in having gonads with entire margins. G. festoni most closely resembles G. cryptorchis, but differs from this species in body width at the level of the ventral sucker and in the absence of oesophageal glands. The autapomorphy that distinguishes G. festoni from all other members of the genus is the presence of a tegumental extension (festoon) on the external margin of the ventral sucker

    Theletrum lamothei sp. nov. (Digenea) parasite of Echidna nocturna from Cujiniquil, Guanacaste, and other digenes of marine fishes from Costa Rica.

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    Ficha diagnostica del holotipo de Theletrum lamothei, especie descrita en este protologo

    Haematoloechus danbrooksi n. sp. (Digenea: Plagiorchioidea) from Rana vaillanti from Los Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico.

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    Ficha diagnostica del holotipo de Haematoloechus danbrooksi, especie descrita en este protologo

    New species of Rhabdias sp. (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae) parasite of Bufo occidentalis (Anura: Bufonidae) from Sierra Madre del Sur, Mexico.

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    Rhabdias kuzmini n. sp., a parasite of the lungs of Bufo occidentalis, is described and illustrated. This Mexican taxon differs from the related species in the genus by the possession of 4 lips (2 subdorsal and 2 subventral) and 2 lateral pseudolabia, corpus not inflated, a larger barrelshaped buccal capsule, equatorial vulva, and the presence of a slightly swollen cuticle in the anterior and posterior ends of the body. This is the 16th species described in the Neotropical Realm and the first species of Rhabdias described from endemic anurans in Mexico

    Rhabdias lamothei n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae) from Leptodeira maculata (Colubridae) in Mexico, including new records of R-fuscovenosa (Railliet, 1899) Goodey, 1924.

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    Rhabdias lamothei n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae) from the lungs of Leptodeira maculata (Colubridae) is described and illustrated. This is the 53 rd species assigned to the genus and the first species described from an endemic snake in Mexico. Rhabdias lamothei differs from all other species by having the combination of the following characters: body coiled, truncated anterior end, 6 lips, equatorial vulvae, esophagus length /body length ratio 8.36–12.46 (10.31%), tail length / body length ratio 4.49–12.28 (6.98 %), and principally by the markedly elongated tail with a sharp terminal point. The geographical distribution of R. fuscovenosa is expanded in 13 localities and 6 new host records are provided

    Glypthelmins poncedeleoni n. sp. (Trematoda: Macroderoididae) of amphibians from the Neotropical region of Mexico.

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    Ficha diagnostica del holotipo de Glypthelmins poncedeleoni, especie descrita en este protologo