20 research outputs found

    Ionic Strength of the Liquid Phase of Different Sludge Streams in a Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    Data from literature were gathered to evaluate the composition of the liquid phase of the different streams in a wastewater treatment plant. Ionic strength were calculated from these data, and then discussed compared to existing literature

    Integrated resource recovery from aerobic granular sludge plants

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    The study evaluated the combined phosphorus, nitrogen, methane, and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) recovery from aerobic granular sludge (AGS) wastewater treatment plants. About 30% of sludge organics are recovered as EPS and 25–30% as methane (≈260 ml methane/g VS) by integrating alkaline anaerobic digestion (AD). It was shown that 20% of excess sludge total phosphorus (TP) ends in the EPS. Further, 20–30% ends in an acidic liquid waste stream (≈600 mg PO4-P/L), and 15% in the AD centrate (≈800 mg PO4-P/L) as ortho-phosphates in both streams and is recoverable via chemical precipitation. 30% of sludge total nitrogen (TN) is recovered as organic nitrogen in the EPS. Ammonium recovery from the alkaline high-temperature liquid stream is attractive, but it is not feasible for existing large-scale technologies because of low ammonium concentration. However, ammonium concentration in the AD centrate was calculated to be 2600 mg NH4-N/L – and ≈20% of TN, making it feasible for recovery. The methodology used in this study consisted of three main steps. The first step was to develop a laboratory protocol mimicking demonstration-scale EPS extraction conditions. The second step was to establish mass balances over the EPS extraction process on laboratory and demonstration scales within a full-scale AGS WWTP. Finally, the feasibility of resource recovery was evaluated based on concentrations, loads, and integration of existing technologies for resource recovery.</p

    Adsorption as a technology to achieve ultra-low concentrations of phosphate: Research gaps and economic analysis

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    Eutrophication and the resulting formation of harmful algal blooms (HAB) causes huge economic and environmental damages. Phosphorus (P) from sewage effluent and agricultural run-off has been identified as a major cause for eutrophication. Phosphorous concentrations greater than 100 μg P/L are usually considered high enough to cause eutrophication. The strictest regulations however aim to restrict the concentration below 10 μg P/L. Orthophosphate (or phosphate) is the bioavailable form of phosphorus. Adsorption is often suggested as technology to reduce phosphate to concentrations less than 100 and even 10 μg P/L with the advantages of a low-footprint, minimal waste generation and the option to recover the phosphate. Although many studies report on phosphate adsorption, there is insufficient information regarding parameters that are necessary to evaluate its application on a large scale. This review discusses the main parameters that affect the economics of phosphate adsorption and highlights the research gaps. A scenario and sensitivity analysis shows the importance of adsorbent regeneration and reuse. The cost of phosphate adsorption using reusable porous metal oxide is in the range of $ 100 to 200/Kg P for reducing the phosphate to ultra-low concentrations. Future research needs to focus on adsorption capacity at low phosphate concentrations, regeneration and reuse of both the adsorbent and the regeneration liquid.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Effect of pore size distribution and particle size of porous metal oxides on phosphate adsorption capacity and kinetics

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    Phosphate is a vital nutrient but its presence in surface waters even at very low concentrations can lead to eutrophication. Adsorption is often suggested as a step for reducing phosphate down to very low concentrations. Porous metal oxides can be used as granular adsorbents that have a high surface area and hence a high adsorption capacity. But from a practical point of view, these adsorbents also need to have good adsorption kinetics. The surface area of such adsorbents comes from pores of varying pore size and the pore size distribution (PSD) of the adsorbents can affect the phosphate adsorption kinetics. In this study, the PSD of 4 different adsorbents was correlated with their phosphate adsorption kinetics. The adsorbents based on iron and aluminium (hydr)oxide were grinded and the adsorption performance was studied as a function of their particle size. This was done to identify diffusion limitations due to the PSD of the adsorbents. The phosphate adsorption kinetics were similar for small particles of all the adsorbents. For larger particles, the adsorbents having pores larger than 10 nm (FSP and DD6) showed faster adsorption than adsorbents with smaller pores (GEH and CFH). Even though micropores (pores < 2 nm) contributed to a higher portion of the adsorbent surface area, pores bigger than 10 nm were needed to increase the rate of adsorption.</p

    Effect of pore size distribution on iron oxide coated granular activated carbons for phosphate adsorption – Importance of mesopores

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    Adsorption is often suggested for to reach very low phosphate levels in municipal wastewater effluent and even to recover phosphate. Adsorbent performance is usually associated with surface area but the exact role of the pore size distribution (PSD) is unclear. Here, we show the effect of the PSD on phosphate adsorption. Granular activated carbons (GACs) with varying PSDs were treated with potassium permanganate followed by reaction with ferric chloride to form iron oxide coated GACs (Fe-GACs). Energy dispersive X-ray and kinetics experiments confirmed that manganese anchored on the GAC is important for subsequent iron attachment. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed presence of ferrihydrite in Fe-GAC. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the iron oxide particles are not present in the micropores of the GACs. Phosphate adsorption isotherms were performed with the Fe-GACs and adsorption at lower phosphate concentrations correlated with the porous area of &#x003E;3 nm of the adsorbents, a high fraction of which is contributed by mesopores. These results show that high surface areas of GACs resulting from micropores do not contribute to adsorption at low phosphate concentrations. This can be explained by the micropores being difficult to coat with iron oxide nanoparticles, but in addition the diffusion of phosphate into these pores could also be hindered. It is therefore recommended to use backbones having high mesoporous areas. This information is useful for developing adsorbents particularly for applications treating low phosphate concentrations, for e.g. in municipal wastewater effluent polishing.</p

    Effect of pore size distribution and particle size of porous metal oxides on phosphate adsorption capacity and kinetics

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    Phosphate is a vital nutrient but its presence in surface waters even at very low concentrations can lead to eutrophication. Adsorption is often suggested as a step for reducing phosphate down to very low concentrations. Porous metal oxides can be used as granular adsorbents that have a high surface area and hence a high adsorption capacity. But from a practical point of view, these adsorbents also need to have good adsorption kinetics. The surface area of such adsorbents comes from pores of varying pore size and the pore size distribution (PSD) of the adsorbents can affect the phosphate adsorption kinetics. In this study, the PSD of 4 different adsorbents was correlated with their phosphate adsorption kinetics. The adsorbents based on iron and aluminium (hydr)oxide were grinded and the adsorption performance was studied as a function of their particle size. This was done to identify diffusion limitations due to the PSD of the adsorbents. The phosphate adsorption kinetics were similar for small particles of all the adsorbents. For larger particles, the adsorbents having pores larger than 10 nm (FSP and DD6) showed faster adsorption than adsorbents with smaller pores (GEH and CFH). Even though micropores (pores &lt; 2 nm) contributed to a higher portion of the adsorbent surface area, pores bigger than 10 nm were needed to increase the rate of adsorption.Accepted Author ManuscriptBT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    The Relevance of Phosphorus and Iron Chemistry to the Recovery of Phosphorus from Wastewater: A Review

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    The addition of iron is a convenient way for removing phosphorus from wastewater, but this is often considered to limit phosphorus recovery. Struvite precipitation is currently used to recover phosphorus, and this approach has attracted much interest. However, it requires the use of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). EBPR is not yet widely applied and the recovery potential is low. Other phosphorus recovery methods, including sludge application to agricultural land or recovering phosphorus from sludge ash, also have limitations. Energy-producing wastewater treatment plants increasingly rely on phosphorus removal using iron, but the problem (as in current processes) is the subsequent recovery of phosphorus from the iron. In contrast, phosphorus is efficiently mobilized from iron by natural processes in sediments and soils. Iron–phosphorus chemistry is diverse, and many parameters influence the binding and release of phosphorus, including redox conditions, pH, presence of organic substances, and particle morphology. We suggest that the current poor understanding of iron and phosphorus chemistry in wastewater systems is preventing processes being developed to recover phosphorus from iron–phosphorus rich wastes like municipal wastewater sludge. Parameters that affect phosphorus recovery are reviewed here, and methods are suggested for manipulating iron–phosphorus chemistry in wastewater treatment processes to allow phosphorus to be recovered

    Understanding and improving the reusability of phosphate adsorbents for wastewater effluent polishing

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    Phosphate is a vital nutrient for life but its discharge from wastewater effluents can lead to eutrophication. Adsorption can be used as effluent polishing step to reduce phosphate to very low concentrations. Adsorbent reusability is an important parameter to make the adsorption process economically feasible. This implies that the adsorbent can be regenerated and used over several cycles without appreciable performance decline. In the current study, we have studied the phosphate adsorption and reusability of commercial iron oxide based adsorbents for wastewater effluent. Effects of adsorbent properties like particle size, surface area, type of iron oxide, and effects of some competing ions were determined. Moreover the effects of regeneration methods, which include an alkaline desorption step and an acid wash step, were studied. It was found that reducing the adsorbent particle size increased the phosphate adsorption of porous adsorbents significantly. Amongst all the other parameters, calcium had the greatest influence on phosphate adsorption and adsorbent reusability. Phosphate adsorption was enhanced by co-adsorption of calcium, but calcium formed surface precipitates such as calcium carbonate. These surface precipitates affected the adsorbent reusability and needed to be removed by implementing an acid wash step. The insights from this study are useful in designing optimal regeneration procedures and improving the lifetime of phosphate adsorbents used for wastewater effluent polishing.</p

    Comparison of dredging, lanthanum-modified bentonite, aluminium-modified zeolite, and FeCl<sub>2</sub> in controlling internal nutrient loading

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    The eutrophic Bouvigne pond (Breda, The Netherlands) regularly suffers from cyanobacterial blooms. To improve the water quality, the external nutrient loading and the nutrient release from the pond sediment have to be reduced. An enclosure experiment was performed in the pond between March 9 and July 29, 2020 to compare the efficiency of dredging, addition of the lanthanum-modified bentonite clay Phoslock® (LMB), the aluminum-modified zeolite Aqual-P™ (AMZ) and FeCl2 to mitigate nutrient release from the sediment. The treatments improved water quality. Mean total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in water were 0.091, 0.058, 0.032, 0.031, and 0.030 mg P L-1 in controls, dredged, FeCl2, LMB and AMZ treated enclosures, respectively. Mean filterable P (FP) concentrations were 0.056, 0.010, 0.009, 0.005, and 0.005 mg P L-1 in controls, dredged, FeCl2, LMB and AMZ treatments, respectively. Total nitrogen (TN) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) were similar among treatments; lanthanum was elevated in LMB treatments, Fe and Cl in FeCl2 treatments, and Al and Cl in AMZ treatments. After 112 days, sediment was collected from each enclosure, and subsequent sequential P extraction revealed that the mobile P pool in the sediments had reduced by 71.4%, 60.2%, 38%, and 5.2% in dredged, AMZ, LMB, and FeCl2 treatments compared to the controls. A sediment core incubation laboratory experiment done simultaneously with the enclosure experiment revealed that FP fluxes were positive in controls and cores from the dredged area, while negative in LMB, AMZ and FeCl2 treated cores. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) release rate in LMB treated cores was 3.6 times higher than in controls. Overall, the applied in-lake treatments improved water quality in the enclosures. Based on this study, from effectiveness, application, stakeholders engagement, costs and environmental safety, LMB treatment would be the preferred option to reduce the internal nutrient loading of the Bouvigne pond, but additional arguments also have to be considered when preparing a restoration.RST/Fundamental Aspects of Materials and EnergyRID/TS/Instrumenten groe

    Effect of pore size distribution on iron oxide coated granular activated carbons for phosphate adsorption – Importance of mesopores

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    Adsorption is often suggested for to reach very low phosphate levels in municipal wastewater effluent and even to recover phosphate. Adsorbent performance is usually associated with surface area but the exact role of the pore size distribution (PSD) is unclear. Here, we show the effect of the PSD on phosphate adsorption. Granular activated carbons (GACs) with varying PSDs were treated with potassium permanganate followed by reaction with ferric chloride to form iron oxide coated GACs (Fe-GACs). Energy dispersive X-ray and kinetics experiments confirmed that manganese anchored on the GAC is important for subsequent iron attachment. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed presence of ferrihydrite in Fe-GAC. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the iron oxide particles are not present in the micropores of the GACs. Phosphate adsorption isotherms were performed with the Fe-GACs and adsorption at lower phosphate concentrations correlated with the porous area of &amp;#x003E;3 nm of the adsorbents, a high fraction of which is contributed by mesopores. These results show that high surface areas of GACs resulting from micropores do not contribute to adsorption at low phosphate concentrations. This can be explained by the micropores being difficult to coat with iron oxide nanoparticles, but in addition the diffusion of phosphate into these pores could also be hindered. It is therefore recommended to use backbones having high mesoporous areas. This information is useful for developing adsorbents particularly for applications treating low phosphate concentrations, for e.g. in municipal wastewater effluent polishing.BT/Environmental BiotechnologyRST/Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energ