300 research outputs found

    Comics scholarship: its delayed birth, stunted growth, and drive to maturity

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    This article aims to present the trajectory of scholarship on comics, showing the difficulties faced by researchers, and the future of scientific research in this area study

    Berita Volume XXVI, Number 3 (Spring 2002)

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    Table of Contents Editor\u27s Note... 2 Periodicals... 2 Books... 10 Conferences... 14 Prospectus... 14https://ohioopen.library.ohio.edu/berita/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Berita Volume XXIV, Number 4 (Winter 1999)

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    Table of Contents Periodicals... 2 Books... 3 Conferences... 5 MSB Studies Group Meeting Announcement... 5 Amnesty International Issues Malaysia Report... 6 K.S. Jomo on the Situation in Malaysia... 7 Subscription Form & Prospectus... 13 Graduate Student Survey (repeat)... 14https://ohioopen.library.ohio.edu/berita/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Berita Volume XXVI, Number 1-2 (Spring/Summer 2000)

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    Table of Contents Periodicals... 2 Books... 4 Conferences... 6 M/S/B Annual Meeting... 7https://ohioopen.library.ohio.edu/berita/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Berita Volume XXV, Number 1-4 (Spring/Summer/Fall 1999, Winter 2000)

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    Table of Contents Periodicals... 2 Books... 6 Conferences... 8 Minutes - M/S/B Studies Group... 11 Prospectus & Order Form... 14 Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei/ASEAN Bibliography, Number 29, prepared by Jeff Ferrier, Edie Luce, and Lian The-Mulliner, Southeast Asia Collection & The Malaysian Resource Center, Ohio University Libraries... 15https://ohioopen.library.ohio.edu/berita/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Berita Volume XXIV, Number 3 (Fall 1998)

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    Table of Contents A Message from the M/S/B Studies Group Chair, by Don Nonini ... 2 Requiem for an Unbending Singaporean: J.B. Jeyaretnam and His Political Party, The Worker\u27s Party, by C.V. Devan Nir ... 4 Periodicals... 6 Books... 9 Graduate Student Survey, by Audrey E. Mouser... 12https://ohioopen.library.ohio.edu/berita/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Defining Comic Art: An Onerous Task

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    Definiowanie komizmu jest z wielu powodów zadaniem trudnym. Po pierwsze, nie jest łatwo wyznaczyć granice zasięgu komizmu, jako że wykorzystuje on różnorakie środki, przybierając postać różnych form, gatunków i stylów. Po drugie, opisywaniu typów komizmu często towarzyszą powtórzenia, nieścisłości i nakładanie się definicji. Po trzecie, zadanie to jest utrudnione przez odwieczne przenikanie się różnych typów komizmu. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie poglądów badaczy i komików od lat zastanawiających się nad różnicami między komiksem, kreskówką, karykaturą, rysunkiem satyrycznym i innymi postaciami komizmu

    Berita Volume XXIV, Number 1-2 (Spring/Summer 1998)

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    Table of Contents Ron Provencher: Reflections on a Career by Sue Russel l... 2 Books ... 5 Attention Grad Students by A. E. Mouser ... 8 Hard Times for Public Intellectuals: Jomo Sued Over Asian Wall Street Journal Article, Chandra Dismissed by Universiti Malaya, by Kit Machado... 9 Periodicals ... 10 Speaking the Truth to Power, by Jomo K ... 14 Pottery Sites Sought by Leedom Lefferts ... 15 Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei Study Group Minutes, by Diane K. Mauzy ... 16 M/S/B Online ... 17 H-SEASIA ... 17https://ohioopen.library.ohio.edu/berita/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Advertising in the Philippines

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    The Missionary Press of Asia, 1550 - 1860

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    Nearly any student ofthe history ofprinting in the West knows ofthe close linksthatwere forged between Christianity and the early presses. They know that Gutenberg'sfirst major work was a Bible and that the first publications that came off many presses in the Christianized West were religious books and tracts. But what has remained relatively obscure is the impact ofChristianity upon the establishmentofthe firstpresses in many non-Christian nations. Asia is an example. In countryafter country in Asia, Catholic and Protestant missionaries were responsible for setting up the first printing presses and/or publishing the first periodicals. (...) ZusammenfassungFast jeder, der sich mit der Geschichte des Druckereiwesens beschäftigt, weiß, daß hier enge Bande zwischen Christentum und den frühen Druckereien bestehen. Gutenbergs erster Druck war eine Bibel, und viele Erstdrucke im christlichen Westen galten religiösen Büchern und Traktaten. Was dabei allerdings verborgen blieb, ist die Bedeutung des Christentums ftir den Beginn des Druckerei- und Pressewesens in vielen nichtchristliehen Ländern. Daftir ist Asien ein Beispiel.Katholische und evangelische Missionare haben in einem Land nach dem anderen als erste Druckereien errichtet und Zeitschriften begonnen. (...)