5 research outputs found

    Computer simulations of self-assembly, and critical phenomena in complex fluids

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    La Confraternita della Comunità Serbo-Ortodossa di Trieste

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    Il monaco Damasceno Omero, nel1748, iniziò i primi sondaggi per verificare la possibilità di costituire una comunità ortodossa a Trieste. È importante sottolineare che l'iniziativa è di matrice ecclesiastica. Nel giro di tre anni Maria Teresa concederà la patente per la costituzione della comunità ortodossa ed il permesso per la costruzione della chiesa ortodossa dedicata a S. Spiridione. I Serbi, appartenendo alla medesima confessione religiosa, poterono farne parte, grazie anche agli interventi presso l'Imperatrice del Metropolita Isaija Antonovic'. Il prelato chiedeva che anche i mercanti ortodossi operanti in territori sottoposti ai Veneziani od ai Turchi potessero trasferirsi a Trieste con garanzia di libertà di culto, commerci ed acquisto di beni immobili. Lo statuto, redatto e sottoscritto dai rappresentanti della comunità ed approvato da Francesco II nel 1793, resterà in vigore, pur con le trasformazioni rivenienti dalle mutanti condizioni geopolitiche europee, fino al 1950. Ulteriori modifiche sono state apportate negli am1i successivi. L'ultima stesura risale al1989, è attualmente in vigore ed accettata dalle autorità italiane, la Prefettura in particolare, alla quale la comunità presenta annualmente la rendicontazione, secondo quanto richiesto dalla personalità giuridica dell'ente

    Kinetics of Rhodopsin Deactivation and Its Role in Regulating Recovery and Reproducibility of Rod Photoresponse

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    The single photon response (SPR) in vertebrate phototransduction is regulated by the dynamics of R* during its lifetime, including the random number of phosphorylations, the catalytic activity and the random sojourn time at each phosphorylation level. Because of this randomness the electrical responses are expected to be inherently variable. However the SPR is highly reproducible. The mechanisms that confer to the SPR such a low variability are not completely understood. The kinetics of rhodopsin deactivation is investigated by a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) based on the biochemistry of rhodopsin activation and deactivation, interfaced with a spatio-temporal model of phototransduction. The model parameters are extracted from the photoresponse data of both wild type and mutant mice, having variable numbers of phosphorylation sites and, with the same set of parameters, the model reproduces both WT and mutant responses. The sources of variability are dissected into its components, by asking whether a random number of turnoff steps, a random sojourn time between steps, or both, give rise to the known variability. The model shows that only the randomness of the sojourn times in each of the phosphorylated states contributes to the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of the response, whereas the randomness of the number of R* turnoff steps has a negligible effect. These results counter the view that the larger the number of decay steps of R*, the more stable the photoresponse is. Our results indicate that R* shutoff is responsible for the variability of the photoresponse, while the diffusion of the second messengers acts as a variability suppressor

    Sars-CoV-2 isolation from a 10-day-old newborn in Italy: A case report

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    This report describes the evolution of COVID-19 in a 10 day-old-baby. The mother developed the disease immediately after childbirth and therefore a vertical transmission can be excluded. The isolation of the virus in cell culture with a cytopathic effect already visible after 48 h, indicates that the viral load of the newborn was quite high, but not serious course of the disease was observed. This paper wants to highlight the possible role of newborns and children in the spread of the disease