16 research outputs found

    Cold hardening and dehardening in Salix

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    The variation in cold hardiness in Salix in the autumn was investigated using clones of different geographic origins. In late growing season, the variation was small and inversely related to a phenotypic variation in potential growth rate. When growth had stopped in response to the reduction in daylength, however, large differences in cold hardiness developed. Northern/continental clones started cold hardening up to two months earlier and showed up to three times higher inherent rates of cold hardening than the southern/maritime ones. The two components of cold hardening, the timing of onset and the inherent rate, seemed to be separately inherited traits, as judged from analyses of the prodigy of a crossing between an early-and-rapidly hardening clone and a late-and-slowly hardening one. This suggests that cold hardiness can be improved without adversely affecting growth by selecting for a late onset of cold hardening combined with a rapid rate. Also, in the early stages, cold hardening was more sensitive to low, non-freezing temperatures in the southern/maritime clones than in the northern/continental ones. Cold hardening of stems in the autumn could be monitored from the accumulation of sugars, most predominantly sucrose, raffinose and stachyose. The accumulation of sucrose started already with the cessation of growth, whilst the accumulation of raffinose and stachyose started later and was stimulated by cool temperatures. Multivariate models using sugar data could explain 76% of the variation in cold hardiness in the early stages of hardening. Changes in levels of sugars and other compounds during cold hardening could be assessed non-intrusively from the visible and infrared reflectance spectra of stems. Multivariate models using spectral data could predict up to 96% of the variation in cold hardiness. This technique is expected to greatly facilitate breeding for improved cold hardiness by allowing rapid screening of large populations. The variation in cold hardiness in spring was also investigated. Loss of cold hardiness in spring was closely related to the bursting of buds. A relatively large genetic variation in the temperature requirement for bud burst was demonstrated indicating that this might be modified in sensitive clones to improve their cold hardiness in spring

    Systematiska översikter vid SLU

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    Allt fler forskare inom SLU:s ÀmnesomrÄden anvÀnder sig av systematiska sökningar för att besvara forskningsfrÄgor och kartlÀgga litteraturen inom sitt ÀmnesomrÄde. Detta avspeglas i antalet förfrÄgningar som inkommer till biblioteket för att fÄ hjÀlp med systematiska sökningar. För att öka SLU-bibliotekets kompetens och kartlÀgga forskningens behov av stöd, startades ett projekt med mÄlet att definiera vilken roll biblioteket ska ha i det ofta komplexa och omfattande arbetet med systematiska översikter. Inom projektet har vi valt att anvÀnda systematiska översikter som ett samlande begrepp för studier dÀr systematiska metoder har anvÀnts för att söka fram, samla in, gallra och sammanstÀlla vetenskaplig litteratur. En omfattande litteratursökning genomfördes för att kartlÀgga forskare vid SLU som har publicerat systematiska översikter, vilka metoder de har anvÀnt sig av, hur litteratursökningen genomförts och hur den har dokumenterats. Sex utvalda forskare frÄn olika ÀmnesomrÄden intervjuades för en mer djuplodande analys. KartlÀggningen visade tydligt att publiceringen av systematiska översikter frÄn SLU har stadigt ökat sedan 2002. Sammanlagt identifierades 78 forskare, frÄn nÀstan alla SLU:s ÀmnesomrÄden. Det var stor variation i hur den systematiska översikten hade genomförts, och en guide eller protokoll för systematic reviews hade endast följts i undantagsfall. KartlÀggningen och intervjuerna gav en tydlig bild av hur biblioteket med sin kÀrnkompetens inom litteratursökning och referenshantering med relativt enkla medel kan hjÀlpa till att förbÀttra sökstrategier och dokumentation av litteratursökning. Men biblioteket kan ocksÄ bidra med en övergripande förstÄelse av metoden och ha en rÄdgivande roll för hur metoden kan anpassas efter den enskilda forskargruppens behov. Det stÀller dock krav pÄ flexibilitet och kompetens hos biblioteket att ha denna roll. Slutsatsen frÄn projektet var att biblioteket kan fungera som ett nav för systematiska översikter vid SLU och i första hand ha en rÄdgivande roll genom att erbjuda individuella trÀffar. Den rÄdgivande rollen inbegriper konkret hjÀlp med utformning och dokumentation av sökning och sökresultat, orientering om informationskÀllor, övergripande handledning i systematiska metoder samt att upprÀtthÄlla ett nÀtverk med kontakter för att förmedla och dela erfarenheter om systematiska översikter, bÄde internt och externt

    Öppen vetenskap vid SLU

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    Under 2018 har SLU-biblioteket arbetat med en förstudie kring öppen vetenskap. MÄlet har varit att ta fram ett underlag i form av en rapport till SLU:s ledning som kan anvÀndas för att skapa en gemensam mÄlbild för öppen vetenskap vid SLU, samt genom rekommendationer ge förslag pÄ tÀnkbara insatsomrÄden och aktiviteter. Förstudien innehÄller tre delar: en omvÀrldsorientering, en beskrivning av SLU i syfte att lyfta fram potential för ett tydligare arbete med öppen vetenskap, samt intervjuer med Ätta SLU-forskare

    A Genetic Basis of Susceptibility to Acute Pyelonephritis

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    For unknown reasons, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are clustered in certain individuals. Here we propose a novel, genetically determined cause of susceptibility to acute pyelonephritis, which is the most severe form of UTI. The IL-8 receptor, CXCR1, was identified as a candidate gene when mIL-8Rh mutant mice developed acute pyelonephritis (APN) with severe tissue damage.We have obtained CXCR1 sequences from two, highly selected APN prone patient groups, and detected three unique mutations and two known polymorphisms with a genotype frequency of 23% and 25% compared to 7% in controls (p<0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively). When reflux was excluded, 54% of the patients had CXCR1 sequence variants. The UTI prone children expressed less CXCR1 protein than the pediatric controls (p<0.0001) and two sequence variants were shown to impair transcription.The results identify a genetic innate immune deficiency, with a strong link to APN and renal scarring

    Object Recognition with Cluster Matching

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    Within this thesis an algorithm for object recognition called Cluster Matching has been developed, implemented and evaluated. The image information is sampled at arbitrary sample points, instead of interest points, and local image features are extracted. These sample points are used as a compact representation of the image data and can quickly be searched for prior known objects. The algorithm is evaluated on a test set of images and the result is surprisingly reliable and time efficient

    Screening for efficient cold hardening in a breeding population of Salix using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy

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    The inheritance of cold hardening components – the timing of onset and the inherent rate – was studied in Salix spp. This was achieved by characterising the F2 population of a cross between an early-and-rapidly hardening clone and a late-and-slowly hardening clone. The cold hardiness of stems was estimated using the infrared reflectance spectra of dried and homogenised samples. This method was first calibrated against the freeze test method. The timing of growth cessation was used to determine the onset of cold hardening. In the F2 progeny, traits were partly recombined as indicated by the occurrence of clones with early-and-slowly hardening characteristics. The frequency distributions of clones also indicated that the timing of onset and the inherent rate of hardening were independently inherited traits. None of the clones exhibited the desirable late-and-rapidly hardening characteristics, combining a long growing period with effective cold hardening. This is not surprising since few F2 clones exhibited late hardening.Criblage d’une population de Salix pour une acclimatation au froid optimale au moyen de la spectroscopie de rĂ©flectance en proche infrarouge. La transmission des facteurs d’acclimatation au froid – le dĂ©lai d’action et le taux d’acclimatation intrinsĂšque – a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e chez Salix spp. Ceci a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© par caractĂ©risation d’une population F2 issue d’un croisement entre un clone Ă  acclimatation prĂ©coce et rapide et un clone Ă  acclimatation tardive et lente. L’acclimatation au froid des tiges a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e Ă  partir du spectre de rĂ©flectance infrarouge d’échantillons sĂ©chĂ©s et homogĂ©nĂ©isĂ©s. Cette mĂ©thode a tout d’abord Ă©tĂ© calibrĂ©e par comparaison avec la mĂ©thode de test par congĂ©lation. Le minutage de l’arrĂȘt de la croissance a servi Ă  dĂ©terminer le dĂ©lai d’acclimatation. Dans la gĂ©nĂ©ration F2, les caractĂšres Ă©taient partiellement recombinants, comme indiquĂ© par l’occurrence des clones prĂ©sentant une acclimatation prĂ©coce et lente. Les distributions de frĂ©quence des clones ont montrĂ© Ă©galement que le dĂ©lai d’action et le taux d’acclimatation intrinsĂšque Ă©taient transmis de façon indĂ©pendante. Aucun clone n’a prĂ©sentĂ© les caractĂ©ristiques recherchĂ©es, associant une longue pĂ©riode de croissance avec une acclimatation au froid optimale. Ceci n’est pas une surprise Ă©tant donnĂ© que peu de clones F2 montraient d’acclimatation tardive