33 research outputs found

    HTR-PROTEUS Pebble Bed Experimental Program Cores 1, 1A, 2, and 3: Hexagonal Close Packing with a 1:2 Moderator-to-Fuel Pebble Ratio

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    In its deployment as a pebble bed reactor (PBR) critical facility from 1992 to 1996, the PROTEUS facility was designated as HTR-PROTEUS. This experimental program was performed as part of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on the Validation of Safety Related Physics Calculations for Low Enriched HTGRs. Within this project, critical experiments were conducted for graphite moderated LEU systems to determine core reactivity, flux and power profiles, reaction-rate ratios, the worth of control rods, both in-core and reflector based, the worth of burnable poisons, kinetic parameters, and the effects of moisture ingress on these parameters. Four benchmark experiments were evaluated in this report: Cores 1, 1A, 2, and 3. These core configurations represent the hexagonal close packing (HCP) configurations of the HTR-PROTEUS experiment with a moderator-to-fuel pebble ratio of 1:2. Core 1 represents the only configuration utilizing ZEBRA control rods. Cores 1A, 2, and 3 use withdrawable, hollow, stainless steel control rods. Cores 1 and 1A are similar except for the use of different control rods; Core 1A also has one less layer of pebbles (21 layers instead of 22). Core 2 retains the first 16 layers of pebbles from Cores 1 and 1A and has 16 layers of moderator pebbles stacked above the fueled layers. Core 3 retains the first 17 layers of pebbles but has polyethylene rods inserted between pebbles to simulate water ingress. The additional partial pebble layer (layer 18) for Core 3 was not included as it was used for core operations and not the reported critical configuration. Cores 1, 1A, 2, and 3 were determined to be acceptable benchmark experiments

    Characterisation of the neutron field for streaming analyses in TT operations at JET

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    Assessing radiation fields in the biological shield penetrations of fusion reactors is a challenging task. At the Joint European Torus (JET) the neutron field at larger distances from the torus has been calculated and measured. JET operated in 2021–22 with a tritium-tritium plasma and neutronics experiments were performed for validating in a real fusion environment the neutronics codes and nuclear data applied in ITER nuclear analyses. In particular, the fluence of neutrons passing through the penetrations of the JET vacuum vessel and the torus hall was measured and compared with calculations in order to assess the capability of state-of-the-art numerical tools to correctly predict the radiation streaming in large and complex geometries. The neutron fluence was monitored at several locations inside the torus hall at larger distances from the tokamak with activation foils and thermo-luminescent detectors. The calculations have been performed in a two-step process using the deterministic code ADVANTG to determine the variance reduction parameters and with MCNP for subsequent calculation of the neutron field with the Monte Carlo method. The paper presents results of calculations and the first comparison to experimentally obtained values

    Reactor Pulse Operation for Nuclear Instrumentation Detector Testing – Preparation of a Dedicated Experimental Campaign at the JSI TRIGA Reactor

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    The availability of neutron fields with a high neutron flux, suitable for irradiation testing of nuclear instrumentation detectors relevant for applications in nuclear facilities such as material testing reactors (MTRs), nuclear power reactors and future fusion reactors is becoming increasingly limited. Over the last several years there has been increased interest in the experimental capabilities of the 250 kW Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) TRIGA research reactor for such applications, however, the maximal achievable neutron flux in steady-state operation mode falls short of MTR-relevant conditions. The JSI TRIGA reactor can also operate in pulse mode, with a maximal achievable peak power of approximately 1 GW, for a duration of a few ms. A collaboration project between the JSI and the French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) was initiated to investigate absolute neutron flux measurements at very high neutron flux levels in reactor pulse operation. Such measurements will be made possible by special CEA-developed miniature fission chambers and modern data acquisition systems, supported by the JSI TRIGA instrumentation and activation dosimetry. Additionally, measurements of the intensity of Cherenkov light are proposed and being investigated as an alternative experimental method. This paper presents the preparatory activities for an exhaustive experimental campaign, which were carried out in 2019-2020, consisting of test measurements with not fully appropriate fission chambers, activation dosimetry and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) The presented results provide useful and promising experimental indications relevant for the design of the experimental campaign


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    Fusion neutronics analysis before and after experiments at JET is traditionally performed using Monte Carlo particle transport code Monte Carlo N-Particle. For redundancy and diversity reasons there is a need of an additional Monte Carlo code, such as Serpent 2, capable of fusion neutronics analysis. In order to validate the Serpent code for fusion applications a detailed model of JET was used. Neutron fluxes and reaction rates were calculated and compared for positions outside the tokamak vacuum vessel, in the vacuum vessel above the plasma and next to a limiter inside the vacuum vessel. For all detector positions with DD and DT neutron sources the difference between neutron fluxes calculated with both Monte Carlo codes were within 2σ statistical uncertainty and for most positions (more than 90 % of all studied positions) even within 1σ uncertainty. Fusion neutronics analysis in the JET tokamak with Serpent took on average 10 % longer but this can be improved by changing the threshold value for determination of the transport method used. With the work presented in this paper the Serpent Monte Carlo code was validated to be a viable alternative to MCNP for fusion neutronics analysis for the JET tokamak

    Usage of multiple fission cells for neutron flux measurements during rod-insertion method

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    The measurements of physical parameters of the TRIGA reactor and Nuclear power plant Krško (NEK) reactor cores have been in the past performed on hand of the neutron flux signal obtained from uncompensated ionization cells and by employment of the a digital meter of reactivity (DMR). At the TRIGA reactor only one ionization cell is currently used for flux measurements. During the insertion of one control rod the neutron flux distribution is significantly altered affecting the flux measurements of inserting different control rods. The problem is presently solved by assigning a correction factor to each control rod what introduces an additional uncertainty. In the present paper the implementation of four fission cells for reactivity measurements is presented. In this way determining the correct gamma background and its subtraction, performed by DMR algorithms, becomes less important as previously by using ionization chambers. The larger number of detectors also reduces the flux redistribution effects on the signal during individual control rod movements


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    Fusion neutronics analysis before and after experiments at JET is traditionally performed using Monte Carlo particle transport code Monte Carlo N-Particle. For redundancy and diversity reasons there is a need of an additional Monte Carlo code, such as Serpent 2, capable of fusion neutronics analysis. In order to validate the Serpent code for fusion applications a detailed model of JET was used. Neutron fluxes and reaction rates were calculated and compared for positions outside the tokamak vacuum vessel, in the vacuum vessel above the plasma and next to a limiter inside the vacuum vessel. For all detector positions with DD and DT neutron sources the difference between neutron fluxes calculated with both Monte Carlo codes were within 2σ statistical uncertainty and for most positions (more than 90 % of all studied positions) even within 1σ uncertainty. Fusion neutronics analysis in the JET tokamak with Serpent took on average 10 % longer but this can be improved by changing the threshold value for determination of the transport method used. With the work presented in this paper the Serpent Monte Carlo code was validated to be a viable alternative to MCNP for fusion neutronics analysis for the JET tokamak

    Usage of multiple fission cells for neutron flux measurements during rod-insertion method

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    The measurements of physical parameters of the TRIGA reactor and Nuclear power plant Krško (NEK) reactor cores have been in the past performed on hand of the neutron flux signal obtained from uncompensated ionization cells and by employment of the a digital meter of reactivity (DMR). At the TRIGA reactor only one ionization cell is currently used for flux measurements. During the insertion of one control rod the neutron flux distribution is significantly altered affecting the flux measurements of inserting different control rods. The problem is presently solved by assigning a correction factor to each control rod what introduces an additional uncertainty. In the present paper the implementation of four fission cells for reactivity measurements is presented. In this way determining the correct gamma background and its subtraction, performed by DMR algorithms, becomes less important as previously by using ionization chambers. The larger number of detectors also reduces the flux redistribution effects on the signal during individual control rod movements