58 research outputs found

    A identificação da marca. Um insturmento da estratégia de marketing

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    O presente documento é urna pesquisa exploratoria sobre a identificaçâo da marca. O seu interesse, enquanto comunicaçâo de Gestáo Comercial e Marketing ñas Jomadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestáo Científica de Sevilha, pode concretizar-se no seguinte: delimita urna área de investigaçâo relativamente pioneira; . apresenta um projecto de investigaçâo nessa área; inventaría outras direcçôes alternativas de pesquisa. Se a problemática geral da marca tem sido tema de abundante reflexáo, já a questáo precisa dos seus sinais identificadores (nome e logotipo, slogan, rotulagem, jingle, etc ), aparece menos desenvolvida na investigaçâo e na literatura de marketing. Acresce ao seu interesse o facto de se tratar de urna área chameira de outras disciplinas, tais como o direito, a semiótica, a psicología cognitiva e o design, para só falar das mais evidentes. O projecto de investigaçâo apresentado tem por objecto urna pequeña parcela deste universo. Apenas estuda: os dois componentes mais elementares da identificaçâo, ou seja o nome e o logotipo, e mesmo estes reduzidos à sua forma mais simples de nome sem complementos e de logotipo a preto e branco; dois dos principáis critérios de avaliaçâo da qualidade de urna identificaçâo, que sâo a memorizaçào (a curto prazo, espontánea e assistida, analisada experimentalmente) e a diferenciaçào (dos factores de memorizaçào, analisada teóricamente na perspectiva da semiótica estrutural). Com base nesta delimitaçâo, o projecto tem por objectivo a concepçào de um modelo de avaliaçào dos sinais identificadores das marcas. Ao excluir os sinais de identificaçâo mais complexos, e ao nao tratar de outros critérios de avaliaçào, a pesquisa deixa em aberto várias vias complementares de investigaçào. Salientamos as mais próximas do projecto apresentado: . integrar no modelo os factores afectivos; . verificar experimentalmente a distáncia perceptiva das estruturas de diferenciaçào; . adaptar a análise proposta a outros sinais de investigaçào registáveis como marca. O documento está dividido em très partes: . a primeira parte explicita os objectivos do projecto e o ámbito da sua aplicaçâo; . a segunda parte é dedicada à metodología, quer a que diz respeito à experimentaçâo, quer a que se refere à abordagem teórica; a terceira parte, consagrada às conclusóes, analisa a originalidade do projecto e a sua aplicaçâo à gestâo estratégica das marcas

    Conhece Tapacurá?

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    O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar que é possível gerir uma marca (branding) com recursos escassos, usando práticas simples mas teoricamente fundamentadas. Os autores – uma gestora de comunicação, um professor arquiteto e um professor de marketing – viram-se envolvidos na escolha de uma identidade – nome e logo – para uma reserva ecológica. Os recursos de dinheiro, tempo e meios técnicos eram escassos. Com base numa rápida abordagem semiótica, envolveram os públicos da marca na cocriação da sua identidade e conseguiram assim evitar uma escolha meramente estética que poderia ser difícil de implementar

    Conoce Tapacurá? Branding con escasos recursos

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    The aim of this case study is to show that it is possible to develop a branding approach with scarce resources, using simple but theoretically grounded practices. The authors – a communication manager, an architecture professor and a marketing professor – have become involved in choosing an identity – name and logo – for an ecological reserve in Brazil. The resources of money, time and means were scarce. They quickly built a semiotic approach, which avoided a merely aesthetic choice that could be difficult to implement, joining the stakeholders in the co-creation of the brand identity.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo demostrar que es posible gestionar una marca (branding) con escasos recursos utilizando prácticas simples, pero con fundamentación teórica. Los autores –una gestora de comunicación, un profesor arquitecto y un profesor de marketing– estaban involucrados en la elección de una identidad –nombre y logotipo– para una reserva ecológica. Los recursos de dinero, tiempo y medios técnicos eran escasos. Con base en un rápido enfoque semiótico, los públicos de la marca se involucraron en la cocreación de la identidad de la misma y lograron evitar una elección meramente estética que les podría resultar difícil su implementación.O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar que é possível gerir uma marca (branding) com recursos escassos, usando práticas simples mas teoricamente fundamentadas. Os autores – uma gestora de comunicação, um professor arquiteto e um professor de marketing – viram-se envolvidos na escolha de uma identidade – nome e logo – para uma reserva ecológica. Os recursos de dinheiro, tempo e meios técnicos eram escassos. Com base numa rápida abordagem semiótica, envolveram os públicos da marca na cocriação da sua identidade e conseguiram assim evitar uma escolha meramente estética que poderia ser difícil de implementar

    Brand mergers: How attitudes influence consumer identity preferences

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    In the context of a merger, management of corporate brand names and logos assumes a critical role. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the corporate brand redeployment decision. This study analyses how consumers’ attitudes towards the corporate brands influence their preferences regarding the different branding strategies. Results suggest that the preference for a monolithic alternative is only clearly supported when one of the partners in the merger is a weak partner. When the merger involves two familiar brands, there is a tendency among consumers to combine elements of both brands’ identity. Finally, it is concluded that the affective and behavioural dimension of attitude towards the brand have a significant influence on consumers’ preferences

    Brand triangle model to avoid branding myopia

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    This article takes the metaphor of myopia to explain the most limited vision of brand, understood as the identifying sign of a product. As brand is a sign, we turn to semiotics, the science of signs, in order to apply a model which broadens the concept of brand to three dimensions: that of the identity sign itself, that of the object the sign refers to and that of the response of the market to the sign

    Brand mergers: Examining consumer response to name and logo design

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    It is critical to investigate reactions to the various name and logo redeployment alternatives available in the context of a brand merger. Yet research on this topic is relatively limited. This paper aims to start filling this gap in the literature, by developing a typology of the visual identity structures that may be assumed in the context of a merger, as well as an exploratory study (n = 467) analysing consumers’ preferences regarding the alternative branding strategies. It uses an innovative design, which gives respondents freedom to choose their preferred solution. Results suggest that there is a clear preference for figurative logos. Furthermore, there is evidence that the logo may play a role as important as the name in a merger, ensuring consumers that there will be a connection with the brand’s past. Data also show that the choice of the logo reflects consumers’ aesthetic responses, whereas the choice of the name reflects consumers’ evaluation of the brand’s offer or off the brand’s presence in the market. These results should guide managers in the evaluation and choice of the post-merger branding strategy.brand identity, logos, brand mergers, consumer preferences

    The effect of brand names and logos’ figurativeness on memory: an experimental approach

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    This paper explores the opposition between abstract and figurative names and logos, considered together in a single stimulus. We created three experimental scenarios of fictitious names and logos, ranging from very abstract to very figurative stimuli. Findings show that figurativeness, and organicity as its extreme form, are key determinants of cognitive responses to names and logos. However, our most relevant finding is the crucial importance of the interaction between the figurativeness of the name and the logo. Results show that semantic repetition is beneficial for creating recall and generating associations, and semantic dispersion is advantageous for ensuring recognition. Nevertheless, there are exceptions. The originality of this paper lies in the fact that it allows to say that figurativeness is not a sacrosanct solution to good name and logo performance, it largely depends on the type of interaction between these two central brand identity signs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corporate identity – the management of the process of change in the name/logo in the context of brands’ merger

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    There has been little attention paid to the management of corporate identity, including visual identity, as part of the merger and acquisition process. The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of the corporate branding decisions. Specifically, the authors present the definition of a model, which aims at defining, firstly the conception of a typology of corporate identity structures that organisations may assume in the case of brands’ merger, and secondly the conception of an experimental study to evaluate the preferences of one important stakeholder group – consumers - to the alternative typologies identified. The results of this study should guide the choice of the corporate identity structure subsequent to a brand merger, according to the impact that consumers’ attitudes towards the corporate brand have on their preferences regarding the different redeployment alternatives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brand Mergers: Examining Consumer Responses to Name and Logo Design

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    It is critical to investigate reactions to the various name and logo redeployment alternatives available in the context of a merger. Yet research on this topic is relatively limited. This study contributes to the literature, by developing a typology of the visual identity structures that may be assumed in the context of a merger, as well as an exploratory study (n = 467) analysing consumers’ preferences regarding the alternative branding strategies. Results suggest that there is a clear preference for figurative logos, and also that the logo may play a role as important as the name, ensuring a connection to the brand’s past. Data also show that the choice of the logo reflects consumers’ aesthetic responses, whereas the choice of the name reflects consumers’ evaluation of the brand’s offer or off the brand’s presence in the market. These results should guide managers in the evaluation and choice of the post-merger branding strategy

    Brand mergers: an analysis of consumer brand identity preferences

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    Purpose- The purpose of this study is to investigate reactions to the various name and logo redeployment alternatives available in the context of a merger. Design/methodology/approach - This study develops a typology of the alternative visual identity structures that may be assumed in the context of a brand merger by drawing on literature review and secondary data, as well as an exploratory study (n = 467) analysing consumers’ preferences regarding the alternative brand identity strategies. Findings – Results suggest that there is a clear preference for figurative brand logos. Furthermore, we found evidence that the brand logo may play a role as important as the name in a merger, ensuring consumers that there will be a connection with the brand’s past. Another interesting finding was that the choice of the logo reflects consumers’ aesthetic responses, whereas the choice of the name reflects consumers’ evaluation of the brand’s offer or off the brand’s presence in the market. Originality/value – The paper uses an innovative research design which gives respondents freedom to choose their preferred solution, hence the richness of results is much greater. These results should guide managers in the evaluation and choice of the post-merger branding strategy