22 research outputs found

    Caracterização de uma cepa de hepatite por vírus B no sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil, apresentando mutações previamente associadas à resistência anti-HBs

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    O presente estudo investigou se mutantes do vírus da hepatite B (HBV) circulam na região Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil, analisando amostras de crianças que receberam a imunoprofilaxia por terem nascido de mães portadoras do HBV. Amostras de 25 crianças foram analisadas para os marcadores sorológicos do HBV e para o DNA-HBV por PCR. Somente uma amostra foi positiva para AgHBs, anti-HBs e DNA-HBV, apesar da criança ter sido vacinada. Análises da seqüência do gene S desta amostra mostrou a presença de uma prolina na posição 105, uma serina na posição 114, três treoninas nas posições 115, 116 e 140, e uma glutamina na posição 129. A presença destes aminoácidos, exceto para Serina na posição 114, tem sido relacionada a terapia monoclonal ou policlonal com anti-HBs após transplante de fígado, enquanto a presença da treonina na posição 116 tem sido descrita em crianças imunizadas de Singapura. Este achado demonstra a possível circulação de cepas do HBV resistentes a imunoprofilaxia para hepatite B no Sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil. O genótipo da amostra foi identificado como genótipo D, o qual é frequentemente encontrado na região estudada. Desde que 36% das crianças tinham recebido incompleta ou nenhuma imunoprofilaxia, um seguimento mais intensivo das crianças nascidas de mães AgHBs positivo é necessário.The present study investigated if hepatitis B virus (HBV) mutants circulate in the southwestern region of the State of Paraná, Brazil, by analyzing samples from children who received immunoprophylaxis but were born to HBV carrier mothers. Samples from 25 children were screened for HBV serum markers and for HBV DNA by PCR. Only one sample was positive for HBsAg, anti-HBs and HBV DNA, although the child had been vaccinated. Analysis of the S gene sequence of this sample showed the presence of a proline at position 105, a serine at position 114, three threonines at positions 115, 116 and 140, and a glutamine at position 129. The presence of these amino acids, except for serine at position 114, has been related to monoclonal or polyclonal therapy with anti-HBs after liver transplantation, whereas the presence of threonine at position 116 has been described in immunized children from Singapore. This finding demonstrates the possible circulation of HBV strains resistant to hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis in southwestern Paraná, Brazil. The genotype of the sample was identified as genotype D, which is frequently found in the region studied. Since 36% of the children had received incomplete or no immunoprophylaxis, more extensive follow-up of children born to HBsAg-positive mothers is needed

    Epidemiological, serological and molecular aspects of hepatitis B and C in children and teenagers of municipal daycare facilities schools and schools in the city of Santos

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence of the serological markers anti-HBc, HBsAg and anti-HBs of hepatitis B and anti-HCV of hepatitis C among children and teenagers enrolled at daycare facilities, kindergartens and municipal elementary education network in the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from June 28 to December 14, 2007, in which 4,680 finger-prick blood samples were collected from children and teenagers. A survey questionnaire was applied to their family members. The sample was dimensioned using the software Epi Info version 6 with expected frequency of 1%, acceptable error of 0.5% and confidence interval of 95%. The serological tests were performed using the ELISA technique. The molecular analysis was performed using the technique of polymerase chain reaction in House. Results: Age of the studied population ranged from 7 months to 18 years and 1 month. The general prevalence of anti-HBc reagent was 0.1%, HBsAg was 0.02% and anti-HCV was 0.02%. Conclusions: In children, the general prevalence of serological markers for hepatitis B and C in the city of Santos was low when compared with literature data

    Characterization of a Hepatitis B virus strain in southwestern Paraná, Brazil, presenting mutations previously associated with anti-HBs Resistance Caracterização de uma cepa de hepatite por vírus B no sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil, apresentando mutações previamente associadas à resistência anti-HBs

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    The present study investigated if hepatitis B virus (HBV) mutants circulate in the southwestern region of the State of Paraná, Brazil, by analyzing samples from children who received immunoprophylaxis but were born to HBV carrier mothers. Samples from 25 children were screened for HBV serum markers and for HBV DNA by PCR. Only one sample was positive for HBsAg, anti-HBs and HBV DNA, although the child had been vaccinated. Analysis of the S gene sequence of this sample showed the presence of a proline at position 105, a serine at position 114, three threonines at positions 115, 116 and 140, and a glutamine at position 129. The presence of these amino acids, except for serine at position 114, has been related to monoclonal or polyclonal therapy with anti-HBs after liver transplantation, whereas the presence of threonine at position 116 has been described in immunized children from Singapore. This finding demonstrates the possible circulation of HBV strains resistant to hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis in southwestern Paraná, Brazil. The genotype of the sample was identified as genotype D, which is frequently found in the region studied. Since 36% of the children had received incomplete or no immunoprophylaxis, more extensive follow-up of children born to HBsAg-positive mothers is needed.<br>O presente estudo investigou se mutantes do vírus da hepatite B (HBV) circulam na região Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná, Brasil, analisando amostras de crianças que receberam a imunoprofilaxia por terem nascido de mães portadoras do HBV. Amostras de 25 crianças foram analisadas para os marcadores sorológicos do HBV e para o DNA-HBV por PCR. Somente uma amostra foi positiva para AgHBs, anti-HBs e DNA-HBV, apesar da criança ter sido vacinada. Análises da seqüência do gene S desta amostra mostrou a presença de uma prolina na posição 105, uma serina na posição 114, três treoninas nas posições 115, 116 e 140, e uma glutamina na posição 129. A presença destes aminoácidos, exceto para Serina na posição 114, tem sido relacionada a terapia monoclonal ou policlonal com anti-HBs após transplante de fígado, enquanto a presença da treonina na posição 116 tem sido descrita em crianças imunizadas de Singapura. Este achado demonstra a possível circulação de cepas do HBV resistentes a imunoprofilaxia para hepatite B no Sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil. O genótipo da amostra foi identificado como genótipo D, o qual é frequentemente encontrado na região estudada. Desde que 36% das crianças tinham recebido incompleta ou nenhuma imunoprofilaxia, um seguimento mais intensivo das crianças nascidas de mães AgHBs positivo é necessário

    Hepatitis C viral load in HCV-monoinfected and HCV/HIV-1-, HCV/HTLV-1/-2-, and HCV/HIV/HTLV-1/-2-co-infected patients from São Paulo, Brazil

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    Co-infections of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and either human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) or type 2 (HTLV-2) have been described as having an impact on HCV viremia and subsequent disease progression. HCV load in serum samples from 622 patients (343 males, 279 females; median age 50.8 years) from São Paulo/southeast Brazil was analyzed using the Abbott Real Time HCV assay (Abbott Molecular Inc., IL, USA). Samples were obtained from HCV-monoinfected (n = 548), HCV/HIV-1- (n = 41), HCV/HTLV-1- (n = 16), HCV/HTLV-2- (n = 8), HCV/HIV/HTLV-1- (n = 4), and HCV/HIV/HTLV-2-co-infected (n = 5) patients, and results were compared among the groups and according to sex. The median HCV load in HCV-monoinfected patients was 5.23 log10 IU/mL and 0.31 log10 higher in men than in women. Increases in viral load of 0.51 log10, 0.54 log10, and 1.43 log10 IU/mL were detected in HCV/HIV-1-, HCV/HTLV-1- and HCV/HIV/HTLV-1-co-infected individuals, respectively, compared with HCV-monoinfected counterparts. In contrast, compared to HCV/HIV co-infected patients, HCV/HTLV-2-co-infected patients had an HCV load of 5.0 log10 IU/mL, whereas HCV/HIV/HTLV-2-co-infected patients had a median load 0.37 log10 IU/mL lower. Significant differences in HCV loads were detected, with males and HCV/HIV-1- and HCV/HIV/HTLV-1-co-infected patients presenting the highest values. Conversely, females and HCV/HTLV-2-co-infected patients exhibited lower HCV loads. Overall, HCV viremia is increased in HIV and/or HTLV-1-co-infection and decreased in HTLV-2 co-infection. Keywords: HCV, HIV-1, HTLV-1: HTLV-2, Co-infection, Viral loa

    Making the invisible visible: searching for human T-cell lymphotropic virus types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and HTLV-2) in Brazilian patients with viral hepatitis B and C

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    With this study, the authors hope to alert clinicians regarding the presence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 and 2 (HTLV-1/-2) infections in patients with viral hepatitis B and C in Brazil. HTLV-1/-2 were detected in 1.3% of hepatitis B virus (HBV)- and 5.3% of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected blood samples sent for laboratory viral load measurements. A partial association of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 and HTLV-1/-2 infection was detected in patients with HCV (HIV+, 27.3%), whereas this association was almost 100% in HBV-infected patients (HIV+, all except one). The high prevalence of HTLV-1/-2 infection among patients with hepatitis C was of concern, as HTLV-1/-2 could change the natural course of subsequent liver disease. The authors suggest including HTLV-1/-2 serology in the battery of tests used when following patients with viral hepatitis in Brazil, regardless of the HIV status

    The reasons to include the serology of human T-lymphotropic virus types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and HTLV-2) in the clinical follow-up of patients with viral hepatitis B and C in Brazil.

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    BACKGROUND:The WHO established targets for 2030 to globally reduce new viral hepatitis B and C infections by 90% and deaths by 65% and recommends searching for coinfections that increase the progression of chronic liver infections towards cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. AIMS AND METHODOLOGY:This study aimed to add information concerning the influence of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and type 2 (HTLV-2) infections in hepatitis B and C, since in Brazil, these human retroviruses are endemic but neglected. Serum samples from 1,910 patients with hepatitis B and 1,315 with hepatitis C from São Paulo, southeast Brazil, that were previously tested and grouped for HIV and HTLV-1/-2 coinfections were analyzed for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) loads measurements and subsequent clearance using data from laboratory records. KEY RESULTS:Briefly, the lowest HBV viral load (VL) was detected in HBV/HTLV-2 coinfected patients, regardless of whether they were infected with HIV (all comparisons p<0.05). In contrast, higher HCV VL was detected in HCV/HIV, HCV/HIV/HTLV-1/-2 coinfected patients (all p<0.05), and the lowest HCV VL was detected in HCV/HTLV-2 coinfected patients. Curiously, 61.1% of the patients with HBV/HTLV-2 coinfection had an undetectable HBV VL at the beginning of the study versus 21.4% in the patients with HBV/HTLV-1 coinfection. Although the percentages of undetectable HCV loads in HCV/HTLV-1 and HCV/HTLV-2 coinfected patients were quite similar, during follow-up, more HCV clearance was detected in patients with HCV/HTLV-2 coinfection [OR 2.65; 95% IC (1.17-5.99)]. MAJOR CONCLUSIONS:HTLV-2 positively impacts HBV and HCV viral loads and HCV clearance, while HIV and/or HTLV-1 negatively impacts HCV viral load. Thus, the search for HTLV-1/-2 in viral hepatitis B and C infected patients has virological prognostic value, which is a strong reason to suggest including HTLV serology in the follow-up of patients