118 research outputs found

    Model time-frequency resource allocation wimax aimed at improving the electromagnetic compatibility

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    The results of development a mathematical model for capacity allocation downlink technology WiMAX. The novelty of the proposed model is possible preventive limit transmission rate allocated to the service flows of the user stations in the downlink by using the WiMAX technology linear or linear-quadratic objective function. It is shown that the use of a linear-quadratic objective function in comparison with the linear, can produce a more equitable management of requests based on the relative priorities. The analysis of known methods for dividing the time-frequency resource WiMAX technology showed that they all focus on the distribution between the subscriber stations all bandwidth downlink. The model proposed is directed to the allocation of each user station a guaranteed bit rate in the absence of overload downlink as well as the preventive rate limiting allocated user stations under overload conditions. Using the mathematical model is directed to distribution between subscriber stations of a time-frequency resource of the downlink, which in turn improves the conditions in the electromagnetic frequency range used. The influence of the priority request rate used in the model, the nature of the possible failures

    Criminal Liability for Violation of the Quarantine Regime in the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Infectio us diseases is the subject of increased attention, which causes concern in society throughout the world. In this context, and in order to implement preventive measures, democratisation and protection of human rights are increasingly combined with measures of state coercion. The new challenge today is the COVID-19 pandemic, recognised by the World Health Organisation. Today is pandemic has forced a qualitative rethink of approaches to responding to the health challenges of both individuals and nations. States have gradually begun to use a variety of health measures, including policy and legal instruments, to control the spread and effects of COVID-19. Some states have resorted to criminal law to apply it to health care to prevent infection with COVID-19. A comparative analysis of the features of criminal liability for violating the quarantine regime in the European Union and Ukraine showed the variability of the structures of crimes, however, the unity of difficulties in qualifying socially dangerous acts and, as a result, the impossibility of effective prosecution. It was stated that there was an urgent need for States to recognise that the new coronavirus was a serious health emergency, but that the criminalisation related to COVID-19 was a worrying trend towards prolonging human rights restrictions. Experts are increasingly questioning, in particular, the feasibility and effectiveness of existing criminal law measures on health care and their fragmentary compliance with internationally declared human rights standards, which in the long run will be the basis for the abolition of new criminalised components of crimes

    Attractive interactions, molecular complexes, and polarons in coupled dipolar exciton fluids

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    Dipolar (or spatially indirect) excitons (IXs) in semiconductor double quantum well (DQW) subjected to an electric field are neutral species with a dipole moment oriented perpendicular to the DQW plane. Here, we theoretically study interactions between IXs in stacked DQW bilayers, where the dipolar coupling can be either attractive or repulsive depending on the relative positions of the particles. By using microscopic band structure calculations to determine the electronic states forming the excitons, we show that the attractive dipolar interaction between stacked IXs deforms their electronic wave function, thereby increasing the inter-DQW interaction energy and making the IX electrically polarizable. Many-particle effects interaction are addressed by considering the coupling between a single IX in one of the DQWs to a cloud of IXs in the other DQW, which is modeled either as a closed-packed lattice or as a continuum IX fluid. We find that the lattice model yields IX interlayer binding energies decreasing with increasing lattice density. This behavior is due to the dominating role of the intra-DQW dipolar repulsion, which prevents more than one exciton from entering the attractive region of the inter-DQW coupling. Finally, both models shows that the single IX distorts the distribution of IXs in the adjacent DQW, thus inducing the formation of an IX polaron. While the interlayer binding energy reduces with IX density for lattice polarons, the continuous polaron model predicts a non-monotonous dependence on density in semi-quantitative agreement with a recent experimental study [cf. Hubert {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. {\bf X}9, 021026 (2019)].Comment: 12 figures, 12 page

    Diagnostics and evaluation of biliary deposit at ultrasound investigation

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    National college of gastroenterologists, hepatologist

    Сучасні методи відбілювання та їх вплив на структуру твердих тканин зубів

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    Зміна кольору твердих тканин зубів є поширеним патологічним станом, що зустрічається у будь-якому віці в осіб обох статей. Так, за даними деяких акторів, серед обстежених 100 жінок віком 20-30 років найбільш поширеними були скарги на незадовільну форму зубів, у 27% випадків вони супроводжувалися змінами кольору зуба (Терещенко М. А., 2008). Корекція змін кольору твердих тканин зубів є одним з найважливіших елементів у сучасній естетичній стоматології. За даними ВООЗ, в наш час понад 90% дантистів СШ.-\ активно використовують різні методи відбілювання зубів (Rocha G.T., 2012). Нині у світовій стоматологічній практиці все більше уваги приділяють розробці більш ощадних методів, що забезпечують задоволення естетичних потреб пацієнтів. Найбільш погаиреною на сьогоднішній день процедурою з поліпшення кольору коронок зубів є відбілювання, яке не впливає на зменшення об’єму твердих тканин зуба. Популярність відбілювання зубів неухильно росте і методики відбілювання досить доступні, проте питання їх безпеки, передусім для тканин зуба, залншаггься до кінця невирішеним (Северина Т. В„ 2012). Процес відбілювання можливий завдяки здатності цих активних хімічних компонентів проникати крізь емаль і дентин у всі частини зуба. Оцінені концентрації пероксид карбаміду Перекису водню становлять від 10 до 37% і 5,3 до 38% відповідно


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    The article is based on the results of analysis of educational subjects for bachelors of the 1st, 2nd, and 3d years of education in the socio-adapted system of remote training for various management and economic specialization profiles. According to the conducted study, the course units have been determined for which remote training and controlled assessment are justified, the results of electronic testing of students have been summarized, the dynamics of the results has been revealed, the directions of enhancement of testing and testing material development technologies have been shown, the socio-adapted types of test questions have been highlighted, and examples of typical test questions have been provided, recommendations on the method of presentation of educational material have been formulated

    Определение терапевтической ценности противоопухолевых лекарственных препаратов

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    Aim. Development of a tool for the evaluation of the therapeutic value of anticancer drugs based on multi-criteria analysis of decision making.Materials and methods. The study included 4 main stages. At the first stage, based on the results of the publications analysis and the EVIDEM system, a list of therapeutic value criteria was formed. At the second stage, for each criterion, a survey of experts was used to develop a scale and to build a value function using the curve-fitting method. At the third stage, the weighing was carried out using the discrete choice experiment method and the statistical package "support.CEs" in R Studio. At the fourth stage, based on the obtained values of the weight coefficients and value functions, a simple linear additive model was constructed.Results. The authors developed a tool that included 5 criteria for the value of anticancer drugs: efficacy, safety, disease severity, ease of administration, and therapeutic need. For each criterion, a linear value function was built, which allowed the authors to obtain the value of the severity of the criterion in the range from 0 to 1 based on the absolute values of the criterion for a particular drug. As a result of the weighing, two sets of weighting coefficients were obtained by using two different methods of survey results processing. The criterion of efficacy has the most significant contribution to the therapeutic value for the Russian health care system, and the least significant is the severity of the disease. The distribution of the criteria in the intermediate contribution ranks was significantly different between the two sets of weights.Conclusions. For practical application and implementation of the proposed tool, it is required to conduct the validation using the example of specific antitumor drugs to select a final set of weighting coefficients, check the stability of the results, and form a scale of therapeutic value levels.Цель. Разработка инструмента оценки терапевтической ценности противоопухолевых лекарственных препаратов на основе многокритериального анализа принятия решений.Материалы и методы. Исследование включало в себя четыре основных этапа. На первом этапе на основе результатов анализа публикаций и системы ≪Доказательства и ценность критериев: влияние на принятие решений≫ (англ. – Evidence and Value: Impact on DEcisionMaking, EVIDEM) был сформирован перечень критериев терапевтической ценности. На втором этапе для каждого критерия с помощью опроса экспертов была разработана шкала и построена функция перевода абсолютных значений в значение ценности с помощью метода подбора кривых. На третьем этапе было проведено взвешивание с помощью экспертных опросов на основе методики эксперимента дискретного выбора и статистического пакета ≪support.CEs≫ в программной среде для статистических расчетов R Studio. На четвертом этапе на основе полученных значений весовых коэффициентов и функций ценности была сформирована простая линейная аддитивная модель.Результаты. Разработан инструмент, включающий в себя пять критериев ценности противоопухолевых препаратов: эффективность, безопасность, тяжесть заболевания, удобство приема и терапевтическая потребность. Для каждого критерия была построена линейная функций ценности, которая позволяет на основании абсолютных значений критерия для конкретного препарата получить значение выраженности критерия в диапазоне от 0 до 1. В результате проведенного взвешивания было получено два набора весовых коэффициентов за счет использования двух разных методов обработки результатов опроса экспертов. Самым значимым вкладом в терапевтическую ценность с точки зрения российских экспертов обладает критерий эффективности, а самым незначимым – тяжесть заболевания. Распределение критериев в промежуточных рангах вклада значительно отличались между двумя наборами весов.Заключение. Для практического применения и внедрения разработанного инструмента потребуется валидация его использования на примере конкретных противоопухолевых ЛП с целью определения конечного набора весовых коэффициентов, проверки устойчивости результатов и формирования шкалы уровней терапевтической ценности


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    The current approaches to the drug pricing commonly used worldwide allow for incorporating the therapeutic value of the drug into its consumer price. The drug pricing system existing in the Russian Federation restricts the availability of highly effective innovative drugs and leads to unnecessary expenses of the national budget. In this article, we propose a novel concept of price control relevant to Russia, which is based on the approaches used elsewhere.В зарубежных странах разработаны и внедрены подходы к ценообразованию на ЛП, позволяющие учитывать терапевтическую ценность препаратов при формировании обоснованной цены на них. Существующая отечественная система использует подходы, ограничивающие доступ пациентов к инновационным высокоэффективным ЛП, а также приводит к нерациональному расходованию бюджетных средств на лекарственное обеспечение. В данной статье предложена концепция оптимизации системы ценового регулирования в РФ на основе внедрения актуальных зарубежных подходов

    Rotational coherence spectroscopy of molecules in helium nanodroplets: Reconciling the time and the frequency domains

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    Alignment of OCS, CS2_2 and I2_2 molecules embedded in helium nanodroplets is measured as a function of time following rotational excitation by a non-resonant, comparatively weak ps laser pulse. The distinct peaks in the power spectra, obtained by Fourier analysis, are used to determine the rotational, B, and centrifugal distortion, D, constants. For OCS, B and D match the values known from IR spectroscopy. For CS2_2 and I2_2, they are the first experimental results reported. The alignment dynamics calculated from the gas-phase rotational Schr\"{o}dinger equation, using the experimental in-droplet B and D values, agree in detail with the measurement for all three molecules. The rotational spectroscopy technique for molecules in helium droplets introduced here should apply to a range of molecules and complexes.Comment: ASC and LC contributed equally. 7 pages, 3 figure