22 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw wielo艣ciennych nanorurek w臋glowych na 偶ywotno艣膰 i patogenno艣膰 owadob贸jczych nicieni

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    The investigations aimed at recognizing the impact of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the activity of enthomopathogenic nematodes under laboratory conditions. Two kinds of nanotubes were applied to treat infective juveniles of two enthomopathogenic nematode species. The obtained results allowed for a conclusion that multi-walled carbon nanotubes do not cause mortality of the analysed nematode infective juveniles (IJs). However, they partially reduce their activity towards test insects.Celem przeprowadzonych bada艅 by艂o poznanie wp艂ywu wielo艣ciennych nanorurek w臋glowych na aktywno艣膰 nicieni owadob贸jczych w warunkach laboratoryjnych. W badaniach zastosowano dwa rodzaje wielo艣ciennych nanorurek w臋glowych, kt贸rymi traktowano larwy inwazyjne dw贸ch gatunk贸w nicieni owadob贸jczych. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoli艂y stwierdzi膰, 偶e wielo艣cienne nanorurki w臋glowe nie powoduj膮 艣miertelno艣ci badanych larw inwazyjnych (IJs) nicieni. Powoduj膮 jednak cz臋艣ciowe ograniczenie ich aktywno艣ci wzgl臋dem owad贸w testowych

    Wp艂yw wielo艣ciennych nanorurek w臋glowych (MWCNTs) na 偶ywotno艣膰 zarodnik贸w grzyba Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wise) Brown & Smith (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes)

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    The study aimed at testing the influence of pristine multi-walled carbon (MWCNTs) and carboxyl (MWCNT(COOH)) nanotubes on spores of entomopathogenic Paecilomyces fumosoroseus fungus. The effect of the nanotubes on the fungus linear growth, biomass increment and sporulation was determined. The character of linear growth of P. fumosoroseus mycelium obtained from the spores contacted with MWCNTs was difterent in comparison with the control. Pristine carbon nanotubes significantly stimulated P. fumosoroseus mycelium linear growth and limited its sporulation in comparison with the control. Carboxylation changed the influence of carbon nanotubes on the spores of the tested fungus. The activity of MWCNT(COOH) was definitely weaker and the obtained linear growth and sporulation did not differ significantly from the control. No apparent effect of MWCNTs on the increment of P. fumosoroseus biomass was found.Zbadano wp艂yw wielo艣ciennych nanorurek w臋glowych surowych (MWCNTs) i karboksylowanych (MWCNT(COOH)) na zarodniki owadob贸jczego grzyba Paecilomyces fumosoroseus. Okre艣lono wp艂yw nanorurek na wzrost liniowy grzyba, przyrost biomasy i zarodnikowanie. Charakter wzrostu liniowego grzybni P. fumosoroseus uzyskanego z zarodnik贸w kontaktowanych z MWCNTs w por贸wnaniu do kontroli by艂 inny. Nanorurki w臋glowe surowe powodowa艂y znaczn膮 stymulacj臋 wzrostu powierzchniowego grzybni P. fumosoroseus i ograniczenie jej zarodnikowania w por贸wnaniu do kontroli. Karboksylacja zmieni艂a wp艂yw nanorurek w臋glowych na zarodniki badanego grzyba. Oddzia艂ywanie MWCNT(COOH) by艂o zdecydowanie s艂absze, a uzyskany wzrost liniowy i zarodnikowanie nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 istotnie od kontroli. Nie stwierdzono istotnego wp艂ywu MWCNTs na przyrost biomasy grzyba P. fumosoroseus

    Reactions of carbanions derived from 伪-substituted-methyl tolyl sulfones with quinone methides as Michael acceptors

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    Nucleophilic addition of 伪-halo-4-tolylsulfonyl methyl anions to quinone methides and subsequent reactions were studied. Three kinds of consecutive reaction products were isolated, depending on the substrate structures and reaction conditions. Two of them were identified as rearrangement products and one as the vicarious nucleophilic substitution (VNS) product. An unexpected 1,2-migration of the tosyl group was observed. The mechanism of the reactions is briefly discussed