1,211 research outputs found

    Ontology Population for Open-Source Intelligence

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    We present an approach based on GATE (General Architecture for Text Engineering) for the automatic population of ontologies from text documents. We describe some experimental results, which are encouraging in terms of extracted correct instances of the ontology. We then focus on a phase of our pipeline and discuss a variant thereof, which aims at reducing the manual effort needed to generate pre-defined dictionaries used in document annotation. Our additional experiments show promising results also in this case

    Thioredoxin-1: a cardioprotector against stress

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    This editorial refers to ‘Thioredoxin-1 maintains mitochondrial function via mTOR signaling in the heart’ by S.I. Oka et al., pp. 1742–1755

    Porokeratosis: Two Faces, One Family

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    Porokeratosis is a disorder of keratinisation whose pathogenesis is yet unclear. It has been postulated that it results from the proliferation of an abnormal clone of keratinocytes, triggered by several factors, such as immunosuppression or prolonged ultraviolet exposure. Various clinical forms are recognized whose common denominator is a keratotic ring surrounding a central zone of atrophy. The histological hallmark is the cornoid lamella, a thin column of hyperproliferative abnormal keratinocytes. We describe two cases of porokeratosis. A 67-year-old woman with an erythematous purplish round plaque surrounded by a keratotic border that had appeared 6 years previously on the left sural region was diagnosed as ‘giant’ porokeratosis. A 49-year-old man presented with small papules coalescent in an erythematous oval plaque on the lateral side of the left foot consistent with linear porokeratosis

    A novel approach to controlled query evaluation in DL-Lite

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    In Controlled Query Evaluation (CQE) confidential data are protected through a declarative policy and a (optimal) censor, which guarantees that answers to queries are maximized without disclosing secrets. In this paper we consider CQE over Description Logic ontologies and study query answering over all optimal censors. We establish data complexity of the problem for ontologies specified in DL-LiteR and for variants of the censor language, which is the language used by the censor to enforce the policy. In our investigation we also analyze the relationship between CQE and the problem of Consistent Query Answering

    Towards more sustainable patterns of urban development

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    DETR, 1998, wrote in Planning for Sustainable Development. Towards Better Practice: “New settlements will enjoy a high quality of urban and landscape design. As well as integrated open space, there should be habitat areas, and environmental gains such as energy efficiency measures introduced in layouts and individual buildings”; but this claim is remained largely dissatisfied. There is a great interest (and large investments in research) for the smart city, which seeks to optimize the existing cities, while people go on to design urban developments with building typologies set ninety years ago by Modern Movement or little more. Urban Planning compares existing cities’ models and asseverates that densification has positive role for sustainability, but do not turns enough to account passive typologies for heating and cooling, which can turn down near to zero power-consumption, and at the same time can raise urban environment quality. Famous settlements too, as Malmö or Vauban in Freiburg, has been built with building typologies conventional, after all; German passive Haus have generally two, three or four building fronts and in reality, are simply hyper-insulated traditional buildings, furnished with mechanical controlled ventilation. For an urban extension of Potenza, we have used for the urban planning the sustainability assessment categories of ITACA’s Protocol, derivative from GBTool of GBC, people normally use to assess ex-post sustainability of projects and of realized buildings. The result is a settlement in which pedestrian, cycle and public transport’s network is fully integrated with adjacent urban areas; effective landscaping connects public and private green and kitchen-gardens/orchards are everywhere; buildings are made with new semi-underground typologies, nZEB and made with local, re-cyclable materials; rain water is collected, in-loco fito-depurated and reused; in-loco renewable energies (sun, earth, wind) satisfies remaining necessitie

    Metastatic Uterine Leiomyosarcoma in the Upper Buccal Gingiva Misdiagnosed as an Epulis

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    Uterine leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a rare tumor constituting 1% of all uterine malignancies. This sarcoma demonstrates an aggressive growth pattern with an high rate of recurrence with hematologic dissemination; the most common sites are lung, liver, and peritoneal cavity, head and neck district being rarely interested. Only other four cases of metastasis in the oral cavity have been previously described. The treatment of choice is surgery and the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation has limited impact on clinical outcome. In case of metastases, surgical excision can be performed considering extent of disease, number and type of distant lesions, disease free interval from the initial diagnosis to the time of metastases, and expected life span. We illustrate a case of uterine LMS metastasis in the upper buccal gingiva that occurred during chemotherapy in a 63-year-old woman that underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for a diagnosis of LMS staged as pT2bN0 and that developed lung metastases eight months after primary treatment. Surgical excision of the oral mass (previously misdiagnosed as epulis at a dental center) and contemporary reconstruction with pedicled temporalis muscle flap was performed in order to improve quality of life. Even if resection was achieved in free margins, "local" relapse was observed 5 months after surgery

    Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy, Apulia). Legacies and issues in excavating a key site for the Pleistocene of the Mediterranean

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    Grotta Romanelli, located on the Adriatic coast of southern Apulia (Italy), is considered a key site for the Mediterranean Pleistocene for its archaeological and palaeontological contents. The site, discovered in 1874, was re-evaluated only in 1900, when P. E. Stasi realised that it contained the first evidence of the Palaeolithic in Italy. Starting in 1914, G. A. Blanc led a pioneering excavation campaign, for the first-time using scientific methods applied to systematic palaeontological and stratigraphical studies. Blanc proposed a stratigraphic framework for the cave. Different dating methods (C-14 and U/Th) were used to temporally constrain the deposits. The extensive studies of the cave and its contents were mostly published in journals with limited distribution and access, until the end of the 1970s, when the site became forgotten. In 2015, with the permission of the authorities, a new excavation campaign began, led by a team from Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with IGAG CNR and other research institutions. The research team had to deal with the consequences of more than 40 years of inactivity in the field and the combined effect of erosion and legal, as well as illegal, excavations. In this paper, we provide a database of all the information published during the first 70 years of excavations and highlight the outstanding problems and contradictions between the chronological and geomorphological evidence, the features of the faunal assemblages and the limestone artefacts

    Photonics for Coherent MIMO Radar: an Experimental Multi-Target Surveillance Scenario

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    This paper investigates the target detection and localization capabilities of a coherent multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar network designed and implemented using photonic technology. The benefit offered by photonics is twofold: it guarantees long-time phase stability and frequency/phase coherence between the transmitted and received radio frequency signals; secondly, it allows remoting the antennas by exploiting optical fibers. The proposed radar network demonstrator, which is composed of two transmitting and two receiving antennas in the X-band with 100 MHz signal bandwidth, operates in a real down-scaled outdoor scenario for detecting two collaborative closely-spaced moving targets. The preliminary results demonstrate the effective impact of photonics applied to coherent centralized radar networks and provide some guidelines for the development of more complex and application-tailored radar networks

    In-Field Demonstration of a Photonic Coherent MIMO Distributed Radar Network

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    This paper reports an in-field experiment of a photonics-based coherent MIMO radar network. The use of photonics guarantees the coherence of the transmitted and received RF signals, and allows remoting the antennas exploiting deployed optical fibers, thus a MIMO approach can be applied on a network of widely distributed coherent radars. In the in-field experiment, a photonics-based radar core connects two transmitters and two receivers, with 100-MHz bandwidth signals in X-band, observing a collaborative target. The results demonstrate an improvement in radar precision, and envisage real applications wherever fiber is available for deploying the radar network

    Distributed coherent radars enabled by fiber networks

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    In the last few years, we have been proposing the use of photonics to bring new functionalities in radar systems, exploiting its precision and tunability to give radars improved performance and reconfigurability. This paper will present the most recent evolution of the original idea of photonics-based radars, which considers the exploitation of the increasingly available fiber connections to implement a network of widely distributed radars. The centralized photonic approach allows driving several separated radars simultaneously, enabling the novel class of distributed coherent radar systems. Through the implementation of specific multi-input multi-output (MIMO) processing, the photonics-enabled radar network is capable to push the radar detection resolution far beyond the limits usually set by the signal bandwidth alone