60 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre poblaciones silvestres de Brassica oleracea ensu límite de distribución occidental en la Península Ibérica

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    An exploration and collection mission for wild Brassica oleracea populations was carried out in spring and summer of2013. The aim of this collection was to expand the number of accessions of wild Brassica oleraceaavailable for basic andapplied research in plant breeding. In this paper we report a new population of wild Brassica oleraceain an unexploredcoastal area of Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula. Details of population ecology and vegetation, soil, climate and geographicdata were recorded for this population. The “Endangered” threat category for the region is proposed, and actions for in situand ex situconservation are proposed. Seeds will be added to the germplasm collections of University of Santiago deCompostela and Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) for further research on diverse aspects of the dynamics and ecophy-siology of the population along with characterization and evaluation of useful traits.En la primavera y el verano de 2013 se llevó a cabo un estudio que incluía la exploración y recolección de poblacionessilvestres de Brassica oleracea. El objetivo de esta colección era ampliar el número de muestras de germoplasma de estaespecie disponibles para la investigación básica y aplicada al fitomejoramiento. En este trabajo se presentan nuevos datossobre poblaciones de Brassica oleraceasilvestre en un área costera inexplorada de Galicia, en el noroeste de la PenínsulaIbérica. Detalles de la ecología de la población y la vegetación, el suelo, el clima y los datos geográficos se registraron paraesta población. Se propone la categoría de amenaza para la región, y las acciones para su correcta conservación in situ y exsitu. Las muestras de semillas se añadirán a las colecciones de germoplasma de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostelay de la Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) para futuras investigaciones sobre diversos aspectos de la dinámica y la ecofi-siología de la población junto con la caracterización y evaluación de características útiles.S

    Domestication influences morphological and physiological responses to salinity in Brassica oleracea seedlings

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    Brassica oleracea cultivars include important vegetable and forage crops grown worldwide, whereas the wild counterpart occurs naturally on European sea cliffs. Domestication and selection processes have led to phenotypic and genetic divergence between domesticated plants and their wild ancestors that inhabit coastal areas and are exposed to saline conditions. Salinity is one of the most limiting factors for crop production. However, little is known about how salinity affects plants in relation to domestication of B. oleracea. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of domestication status (wild, landrace or cultivar) on the response of different B. oleracea crops to salinity, as measured by seed germination, plant growth, water content and mineral concentration parameters at the seedling stage. For this purpose, two independent pot experiments were conducted with six accessions of B. oleracea, including cabbage (group capitata) and kale (group acephala), in a growth chamber under controlled environmental conditions. In both taxonomic groups, differences in domestication status and salt stress significantly affected all major process such as germination, changes in dry matter, water relations and mineral uptake. In the acephala experiment, the domestication × salinity interaction significantly affected water content parameters and shoot Na+ allocation. At early stages of development, wild plants are more succulent than cultivated plants and have a higher capacity to maintain lower Na+ concentrations in their shoots in response to increasing levels of salinity. Different responses of domesticated and cultivated accessions in relation to these traits indicated a high level of natural variation in wild B. oleracea. Exclusion of Na+ from shoots and increasing succulence may enhance salt tolerance in B. oleracea exposed to extreme salinity in the long term. The wild germplasm can potentially be used to improve the salt tolerance of crops by the identification of useful genes and incorporation of these into salinity-sensitive cultivars.M.L. recognizes an Isidro Parga Pondal-I2C Program fellowship from the Xunta de Galicia. Md.Y.A. was supported by the EXPERTS_II (Erasmus Mundus) Interchange ProgramS

    Preliminar screening of runner bean for tolerance to low temperature at early stage

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    The runner bean requires moderate temperatures for optimum germination. The low temperatures at sowing delay both germination and plant emergence and reduce establishment of beans when planted early in the growing season. The objectives of this work were to identify potential runner bean germplasm from Spain with tolerance to low temperature. Seeds of 18 accessions of runner bean were germinated in climatic chambers at 14 ºC (day)/8 ºC (night) temperature. The accessions PHA-0311, PHA-0409 and PHA-1018 had the best performance under experimental the cold conditions.Research was supported by the projects AGF2000-1613 and RF03-024-C6-2 from the Spanish Government.Peer reviewe

    Epigenetic and phenotypic responses to experimental climate change of native and invasive Carpobrotus edulis

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    Despite the recent discoveries on how DNA methylation could help plants to adapt to changing environments, the relationship between epigenetics and climate change or invasion in new areas is still poorly known. Here, we investigated, through a field experiment, how the new expected climate scenarios for Southern Europe, i.e., increased temperature and decreased rainfall, might affect global DNA methylation in relation to phenotypic variation in individuals of clonal plant, Carpobrotus edulis, from its native (Southern African) and invaded (northwestern Iberian Peninsula) area. Our results showed that changes in temperature and rainfall induced phenotypic but not global DNA methylation differences among plants, and the climatic effects were similar for plants coming from the native or invaded areas. The individuals from the Iberian Peninsula showed higher levels of global methylation than their native counterparts from South Africa. We also observed differences between natives and invasive phenotypes in traits related to the pattern of biomass partitioning and to the strategies for water uptake and use and found an epigenetic contribution to phenotypic changes in some leaf traits, especially on the nitrogen isotopic composition. We conclude that the increased temperature and decreased rainfall projected for Southern Europe during the course of the twenty-first century may foster phenotypic changes in C. edulis, possibly endowing this species with a higher ability to successful cope the rapid environmental shifts. The epigenetic and phenotypic divergence that we observed between native and invasive plants suggests an intraspecific functional variation during the process of invasion. This result could indicate that phenotypic plasticity and global DNA methylation are related to the colonization of new habitats. Our findings reinforce the importance of epigenetic plasticity on rapid adaptation of invasive clonal plantsFunding for this study was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; grant Ref. CGL2013-48885-C2-2-R and Ref. CGL2017-87294-C3-1P awarded to RR) and by the Autonomous Government of Galicia (grant ref. I2CB awarded to MS)S

    Caracterización y evaluación de poblaciones de Lupinus hispanicus de Galicia

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    Comunicación presentada en el Congreso de Mejora genética de plantas, celebrado en Almería entre el 25 y el 27 de septiembre de 2002.- 7 páginas, 2 tablas y 1 figura.[EN] Characterizatíon and evaluation of L. hispanicus Boiss. et Reut. populations from Galicia is being carried out at the Mision Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) since 2000. Thís specie is used, in summer, like forage in central-west area of Iberían Península. Its grain can be utílized dírectly by cattle and it is used ground, mixed with cereals, for feed. Lupin crop would contribute to the supply of vegetal proteín at low cost. Accordíng to the prelíminary results, there are some lupin populations with suitable characteristics for their possible future utilizatíon in this area for feed.[ES] Desde el año 2000 se está procediendo, en la Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC), a la caracterización y evaluación de poblaciones de Lupinus hispanicus Boiss. et Reut. de Galicia. Esta especie se emplea, sobre todo en verano, corno forraje en la zona centro-oeste de la Península Ibérica. Su grano puede ser utilizado directamente por el ganado y, además, se emplea molido, mezclado con cereales, como pienso ya que supone una fuente de proteína vegetal de bajo coste. De acuerdo a los resultados preliminares existen algunas poblaciones interesantes para su futura utilización en programas de mejora destinados a conseguir variedades que puedan ser empleadas en alimentación animal.Este trabajo ha sido realizado con el soporte económico de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra y de los proyectos INIA RF0017 y PGIDT-99 AGR29102 de la Xunta de Galicia.Peer reviewe

    Las proteaginosas

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    Las proteaginosas (guisantes, altramuces y otros) son leguminosas de alto contenido en proteínas. El uso más conocido para el guisante es en verde y se consume fresco, enlatado o congelado; también se puede utilizar la vaina verde o tirabeque o el grano seco para la producción de piensos (hasta un 25% de proteína). El altramuz despierta gran interés para la agricultura moderna no sólo por su excepcional contenido en proteínas sino también por su adaptación a terrenos pobres, de reacción ácida. Se utiliza para forraje verde, heno y ensilado. Además sus semillas presentan un valor nutritivo muy elevado y se emplean como pienso y en alimentación humana. Otro aprovechamiento de los altramuces es como planta de cobertera y mejoradora del suelo.Peer reviewe

    Recursos genéticos de Dactylis en Galicia

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    3 páginas.- Trabajo presentado en el Seminario organizado por el Area de Genétíca de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y la Sociedad Española de Genética (Sección de Mejora de Plantas), con la colaboración de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas (Grupo de Mejora Genética) celebrado en el Campus Universitario de Lugo en octubre de 2000.En Galicia, se han encontrado hasta la fecha. tres subespecies del género Dactylis (Lindner y García, 1997): la subespecie glomerata (tetraploide y muy cultivada); la subespecie izcoi. descrita por Ortiz y Rodriguez Oubiña (1993) endéminca de Galicia que presenta dos citotipos - diploide y tetraploide - y la subespecie marina (Borr) , tetraploide, caracterizada por la presencia de papilas epidérmicas, hojas de color verde azulado y está localizada en los acantilados marinos de la costa atlántica y cantábrica (Lindner, 1994). Horjales y col. (1995), han encontrado dos individuos hexaploides en la Punta do Crego en la Península del Morrazo (Pontevedra). El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar especialmente las localidades diploides de dicho género y su relación con la altitud y clima, puesto que en un previo estudio (Lindner y García 1997) se había observado que la acidez del suelo no tiene influencia sobre este citotipo.Peer reviewe

    Selecting common bean with genes of different evolutionary origins for resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli

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    Common bacterial blight (CBB) is an important seed-borne disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Low levels of resistance occur in the common and scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.), with higher levels available in the tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray). Germplasm lines with CBB resistance separately from each of the three Phaseolus species and pyramided resistance are available. The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the main and interaction effects of two isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Xcp), one from Colorado and one from Wisconsin, and their inoculum densities with CBB resistance from the three species separately and pyramided; and (ii) identify the most useful germplasm for breeding for resistance. Thirty-one genotypes were evaluated at 14 and 21 d after inoculation (DAI) using two inoculum densities in 2005 and three in 2006 of each of the two Xcp isolates. Large differences in response to Colorado and Wisconsin Xcp isolates, densities, and evaluation time were observed. The resistance derived from the three species separately was not effective against the aggressive Wisconsin Xcp isolate at higher densities ≥108, especially at 21 DAI. Resistance pyramided with the tepary bean was the most effective. No crossover interactions were observed between the 31 common bean germplasm sources and the two Xcp isolates at any density and evaluation date. Use of only pyramided resistance for breeding is advised.Peer reviewe

    Natural hybridization among cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) subspecies in Galicia (North-West Spain)

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    12 páginas.- 4 figuras y 4 tablas.[EN] Special cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) ecotypes from Galicia (Spain) were compared with D. glomerata subsp. hispánica from Portugal, in order to determine if they belonged to that Mediterranean subspecies, which was not observed in Galicia to date (because of its Atlantic influence). Although multivariate analysis of quantitative traits separated subsp. hispánica from Galician cocksfoot, allelic frequencies of the diagnostic isozyme locus SOD1 (TOl) related subsp. hispánica to Mgll49, a natural population near Casaio (in the Southeast of Galicia, with Mediterranean climate). It is concluded that this population is a hybrid between subsp. hispánica and subsp. izcoi (an endemic subspecies of Galicia and north of Portugal), both tetraploids. The other populations from this zone present a genic flux from subsp. hispánica.[ES] Se han comparado ecotipos de Dactylis glomerata L. de Galicia (España) con D. glomerata subsp. hispánica, con objeto de determinar si pertenecen a ésta subespecie mediterránea, la cual no se ha observado hasta ahora en Galicia (debido a su influencia atlántica). Aunque los análisis multivariantes de los caracteres cuantitativos separaban la subsp. hispánica de los dáctilos gallegos, las frecuencias alélicas isoenzimáticas del locus de diagnóstico SOD1 (TO1 Relacionaron la subsp. hispánica con Mgll49, una población natural próxima a Casaio (en el sureste de Galicia, de clima mediterráneo). Se llegó a la conclusión de que dicha población es un híbrido entre la subsp. hispánica y la subsp. izcoi (una subespecie endémica de Galicia y el Norte de Portugal), ambas tetraploides. Las restantes poblaciones de ésta zona presentan un flujo génico de la subsp. hispánica.Peer reviewe

    Performance of "B. rapa" varieties as turnip greens and turnip tops. Effect of environment and genotype

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    Brassica rapa is an important species of the genus Brassica widely cultivated in the world as a vegetable and for edible and industrial oil. In Galicia (Northwestern Spain) and in the coldest regions of Portugal Brassica rapa subsp. rapa L. includes three different crops: turnips, turnip greens and turnip tops. Turnips are the thickened roots, turnip greens are the young leaves harvested in the vegetative period, while turnip tops are the floral shoots and surrounding leaves. They have been under cultivation for a large period since they were among the first vegetables to be introduced into the Western Iberian Peninsula (Gómez-Campo, 1999). A collection of B. rapa subsp. rapa from northwestern Spain is currently kept at ‘Misión Biológica de Galicia’ (CSIC, Spain). This collection was preliminary evaluated based on agronomical and morfological traits by Padilla et al. (2005). One hundred and twenty B. rapa varieties of this collection were evaluated finding that in many cases, the same landrace is sown for more than one purpose. However, the potential yield of these varieties and the stability of performance have yet not been explored. Based on this previous clasification twelve varieties were selected with the aim of determining the most promising varieties for turnip greens and/or turnip tops fresh production to be included in future breeding programs.Research supported by the Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT06RAG40302PR) and Excma. Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra.Peer reviewe