803 research outputs found

    Pluricomplex Green and Lempert functions for equally weighted poles

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    For Ω\Omega a domain in Cn\mathbb C^n, the pluricomplex Green function with poles a1,...,aN∈Ωa_1, ...,a_N \in \Omega is defined as G(z):=sup⁥{u(z):u∈PSH−(Ω),u(x)≀log⁥∄x−aj∄+Cjwhenx→aj,j=1,...,N}G(z):=\sup \{u(z): u\in PSH_-(\Omega), u(x)\le \log \|x-a_j\|+C_j \text{when} x \to a_j, j=1,...,N \}. When there is only one pole, or two poles in the unit ball, it turns out to be equal to the Lempert function defined from analytic disks into Ω\Omega by LS(z):=inf⁥{∑j=1NÎœjlog⁥∣ζj∣:∃ϕ∈O(D,Ω),ϕ(0)=z,ϕ(ζj)=aj,j=1,...,N}L_S (z) :=\inf \{\sum^N_{j=1}\nu_j\log|\zeta_j|: \exists \phi\in \mathcal {O}(\mathbb D,\Omega), \phi(0)=z, \phi(\zeta_j)=a_j, j=1,...,N \}. It is known that we always have LS(z)≄GS(z)L_S (z) \ge G_S(z). In the more general case where we allow weighted poles, there is a counterexample to equality due to Carlehed and Wiegerinck, with Ω\Omega equal to the bidisk. Here we exhibit a counterexample using only four distinct equally weighted poles in the bidisk. In order to do so, we first define a more general notion of Lempert function "with multiplicities", analogous to the generalized Green functions of Lelong and Rashkovskii, then we show how in some examples this can be realized as a limit of regular Lempert functions when the poles tend to each other. Finally, from an example where LS(z)>GS(z)L_S (z) > G_S(z) in the case of multiple poles, we deduce that distinct (but close enough) equally weighted poles will provide an example of the same inequality. Open questions are pointed out about the limits of Green and Lempert functions when poles tend to each other.Comment: 25 page

    Inverse problem and Bertrand's theorem

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    The Bertrand's theorem can be formulated as the solution of an inverse problem for a classical unidimensional motion. We show that the solutions of these problems, if restricted to a given class, can be obtained by solving a numerical equation. This permit a particulary compact and elegant proof of Bertrand's theorem.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    On Vector Bundles of Finite Order

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    We study growth of holomorphic vector bundles E over smooth affine manifolds. We define Finsler metrics of finite order on E by estimates on the holomorphic bisectional curvature. These estimates are very similar to the ones used by Griffiths and Cornalba to define Hermitian metrics of finite order. We then generalize the Vanishing Theorem of Griffiths and Cornalba to the Finsler context. We develop a value distribution theory for holomorphic maps from the projectivization of E to projective space. We show that the projectivization of E can be immersed into a projective space of sufficiently large dimension via a map of finite order.Comment: version 2 has some typos corrected; to appear in Manuscripta Mathematic

    Powers of ideals and convergence of Green functions with colliding poles

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    Let us have a family of ideals of holomorphic functions vanishing at N distinct points of a complex manifold, all tending to a single point. As is known, convergence of the ideals does not guarantee the convergence of the pluricomplex Green functions to the Green function of the limit ideal; moreover, the existence of the limit of the Green functions was unclear. Assuming that all the powers of the ideals converge to some ideals, we prove that the Green functions converge, locally uniformly away from the limit pole, to a function which is essentially the upper envelope of the scaled Green functions of the limits of the powers. As examples, we consider ideals generated by hyperplane sections of a holomorphic curve near its singular point. In particular, our result explains recently obtained asymptotics for 3-point models.Comment: 15 pages; typesetting errors fixe

    Approximation of conformal mappings using conformally equivalent triangular lattices

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    Consider discrete conformal maps defined on the basis of two conformally equivalent triangle meshes, that is edge lengths are related by scale factors associated to the vertices. Given a smooth conformal map ff, we show that it can be approximated by such discrete conformal maps fÏ”f^\epsilon. In particular, let TT be an infinite regular triangulation of the plane with congruent triangles and only acute angles (i.e.\ <π/2<\pi/2). We scale this tiling by Ï”>0\epsilon>0 and approximate a compact subset of the domain of ff with a portion of it. For Ï”\epsilon small enough we prove that there exists a conformally equivalent triangle mesh whose scale factors are given by log⁥∣fâ€Č∣\log|f'| on the boundary. Furthermore we show that the corresponding discrete conformal maps fÏ”f^\epsilon converge to ff uniformly in C1C^1 with error of order Ï”\epsilon.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; v2 typos corrected, revised introduction, some proofs extende

    Polya's inequalities, global uniform integrability and the size of plurisubharmonic lemniscates

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    First we prove a new inequality comparing uniformly the relative volume of a Borel subset with respect to any given complex euclidean ball \B \sub \C^n with its relative logarithmic capacity in \C^n with respect to the same ball \B. An analoguous comparison inequality for Borel subsets of euclidean balls of any generic real subspace of \C^n is also proved. Then we give several interesting applications of these inequalities. First we obtain sharp uniform estimates on the relative size of \psh lemniscates associated to the Lelong class of \psh functions of logarithmic singularities at infinity on \C^n as well as the Cegrell class of \psh functions of bounded Monge-Amp\`ere mass on a hyperconvex domain \W \Sub \C^n. Then we also deduce new results on the global behaviour of both the Lelong class and the Cegrell class of \psh functions.Comment: 25 page

    Initial Data for General Relativity with Toroidal Conformal Symmetry

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    A new class of time-symmetric solutions to the initial value constraints of vacuum General Relativity is introduced. These data are globally regular, asymptotically flat (with possibly several asymptotic ends) and in general have no isometries, but a U(1)×U(1)U(1)\times U(1) group of conformal isometries. After decomposing the Lichnerowicz conformal factor in a double Fourier series on the group orbits, the solutions are given in terms of a countable family of uncoupled ODEs on the orbit space.Comment: REVTEX, 9 pages, ESI Preprint 12

    Convergence and multiplicities for the Lempert function

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    Given a domain Ω⊂C\Omega \subset \mathbb C, the Lempert function is a functional on the space Hol (\D,\Omega) of analytic disks with values in Ω\Omega, depending on a set of poles in Ω\Omega. We generalize its definition to the case where poles have multiplicities given by local indicators (in the sense of Rashkovskii's work) to obtain a function which still dominates the corresponding Green function, behaves relatively well under limits, and is monotonic with respect to the indicators. In particular, this is an improvement over the previous generalization used by the same authors to find an example of a set of poles in the bidisk so that the (usual) Green and Lempert functions differ.Comment: 24 pages; many typos corrected thanks to the referee of Arkiv for Matemati
