18 research outputs found

    Impurity-to-efficiency simulator: Predictive simulation of solar cell efficiencies based on measured metal distribution and cell processing conditions

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    We present a fast and simple 1D simulation tool to predict solar cell performance as a function of the initial iron content and distribution in the as-grown silicon wafer, the time-temperature profiles applied during the fabrication process, and several parameters related to cell architecture. The applied model consists of three parts that are validated by comparison to experimental results from literature. Assuming a time-temperature profile of a standard solar cell fabrication process, we calculate the redistribution of iron and the evolution of minority carrier lifetime for different as-grown Fe distributions. The solar cell performance as a function of the total iron concentration and the final lifetime distribution is also simulated and compared to experimental results for multicrystalline Si. Keywords: simulation, crystalline silicon solar cell, getterin

    Study of internal versus external gettering of iron during slow cooling processes for silicon solar cell fabrication

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    The e�ect of slow cooling after di�erent high temperature treatments on the in- terstitial iron concentration and on the electron lifetime of p-type mc-Si wafers has been in- vestigated. The respective impacts of internal relaxation gettering and external segregation gettering of metal impurities during an extended phosphorous di�usion gettering are studied. It is shown that the enhanced reduction of interstitial Fe during extended P-gettering is due to an enhanced segregation gettering while faster impurities like Cu and Ni are possibly reduced due to an internal gettering e�ect

    TCAD for PV: a fast method for accurately modelling metal impurity evolution during solar cell processing

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    Coupled device and process silumation tools, collectively known as technology computer-aided design (TCAD), have been used in the integrated circuit industry for over 30 years. These tools allow researchers to quickly converge on optimized devide designs and manufacturing processes with minimal experimental expenditures. The PV industry has been slower to adopt these tools, but is quickly developing competency in using them. This paper introduces a predictive defect engineering paradigm and simulation tool, while demonstrating its effectiveness at increasing the performance and throughput of current industrial processes. the impurity-to-efficiency (I2E) simulator is a coupled process and device simulation tool that links wafer material purity, processing parameters and cell desigh to device performance. The tool has been validated with experimental data and used successfully with partners in industry. The simulator has also been deployed in a free web-accessible applet, which is available for use by the industrial and academic communities

    Optimization of the silicon subcell for III-V on silicon multijunction solar cells: key differences with conventional silicon technology

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    Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon (Si) bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on Si for photovoltaic (PV) applications. Such integration would offer a cost breakthrough for PV technology, unifying the low cost of Si and the efficiency potential of III-V multijunction solar cells. The optimization of the Si solar cells properties in flat-plate PV technology is well-known; nevertheless, it has been proven that the behavior of Si substrates is different when processed in an MOVPE reactor In this study, we analyze several factors influencing the bottom subcell performance, namely, 1) the emitter formation as a result of phosphorus diffusion; 2) the passivation quality provided by the GaP nucleation layer; and 3) the process impact on the bottom subcell PV properties

    About the origin of low wafer performance and crystal defect generation on seed-cast growth of industrial mono-like silicon ingots

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    The era of the seed-cast grown monocrystalline-based silicon ingots is coming. Mono-like, pseudomono or quasimono wafers are product labels that can be nowadays found in the market, as a critical innovation for the photovoltaic industry. They integrate some of the most favorable features of the conventional silicon substrates for solar cells, so far, such as the high solar cell efficiency offered by the monocrystalline Czochralski-Si (Cz-Si) wafers and the lower cost, high productivity and full square-shape that characterize the well-known multicrystalline casting growth method. Nevertheless, this innovative crystal growth approach still faces a number of mass scale problems that need to be resolved, in order to gain a deep, 100% reliable and worldwide market: (i) extended defects formation during the growth process; (ii) optimization of the seed recycling; and (iii) parts of the ingots giving low solar cells performance, which directly affect the production costs and yield of this approach. Therefore, this paper presents a series of casting crystal growth experiments and characterization studies from ingots, wafers and cells manufactured in an industrial approach, showing the main sources of crystal defect formation, impurity enrichment and potential consequences at solar cell level. The previously mentioned technological drawbacks are directly addressed, proposing industrial actions to pave the way of this new wafer technology to high efficiency solar cells

    Mono-crystalline silicon wafers manufactured by casting methods: Optoelectronic, structural and solar cell study

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    1) Introduction 2) The Quasi-mono, pseudo-mono, mono-like ERA. 3) Manufacturing mono-cast ingots: COST (seed recycling) 4) Summary and findings 5) Current status at DCWafer

    Применение проместрина в лечении вагинита

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    Основной причиной возникновения вагинита считаются бактерии или паразиты, для лечения которых требуется соответствующий антибиотик или антисептик. При этом некоторые формы возбудителей инфекции вызывают нарушения трофики влагалища. Такое часто случается, в частности до наступления половой зрелости, после аборта или в послеродовой период, после менопаузы или во время так называемого контрацептивного эстроген-прогестагенного лечения

    Defect engineering during the contact co-firing step in an industrial belt furnace

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    This work implements an optimization of the phosphorus gettering effect during the contact co-firing step by means of both simulations and experiments in an industrial belt furnace. An optimized temperature profile, named ‘extended co-firing step’, is presented. Simulations show that the effect of the short annealing on the final interstitial iron concentration depends strongly on the initial contamination level of the material and that the ‘extended co-firing’ temperature profile can enhance the gettering effect within a small additional time. Experimental results using sister wafers from the same multicrystalline silicon ingot confirm these trends and show the potential of this new defect engineering tool to improve the solar cell efficiency

    Impact of MOVPE Environment on Silicon Substrates for III-V-on-Si Multijunction Solar Cells

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    With the final goal of integrating III-V materials to silicon for tandem solar cells, the influence of the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) environment on the minority carrier properties of silicon wafers has been evaluated. These properties will essentially determine the photovoltaic performance of the bottom cell in a III-V-on-Si tandem solar cell device. A comparison of the base minority carrier lifetimes obtained for different thermal processes carried out in a MOVPE reactor on Czochralski silicon wafers has been carried out. The effect of the formation of the emitter by phosphorus diffusion has also been evaluated

    Enhanced iron gettering by short, optimized low-temperature annealing after phosphorus emitter diffusion for industrial silicon solar cell processing

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    The introduction of a low-temperature (LT) tail after P emitter diffusion was shown to lead to considerable improvements in electron lifetime and solar cell performance by different researchers. So far, the drawback of the investigated extended gettering treatments has been the lack of knowledge about optimum annealing times and temperatures and the important increase in processing time. In this manuscript, we calculate optimum annealing temperatures of Fe-contaminated Si wafers for different annealing durations. Subsequently, it is shown theoretically and experimentally that a relatively short LT tail of 15 min can lead to a significant reduction of interstitial Fe and an increase in electron lifetime. Finally, we calculate the potential improvement of solar cell efficiency when such a short-tail extended P diffusion gettering is included in an industrial fabrication process