4 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Morfologi dan Komponen Hasil Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) Asal Pulau Timor

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    Cayenne pepper is one of the germplasm from the island of Timor known as un makaos, un lili, un fua melu or una. Timor cayenne has a unique form that is small in size ranging from 0.5-2 cm in length and a very spicy taste. Small in size between 0.5-2 cm long and very spicy taste. The purpose of this study was to identify the morphological characters and components of the results of cayenne pepper un makaos. The research method is based on the framework of the provisions of UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) and the standards set by IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute). The results showed that the characterization of the morphology of cayenne in the island of Timor was identified as having plant habitus with compact branching, cylindrical stem shape, shortening of more than three segments and having green stems. The chili leaves are ovate and green with flat leaf edges and tapered leaf tips. It has a white flower crown with anther blue flowers and an upright flower position on the cayenne tree. Green fruit color before ripe and red when cooking. Has a hornshaped fruit shape (horn shaped) with a blunt fruit tip and has the form of calix enveloping (wrapping). The character of the yield component has a measured average value of 9,47-15,08 g of fruit plant, the average number of fruit plants is 0,73-0,82 g, cayenne has a fruit length of 0,73-0,82 cm and fruit has a diameter of 0,36-0,38 cm.Cabai rawit merupakan salah satu plasma nutfah asal pulau Timor dikenal dengan sebutan un makaos, un lili, un fua melu  atau un ana. Cabai rawit Timor memiliki kekhasan bentuk yakni berukuran kecil dengan panjang berkisar 0,5-2 cm dan rasa yang sangat pedas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi karakter morfologi dan komponen hasil un makaos. Metode penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan kerangka ketentuan UPOV (International Union for The Protection of New Varieties of Plants) dan standar yang ditetapkan oleh IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakterisasi morfologi cabai rawit pulau Timor teridentifikasi memiliki habitus tanaman dengan percabangan yang kompak, bentuk batang silindris, pemendekan ruas lebih dari tiga dan memiliki batang berwarna hijau. Daun cabai berbentuk ovate (bentuk bulat telur, bagian terlebar dekat pangkal daun) dan berwarna hijau dengan tepi daun rata dan ujung daun meruncing. Mahkota bunga berwana putih dengan anter bunga berwarna biru serta kedudukan bunga tegak pada pohon cabai rawit. Warna buah hijau pada saat sebelum matang dan berwarna merah pada saat masak. Memiliki bentuk buah hornshaped (berbentuk tanduk) dengan ujung buah yang tumpul serta memiliki bentuk kaliks enveloping (membungkus). Karakter komponen hasil diantaranya bobot buah per tanaman memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 9,47-15,08 g, rata-rata jumlah buah per tanaman sebanyak 125,67-169,67 buah, cabai rawit memiliki panjang buah 0,73-0,82 cm dan buah memiliki diameter 0,36-0,38 cm

    Pengaruh Model Defoliasi Daun Jagung dan Jumlah Benih terhadap Hasil Jagung dan Kacang Nasi pada Sistem Tumpangsari Salome (Kearifan Lokal Timor)

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    Salome, a traditional intercropping system that planting several species of crops in the same hole, was established in Timor Island especially in Timor Tengah Utara district for century. To gain the positive interaction among plants and maximize the yields, however, the competition among plants both in vertical and horizontal directions should be reduced. The objectives of this research are to determine the effect of defoliation models and the number of seeds on the yield of maize and rice bean (Vigna umbellata Thunb), and to study Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) in the intercropping system of salome. All treatments of the pot trial were arranged in a Factorial Randomized Completely Block Design 6 x 4 + monoculture with three replicates. The maize leaf defoliation was the first factor consisted of six levels: without defoliation, 50 % leaves defoliation at the upper stem, 100 % leaves defoliation at the upper stem, defoliation of maize leaves leaving only 100% base to flag leaf, leaf blade defoliation  from flag leaves to cob, leaf blade defoliation  from stem to the cob. The second factor was the comparison of the maize seed numbers to rice bean. It consisted of 4 levels: one of the maize seed to one bean, one seed of local Timor maize to two beans, two seeds of maize to one bean, two seeds of maize to two beans. The results indicated that the maize leaf blade defoliation, maize leaves defoliation from stem to the cob, and the number of seeds increases the maize yield significantly, however, did not significantly affected the yield of rice bean. The LERs intercropping system on Salome models have a total value > 1. Sistem tumpangsari yang dilakukan di pulau Timor khususnya Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) masih sangat tradisional yaitu dengan menanam beberapa jenis tanaman yang berbeda spesies dalam lubang tanam yang sama. Sistem ini biasanya disebut dengan Salome atau satu lubang rame-rame. Sistem tumpangsari salome tentunya memiliki kelemahan yaitu terjadi persaingan secara vertikal maupun secara horizontal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model defoliasi dan jumlah benih terhadap hasil jagung dan kacang nasi serta untuk mengetahui Land Equivalend Racio (LER) dalam sistem tumpangsari salome. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) factorial 6 x 4 + monokultur yang diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah model defoliasi daun jagung, Tanpa defoliasi, defoliasi batang atas 50% dari tongkol, defoliasi batang atas 100% dari tongkol, defoliasi daun jagung dengan hanya meninggalkan tulang daun 100% dari pangkal hingga daun bendera, defoliasi daun jagung dengan hanya meninggalkan tulang daun dari daun bendera hingga tongkol, defoliasi daun jagung dengan hanya meninggalkan tulang daun dari daun pangkal hingga tongkol. Faktor kedua adalah perbandingan jumlah benih jagung umur genjah kultivar lokal timor dan benih kacang nasi tipe tegak, satu jagung satu kacang, satu jagung dua kacang, dua jagung satu kacang, dua jagung dua kacang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model defoliasi daun jagung dan jumlah benih mempengaruhi hasil jagung secara signifikan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil kacang nasi dan tumpangsari salome menghasilkan nilai total LER>1.&nbsp

    Effect of Defoliation Models on Maize Leaves and Seed Numbers on Yield Maize and Rice Beans on Salome Intercropping System (Timor Indigenous Knowledge)

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    Salome, a traditional intercropping system that planting several species of crops in the same hole, was established in Timor Island especially in Timor Tengah Utara district for century. To gain the positive interaction among plants and maximize the yields, however, the competition among plants both in vertical and horizontal directions should be reduced. The objectives of this research are to determine the effect of defoliation models and the number of seeds on the yield of maize and rice bean (Vigna umbellata Thunb), and to study Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) in the intercropping system of salome. All treatments of the pot trial were arranged in a Factorial Randomized Completely Block Design 6 x 4 + monoculture with three replicates. The maize leaf defoliation was the first factor consisted of six levels: without defoliation, 50 % leaves defoliation at the upper stem, 100 % leaves defoliation at the upper stem, defoliation of maize leaves leaving only 100% base to flag leaf, leaf blade defoliation  from flag leaves to cob, leaf blade defoliation  from stem to the cob. The second factor was the comparison of the maize seed numbers to rice bean. It consisted of 4 levels: one of the maize seed to one bean, one seed of local Timor maize to two beans, two seeds of maize to one bean, two seeds of maize to two beans. The results indicated that the maize leaf blade defoliation, maize leaves defoliation from stem to the cob, and the number of seeds increases the maize yield significantly, however, did not significantly affected the yield of rice bean. The LERs intercropping system on Salome models have a total value > 1. Â©2018 published by Savana Cendana