55 research outputs found

    Zum kultursensiblen Umgang mit dem Blick : Eine Anleitung für den Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein Verfahren zur Sensibilisierung für interkulturelle Inhalte im pädagogischen Diskurs zu entwickeln. Die Bedeutung einer interkulturellen Vorbereitung für DaF-Studierende wird an konkreten Beispielen aufgezeigt, wobei die Beispiele auf der verbalen und nonverbalen Ebene sowie auf der inhaltlichen und der Beziehungsebene analysiert werden. Ferner wird das Hauptaugenmerk auf das Blickverhalten gelegt. Dafür wird das Phänomen „Auge“ aus verschiedenen Perspektiven analysiert: Zuerst wird das menschliche Ausdrucksrepertoire im Augenbereich betrachtet, danach Funktionen des Blickes analysiert sowie soziokulturelle und kulturell differenzierte Blickmuster dargestellt. Die Untersuchung verschiedener Blickmuster ist für die Entwicklung des Sensibilisierungsverfahrens von Bedeutung. In Anlehnung an die Kulturemtheorie von OKSAAR (1988) werden typische unterrichtliche Handlungen, die in verschiedenen Bildungskulturen unterschiedlich sind, analysiert. Kulturspezifische Problemsituationen (critical incidents), die in konkreten Interaktionen vorkommen, bilden eine Basis für die Untersuchung des kulturdeterminierten Blickverhaltens. Abschließend wird mein eigenes Sensibilisierungsverfahren mit seinen Zielen, Voraussetzungen und Prinzipien beschrieben

    Communicative Inequality of Cross-Language Correspondences in Translation

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    The questions connected with the definition of communicative inequality of interlingual correspondences in translation are considered. It is noted that the correspondence between the units of the original text and the translation text can be represented by stable cross-language facts, which in turn in the conditions of this context are either communicative equivalent or communicative unequal. It is pointed out that the reason is the discrepancy between the language unit in the language system and its implementation in speech, that is, when translating it is important to determine the proper inter-language correspondences, and the correspondences between their uses in speech. In this regard, the authors use the notion of idiomaticity, which after N. K. Ryabtseva is defined as the typicity, stability of the use (combination) of linguistic units in speech. It is proved that when translating, the cross-language correspondences between the units of the source text and the translated text are found out at the level of the dictionary meanings of the lexemes with the preservation of grammatical forms and structures, but nevertheless, these correspondences are communicative uneven and inadequate from the point of view of their use in speech, and this determines the relevance of the study

    Quasi-Equivalence in Translation: Semantics and Pragmatics in Transmission of Nationally Specific Vocabulary

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    The question of quasi-equivalent relations in translation is considered. It is shown that the units of the source and target languages are in relations of asymmetry. Particular attention is paid to the fact that a significant degree of asymmetry is manifested not only in the comparison of systems of two languages, but also in the establishing correlations between the use of language units in speech, namely in the folklore and mythological context. It is shown that in the transmission of lexical units in the folklore-mythological text there are certain difficulties caused not only by the incongruence of lexical systems of two languages, cognitive and cultural complications, but also by the fact that in the folklore-mythological context a word is a unit of the secondary sign system, that is, in addition to the basic meaning, a word has a folklore-mythological one. The definition of quasi-equivalence in translation is given, this phenomenon is considered at the semantic and pragmatic levels. The article presents the results of comparative translation analysis, which can be used in courses on comparative linguoculturology, translation theory and practice to clarify the methods and principles of assessing the quality of translation, as well as the creation of comparative linguoculturological dictionaries that which do not exist today

    Reactivity of 4-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione and Diethylazocarboxylate in [4+2]-Cycloaddition and Ene Reactions: Solvent, Temperature, and High-Pressure Influence on the Reaction Rate

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    © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. We have studied the solvent, temperature, and pressure influences on the reaction rates of cyclic and acyclic N=N bonds in the Diels-Alder and ene reactions. The transfer from N-phenylmaleimide (9) to a structural analogue, 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione (2), is accompanied by the rate increase in five to six orders of magnitude in the Diels-Alder reactions with cyclopentadiene (4) and 9,10-dimethylanthracene (5), whereas the transfer from dimethyl fumarate (10) to diethyl azodicarboxylate (1) increases only in one to two orders of magnitude. The ratio of the reaction rate constants (2 + 4)/(1 + 4) is very large (5.2 × 107) and almost the same (5.3 × 107) as in the ene reactions with tetramethylethylene (7), (2 + 7)/(1 + 7). It has been observed that the N=N bond in reagent 2 has strong electrophilic, and its N-N moiety in the transition state has nucleophilic properties, which results from the analysis of the solvation enthalpy transfer of reagents, activated complex, and adduct in the Diels-Alder reaction of 2 with anthracene 22

    Ba and Sr Doped PbS Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition

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    The work was financially supported by program 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (№ 02.A03.21.0006)

    Современный алгоритм лечения стенозирующих ларингитов у детей

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    This article presents the own results of the introduction the algorithm for the treatment of stenotic laryngotracheitis in children. This contributed to the rapid recovery of patients, prevention of nosocomial infections, as well as a significant reduction in the volume of therapeutic interventions.В данной статье приводятся собственные данные по результатам внедрения алгоритма терапии стенозирующих ларинготрахеитов у детей, что способствовало быстрейшему выздоровлению больных, профилактике внутрибольничного инфицирования, а также значительному уменьшению объема терапевтических мероприятий

    The adsorption reaction of microorganisms in epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the mouth at the patient with the jaw’s bisfosfonate osteonecrosis

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    In the article are carried out definition of patient’s mouth characteristics with the jaw’s bisfosfonate osteonecrosis at a stage of postoperative chemotherapy and assessment of the impact of domestically produced mouthwash on non-specific resistance of the mouth’s mucous membrane. The received results demonstrate an improvement of adsorption characteristics of the mouth’s mucous membrane and a condition of the mouth.В статье проведены определение особенностей состояния полости рта пациентки с бисфосфонатным остеонекрозом челюсти на этапе послеоперационной химиотерапии и оценка влияния отечественного ополаскивателя на неспецифическую резистентность слизистой оболочки полости рта. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об улучшении адсорбционных свойств эпителия и состояния полости рт

    Clinical-epidemiological features and improvement of botulism laboratory diagnos-102 tics in Irkutsk region

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    Irkutsk Region is one of the Russian Regions where botulism cases are registered yearly. Botulism morbidity in Irkutsk Region is analysed for the ten-year period (since 2002); its clinical-epidemiological features are revealed at the present stage. Sporadic cases of botulism, are dominated. (81,9 %). From. 2006 in Irkutsk Region botulism share makes 100 % in food poisoning number. A considerable role in the infection transmission plays consumption of fish, mainly smoked or salty Baikal omul (90,9 %). In 30 % of cases injured people purchased fish at private persons in unascertained trade places, 60 % of patients ate own salting fish. In Irkutsk Region botulism is registered more often from July till November with peaks in July (58,3 %) and. September (20,8 %) that is connected, with activation of unprofitable fabricated fish selling in combination, with adverse conditions of this foodstuff storage. Botulism affects various age groups of population with, prevalence of the age category 30-49 years old. (47,8 %). Socially active able-bodied population. (72,3 %) is most often affected that increases the social importance of the disease. Mainly, moderate severe (56, 5 %) and. severe (34,8 %) disease forms were registered. Primary symptoms include two variants - dyspeptically-paralytic and. ophthalmologic-neurological forms. Analysis of botulism etiological structure showed, that the leading part in the disease occurrence in Irkutsk Region belonged to botulinum. type Е (73, 9 %). Clinical material and. foodstuff testing to botulinum toxin presence was conducted in parallel by the standard reaction of biological toxin neutralisation in white mice and dot-immunoanalysis with application of the test system that we have developed. Possibility of dot-immunoassay application in laboratory diagnostics of botulism is estimated as the express method with high specificity, sensitivity and. simplicity

    A facile low-temperature deposition of Sn-rich tin (II) monosulfide colloid particles

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    A novel, eco-friendly and low temperature synthesis of tin (II) monosulfide colloid particles is described. Chemical bath deposition was successfully applied for the deposition of polynanocrystalline SnS from acidic aqueous solutions. The characterization of the prepared samples was accomplished through elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and optical spectroscopy. The composition of tin (II) monosulfide colloids assembled of nanoparticles was found to be Sn-rich. Several simple scenarios for Sn surplus within SnS lattice (Svacancies at S-sublattice, Sn-atoms intercalated between SnS layers and Sn-doping of S-sites) have been analyzed by means of quantum chemical calculations. The potential application of the Sn1+xS colloid particles in solar cells as absorber material and as photocatalyst was demonstrated by measuring the optical properties. © 2020, ITMO University. All rights reserved.This work was performed in accordance with the scientific and research plans and state assignment of the ISSC UB RAS (theme AAAA-A19-119031890025-9) and by the Government of the Russian Federation (program 211, project No 02.A03.21.0006)