125 research outputs found

    Duality between Lagrangian and Legendrian invariants

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    Consider a pair (X,L)(X,L), of a Weinstein manifold XX with an exact Lagrangian submanifold LL, with ideal contact boundary (Y,Λ)(Y,\Lambda), where YY is a contact manifold and ΛY\Lambda\subset Y is a Legendrian submanifold. We introduce the Chekanov-Eliashberg DG-algebra, CE(Λ)CE^{\ast}(\Lambda), with coefficients in chains of the based loop space of Λ\Lambda and study its relation to the Floer cohomology CF(L)CF^{\ast}(L) of LL. Using the augmentation induced by LL, CE(Λ)CE^{\ast}(\Lambda) can be expressed as the Adams cobar construction Ω\Omega applied to a Legendrian coalgebra, LC(Λ)LC_{\ast}(\Lambda). We define a twisting cochain:t ⁣:LC(Λ)B(CF(L))#\mathfrak{t} \colon LC_{\ast}(\Lambda) \to \mathrm{B} (CF^*(L))^\#via holomorphic curve counts, where B\mathrm{B} denotes the bar construction and #\# the graded linear dual. We show under simply-connectedness assumptions that the corresponding Koszul complex is acyclic which then implies that CE(Λ)CE^*(\Lambda) and CF(L)CF^{\ast}(L) are Koszul dual. In particular, t\mathfrak{t} induces a quasi-isomorphism between CE(Λ)CE^*(\Lambda) and the cobar of the Floer homology of LL, ΩCF(L)\Omega CF_*(L). We use the duality result to show that under certain connectivity and locally finiteness assumptions, CE(Λ)CE^*(\Lambda) is quasi-isomorphic to C(ΩL)C_{-*}(\Omega L) for any Lagrangian filling LL of Λ\Lambda. Our constructions have interpretations in terms of wrapped Floer cohomology after versions of Lagrangian handle attachments. In particular, we outline a proof that CE(Λ)CE^{\ast}(\Lambda) is quasi-isomorphic to the wrapped Floer cohomology of a fiber disk CC in the Weinstein domain obtained by attaching T(Λ×[0,))T^{\ast}(\Lambda\times[0,\infty)) to XX along Λ\Lambda (or, in the terminology of arXiv:1604.02540 the wrapped Floer cohomology of CC in XX with wrapping stopped by Λ\Lambda). Along the way, we give a definition of wrapped Floer cohomology without Hamiltonian perturbations.Comment: 126 pages, 20 figures. Substantial overall revision based on referee's comments. The main results remain the same but the exposition has been improve

    Koszul duality patterns in Floer theory

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    We study symplectic invariants of the open symplectic manifolds XΓX_\Gamma obtained by plumbing cotangent bundles of 2-spheres according to a plumbing tree Γ\Gamma. For any tree Γ\Gamma, we calculate (DG-)algebra models of the Fukaya category F(XΓ)\mathcal{F}(X_\Gamma) of closed exact Lagrangians in XΓX_\Gamma and the wrapped Fukaya category W(XΓ)\mathcal{W}(X_\Gamma). When Γ\Gamma is a Dynkin tree of type AnA_n or DnD_n (and conjecturally also for E6,E7,E8E_6,E_7,E_8), we prove that these models for the Fukaya category F(XΓ)\mathcal{F}(X_\Gamma) and W(XΓ)\mathcal{W}(X_\Gamma) are related by (derived) Koszul duality. As an application, we give explicit computations of symplectic cohomology of XΓX_\Gamma for Γ=An,Dn\Gamma=A_n,D_n, based on the Legendrian surgery formula of Bourgeois, Ekholm and Eliashberg.Comment: 72 pages, 20 figures/tables. Minor corrections and improvements. To appear in Geometry & Topolog

    Geometric composition in quilted Floer theory

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    Arithmetic mirror symmetry for genus 1 curves with nn marked points

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    We establish a Z[[t1,,tn]]\mathbb{Z}[[t_1,\ldots, t_n]]-linear derived equivalence between the relative Fukaya category of the 2-torus with nn distinct marked points and the derived category of perfect complexes on the nn-Tate curve. Specialising to t1==tn=0t_1= \ldots =t_n=0 gives a Z\mathbb{Z}-linear derived equivalence between the Fukaya category of the nn-punctured torus and the derived category of perfect complexes on the standard (N\'eron) nn-gon. We prove that this equivalence extends to a Z\mathbb{Z}-linear derived equivalence between the wrapped Fukaya category of the nn-punctured torus and the derived category of coherent sheaves on the standard nn-gon.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures. Minor revision. To appear in Selecta Mathematic

    Fukaya categories of the torus and Dehn surgery

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    This paper is a companion to the authors' forthcoming work extending Heegaard Floer theory from closed 3-manifolds to compact 3-manifolds with two boundary components via quilted Floer cohomology. We describe the first interesting case of this theory: the invariants of 3-manifolds bounding S^2 union T^2, regarded as modules over the Fukaya category of the punctured 2-torus. We extract a short proof of exactness of the Dehn surgery triangle in Heegaard Floer homology. We show that A-infinity structures on the graded algebra A formed by the cohomology of two basic objects in the Fukaya category of the punctured 2-torus are governed by just two parameters (m^6,m^8), extracted from the Hochschild cohomology of A. For the Fukaya category itself, m^6 is nonzero.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, a footnote adde

    Floer cohomology of the Chiang Lagrangian

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    We study holomorphic discs with boundary on a Lagrangian submanifold LL in a Kaehler manifold admitting a Hamiltonian action of a group KK which has LL as an orbit. We prove various transversality and classification results for such discs which we then apply to the case of a particular Lagrangian in CP3\mathbf{CP}^3 first noticed by Chiang. We prove that this Lagrangian has non-vanishing Floer cohomology if and only if the coefficient ring has characteristic 5, in which case it generates the split-closed derived Fukaya category as a triangulated category.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures; v2 added computation of module structure and strong generation result, v3 incorporated referee's comments to agree with accepted version. To appear in Selecta Mathematic

    Associative Yang-Baxter equation and Fukaya categories of square-tiled surfaces

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    We show that all strongly non-degenerate trigonometric solutions of the associative Yang-Baxter equation (AYBE) can be obtained from triple Massey products in the Fukaya category of square-tiled surfaces. Along the way, we give a classification result for cyclic AA_\infty-algebra structures on a certain Frobenius algebra associated with a pair of 1-spherical objects in terms of the equivalence classes of the corresponding solutions of the AYBE. As an application, combining our results with homological mirror symmetry for punctured tori (cf. arXiv:1601.06141), we prove that any two simple vector bundles on a cycle of projective lines are related by a sequence of 1-spherical twists and their inverses.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures. Minor revision after a referee's comments. To appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Examples of planar tight contact structures with support norm one

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    We exhibit an infinite family of tight contact structures with the property that none of the supporting open books minimizes the genus and maximizes the Euler characteristic of the page simultaneously, answering a question of Baldwin and Etnyre in arXiv:0910.5021 .Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Final version. Minor corrections and clarification