60 research outputs found

    The survival of the German FinTech market: An accounting-based valuation

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the essential characteristics of the financial statements of FinTech start-ups and to investigate which figures of balance sheets are suitable indicators of failure for this still rising group of start-ups. We conduct a quantitative analysis of 595 annual reports of FinTech start-ups issued between 2007 and 2016. Our study reveals that the balance sheets have a high share of current assets and often show losses not covered by equity. Based on the financial variables, the period of three to five years after foundation could be identified as critical phase for the future survival of FinTech start-ups. Two years before failure significant changes in some balance sheet figures are recognizable. Using a logistic regression model, we identify accounting figures serving as indicators for the separation of the two groups, active and failed FinTech start-ups

    The focus of the Journal of Business Chemistry: Good management practices in the chemical industry

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    The chemical industry is one of the major global industries with specific management challenges. It is an industry in transition. Compared with its economic importance and its role in providing solutions for grand societal challenges, this industry as well as companies from pharmaceutical and biotech sectors receive comparatively little attention from management literature. With the Journal of Business Chemistry, we intend to create an international platform for discussions between scholars and practitioners on good management practice in these sectors. We thereby promote an interdisciplinary and transboundary approach and encourage authors and readers to look at developments at the intersection of natural sciences and management

    Hot or not – Which features make FinTechs attractive for investors?

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    Attracting investors and generating funding is a key issue for all start-ups. The information asymmetries between investor and start-up need to be reduced. Despite the overwhelming literature on venture capital financing and different signals reflecting venture quality, pinpointing the signals which impact funding decisions remains an open issue. This study presents an empirical examination of the effectiveness of different signals to convince investors and generate funding. We examine the impact of signals concerning venture quality (classic ones such as human capital, intellectual capital and social alliance/network capital as well as the strategic orientation in terms of business model patterns. Based on a comprehensive sample of more than 101 German FinTechs, our study delivers empirical evidence that human capital as well as the strategic orientation positively impacts a FinTech’s attractiveness. However, our chosen measures for intellectual capital and social network/alliance capital result in negative effects

    Status quo und Entwicklungstendenzen interner Unternehmensberatungen:Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung

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    Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier gründet sich auf eine Befragung zum Thema "Funktion und Organisation interner Unternehmensberatungen" unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bankensektors. Es verfolgt das Ziel, die momentane Bedeutung sowie die zukünftige Entwicklung der Beratungsleistungen, Funktionen und Organisation zu identifizieren. Daraus wird abgeleitet, auf welche Weise die besonderen Stärken von internen Beratungen wahrgenommen werden und welche Richtung die weitere Entwicklung nehmen könnte

    A Bottom-Up Approach to Lithium-Ion Battery Cost Modeling with a Focus on Cathode Active Materials

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    In this study, we develop a method for calculating electric vehicle lithium-ion battery pack performance and cost. To begin, we construct a model allowing for calculation of cell performance and material cost using a bottom-up approach starting with real-world material costs. It thus provides a supplement to existing models, which often begin with fixed cathode active material (CAM) prices that do not reflect raw metal price fluctuations. We collect and display data from the London Metal Exchange to show that such metal prices, in this case specifically cobalt and nickel, do indeed fluctuate and cannot be assumed to remain static or decrease consistently. We input this data into our model, which allows for a visualization of the effects of these metal price fluctuations on the prices of the CAMs. CAMs analyzed include various lithium transition metal oxide-type layered oxide (NMC and NCA) technologies, as well as cubic spinel oxide (LMO), high voltage spinel oxide (LNMO), and lithium metal phosphate (LFP). The calculated CAM costs are combined with additional cell component costs in order to calculate full cell costs, which are in turn scaled up to full battery pack costs. Economies of scale are accounted for separately for each cost fraction. Document type: Articl

    Why are scientists not managers!?:the importance of interdisciplinary skills in business and science

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    Research is the translation from money to knowledge. Innovation is the metamorphosis of knowledge to money. Thus, business management and science are interdependent. That is no big news. But, in an ever faster changing economy, companies need a new type of scientist. Someone who knows not only science, but also business administration and management. Can the educational system satisfy those needs? In our opinion more work needs to be done – especially in the minds of scientists and managers alike