160 research outputs found

    Hardware radial basis function neural network automatic generation

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    This paper presents a parallel architecture for a radial basis function (RBF) neural network used for pattern recognition. This architecture allows defining sub-networks which can be activated sequentially. It can be used as a fruitful classification mechanism in many application fields. Several implementations of the network on a Xilinx FPGA Virtex 4-(xc4vsx25) are presented, with speed and area evaluation metrics. Some network improvements have been achieved by segmenting the critical path. The results expressed in terms of speed and area are satisfactory and have been applied to pattern recognition problems.Facultad de Informátic

    Hardware radial basis function neural network automatic generation

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    This paper presents a parallel architecture for a radial basis function (RBF) neural network used for pattern recognition. This architecture allows defining sub-networks which can be activated sequentially. It can be used as a fruitful classification mechanism in many application fields. Several implementations of the network on a Xilinx FPGA Virtex 4-(xc4vsx25) are presented, with speed and area evaluation metrics. Some network improvements have been achieved by segmenting the critical path. The results expressed in terms of speed and area are satisfactory and have been applied to pattern recognition problems.Facultad de Informátic

    RBF neural network implementation in hardware

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    This paper presents a parallel architecture for a radial basis function (RBF) neural network used for pattern recognition. This architecture allows defining sub-networks which can be activated sequentially. It can be used as a fruitful classification mechanism in many application fields. Several implementations of the network on a Xilinx FPGA Virtex 4 - (xc4vsx25) are presented, with speed and area evaluation metrics. Some network improvements have been achieved by segmenting the critical path. The results expressed in terms of speed and area are satisfactory and have been applied to pattern recognition problems.IV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Smart cameras : Ahmed Nabil Belbachir (Editor), Springer Science+Business Media, 2010

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    The computer vision based applications market is increasing since several years ago. A lot of new application areas are incorporating this type of systems to solve particular problems. An emergent trend in last decades is incorporate dedicated devices to particular problems. A smart camera can be defined as a standalone device which can take decisions by itself, since have the ability of understand images. It is composed by an image sensor and processing logic to perform the task, without the use of PCs. The smart cameras can be found, for example, in surveillance, automotive and industry. The book Smart Cameras covers all aspects for these devices from this history and applications, to market trends. The book is composed by 20 chapters organized in eight parts detailed below.Facultad de Informátic

    RBF neural network implementation in hardware

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    This paper presents a parallel architecture for a radial basis function (RBF) neural network used for pattern recognition. This architecture allows defining sub-networks which can be activated sequentially. It can be used as a fruitful classification mechanism in many application fields. Several implementations of the network on a Xilinx FPGA Virtex 4 - (xc4vsx25) are presented, with speed and area evaluation metrics. Some network improvements have been achieved by segmenting the critical path. The results expressed in terms of speed and area are satisfactory and have been applied to pattern recognition problems.IV Workshop Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Hardware radial basis function neural network automatic generation

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    This paper presents a parallel architecture for a radial basis function (RBF) neural network used for pattern recognition. This architecture allows defining sub-networks which can be activated sequentially. It can be used as a fruitful classification mechanism in many application fields. Several implementations of the network on a Xilinx FPGA Virtex 4-(xc4vsx25) are presented, with speed and area evaluation metrics. Some network improvements have been achieved by segmenting the critical path. The results expressed in terms of speed and area are satisfactory and have been applied to pattern recognition problems.Facultad de Informátic

    High Performance Customizable Architecture for Machine Vision Applications

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    Vision based applications are present anywhere. A special market is industry, allowing to improve product quality and to reduce manufacturing costs. The vision systems applied to industries are known as machine vision systems. These systems must meet time constraints to operate in real time. Generally the production lines are more and more fasters, and the time to process and bring a response is minimal. For this reasons, dedicated architectures are emplaced. In this work a review of several commercial systems is presented, as well a proposed architecture is depicted. The architecture is concern as a customizable platform, avoiding having knowledge in hardware description languages. It is based on massive parallelism to achieve the maximum processing performance. Several optimizations at different levels are applied to increase the final system speedup. Also, time and area metrics are reported, showing that the architecture is well suitable for real time video processing in industrial applications.Facultad de Informátic

    Sensor de nivel de líquidos con fibra óptica microcurvada variando el índice de refracción modulado en intensidad de luz

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    En este trabajo se expone el estudio de las relaciones causales de la intensidad de la luz con el nivel de líquidos variando el índice de refracción de una fibra óptica microcurvada, así como la presentación de soportes opto mecánicos previamente diseñados y construidos; necesarios para determinar las relaciones a estudiar basado en la teoría de acoplamientos de modos en una nueva variante, que es con respecto a la variación del índice de refracción del recubrimiento manteniendo constante Ia amplitud y frecuencia espacial de los microcurvados en una fibra óptica. Relacionando la intensidad de luz modificando el nivel de cinco diferentes líquidos se pudo establecer que la fibra óptica microcurvada variando el índice de refracción del recubrimiento si puede ser utilizado como un sensor de nivel de líquidos tipo transmisivo, extrínseco y de amplitud modulada, con un rango de variación de nivel líquidos dados en milímetros. Adicionalmente se encontró que la variación de intensidad de luz se relaciona directamente con el nivel de líquidos medidos en milímetros para cada uno de los líquidos utilizados que fueron Agua, liquido rehidratante (Sporade), alcohol, Chicha de Jora y Chicha morada, líquidos a los que se le determinó su índice de refracción. Se presenta un fenómeno de resonancia óptica en relación al aumento de la sensibilidad del dispositivo conforme el índice de refracción del recubrimiento constituida por el líquido que rodea la fibra se acerca al índice de refracción del núcleo de la fibra óptica

    “Sistema de propulsión magnetohidrodinámica y determinación del empuje ”

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    El presente trabajo muestra la construcción de un sistema de propulsión magnetohidrodinámico en condiciones estéticas utilizando como fuente de campo magnético un electroimán en forma de C que produce un campo magnético constante de 17,6_ mT y el campo eléctrico lo generamos utilizando un arreglo de placas planas' paralelas de acero inoxidable sometida a una "diferencia de potencial entre 5,00 V- 48,0 V, Este empuje magnetohidrodinamico se determinó a través de la medición experimental de la velocidad del flujo que circula entre las placas conductoras utilizando software para anélisis de video, para diferentes valores de diferencia de potencial entre las placas conductoras, manteniendo el valor de campo magnético constante obteniéndose valores de empuje entre 1,09 hasta 6,55 mN. El sistema de propulsión magnetohidrodinamico representa un equipo potencial para futuras investigaciones y aplicaciones de propulsión para naves marinas de uso civil así como militar.Trabado de investigacio

    Quantization of moisture content in yerba mate leaves through image processing

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    The Yerba Mate quality is defined by estimating the product moisture content. This value allows adjusting the production system, by controlling the stake of the dryer to ensure the product quality. Currently this process is done manually. However, this paper presents a first approach method to estimate the moisture contents of Yerba Mate leaves through image processing techniques. The output of the proposed system is established by a neural network MLPBP, which quantifies the level of moisture for a given sample. Also present the results of applying the proposed method to a set of 55 samples collected in a Yerba Mate production establishment.Eje: Workshop Procesamiento de señales y sistemas de tiempo real (WPSTR)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI