5 research outputs found

    Syrphid fly occurrence and trait data

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    Spreadsheet containing trait and occurrence data for syrphid fly species. Column names are as follows: GenusSpecies = taxonomic ID, Year = sampling year, Day = Day of the year, ypr = Years post restoration (equal to -1 for non-restored state), Presence = presence/absence of species, LarvalDiet = larval diet type, AdultDiet = adult diet type, BodyLength = Ln(dorsal body length) measured from front of head to tip of abdomen, WingLength = Ln(length of wing), HeadWidth = Ln(width of head), d = level of resource specialization, abun = species abundanc

    Appendix A. Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory variables, and figures showing the range of possible conditions of unrestored field edges, distribution of specialization values, d′, for each pollinator species in our data set, species-specific estimates of between season rates of persistence and rates of colonization for (a) non-restored sites and for (b) sites at five years post-restoration as a function of those species’...

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    Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory variables, and figures showing the range of possible conditions of unrestored field edges, distribution of specialization values, d′, for each pollinator species in our data set, species-specific estimates of between season rates of persistence and rates of colonization for (a) non-restored sites and for (b) sites at five years post-restoration as a function of those species’ specialization levels

    Species occurrence and trait data, and JAGS model file

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    This zip archive contains two items. A text file containing the JAGS model used in the main text analysis and an .RData file containing a list with three objects. Users will need to install the free software package R at (http://cran.us.r-project.org/). The three items in the loaded object are [1] X - a site x year x replicate x species array containing species occurrence data, [2] day - a site x year x replicate array containing the Julian day for the corresponding samples in X, and [3] dprime - a vector containing species floral specialization values


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    Meta-dataset of studies comparing organic and conventional yields