3,145 research outputs found

    Dynamics of spectrally truncated inviscid turbulence

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    The evolution of the turbulent energy spectrum for the inviscid spectrally truncated Euler equations is studied by closure calculations. The observed behavior is similar to the one found in direct numerical simulations [Cichowlas, Bona\"ititi, Debbasch, and Brachet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 264502 (2005)]. A Kolmogorov spectral range and an equipartition range are observed simultaneously. Between these two ranges a "quasi-dissipative" zone is present in the kinetic energy spectrum. The time evolution of the wave number that marks the beginning of the equipartition range is analyzed and it is shown that spectral nonlocal interactions are governing this evolution

    Modeling Kelvin wave cascades in superfluid helium

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    We study two different types of simplified models for Kelvin wave turbulence on quantized vortex lines in superfluids near zero temperature. Our first model is obtained from a truncated expansion of the Local Induction Approximation (Truncated-LIA) and it is shown to possess the same scalings and the essential behaviour as the full Biot-Savart model, being much simpler than the later and, therefore, more amenable to theoretical and numerical investigations. The Truncated-LIA model supports six-wave interactions and dual cascades, which are clearly demonstrated via the direct numerical simulation of this model in the present paper. In particular, our simulations confirm presence of the weak turbulence regime and the theoretically predicted spectra for the direct energy cascade and the inverse wave action cascade. The second type of model we study, the Differential Approximation Model (DAM), takes a further drastic simplification by assuming locality of interactions in k-space via using a differential closure that preserves the main scalings of the Kelvin wave dynamics. DAMs are even more amenable to study and they form a useful tool by providing simple analytical solutions in the cases when extra physical effects are present, e.g. forcing by reconnections, friction dissipation and phonon radiation. We study these models numerically and test their theoretical predictions, in particular the formation of the stationary spectra, and closeness of numerics for the higher-order DAM to the analytical predictions for the lower-order DAM

    Differential approximation for Kelvin-wave turbulence

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    I present a nonlinear differential equation model (DAM) for the spectrum of Kelvin waves on a thin vortex filament. This model preserves the original scaling of the six-wave kinetic equation, its direct and inverse cascade solutions, as well as the thermodynamic equilibrium spectra. Further, I extend DAM to include the effect of sound radiation by Kelvin waves. I show that, because of the phonon radiation, the turbulence spectrum ends at a maximum frequency ω(ϵ3cs20/κ16)1/13\omega^* \sim (\epsilon^3 c_s^{20} / \kappa^{16})^{1/13} where ϵ\epsilon is the total energy injection rate, csc_s is the speed of sound and κ\kappa is the quantum of circulation.Comment: Prepared of publication in JETP Letter

    Photoelectric measurement of blood flow during hemodialysis

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    Accurate measurements of blood flow rate during hemodialysis are essential for determinations of hemodialyzer performance. Despite the availability of a variety of electronic blood flow meters, use of such instruments for determination of blood flow in hemodialysis has never been satisfactory, a situation caused by such factors as the need to recalibrate frequently, the necessity of incorporating transducers into the dialyzer blood circuit and the effect which variables such as hematocrit may have on the accuracy of determination. Furthermore, such devices are expensive and often require the periodic services of an electronics specialist to maintain them in an operable condition.An alternative technique for measuring flow rate in the extracorporeal blood tubing consists of timing the passage of an injected air bubble between two points in the tubing. Since the advent of maintenance dialysis, the “racetrack and bubble time” technique [1] has been widely used for routine determinations of blood flow rate. Data derived from research studies in which this method of flow determination was employed have been published widely, in spite of the relative inaccuracies of the method

    Predictability in Systems with Many Characteristic Times: The Case of Turbulence

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    In chaotic dynamical systems, an infinitesimal perturbation is exponentially amplified at a time-rate given by the inverse of the maximum Lyapunov exponent λ\lambda. In fully developed turbulence, λ\lambda grows as a power of the Reynolds number. This result could seem in contrast with phenomenological arguments suggesting that, as a consequence of `physical' perturbations, the predictability time is roughly given by the characteristic life-time of the large scale structures, and hence independent of the Reynolds number. We show that such a situation is present in generic systems with many degrees of freedom, since the growth of a non-infinitesimal perturbation is determined by cumulative effects of many different characteristic times and is unrelated to the maximum Lyapunov exponent. Our results are illustrated in a chain of coupled maps and in a shell model for the energy cascade in turbulence.Comment: 24 pages, 10 Postscript figures (included), RevTeX 3.0, files packed with uufile

    Growth of non-infinitesimal perturbations in turbulence

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    We discuss the effects of finite perturbations in fully developed turbulence by introducing a measure of the chaoticity degree associated to a given scale of the velocity field. This allows one to determine the predictability time for non-infinitesimal perturbations, generalizing the usual concept of maximum Lyapunov exponent. We also determine the scaling law for our indicator in the framework of the multifractal approach. We find that the scaling exponent is not sensitive to intermittency corrections, but is an invariant of the multifractal models. A numerical test of the results is performed in the shell model for the turbulent energy cascade.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figures (included), RevTeX 3.0, files packed with uufile

    Exact solutions in a scalar-tensor model of dark energy

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    We consider a model of scalar field with non minimal kinetic and Gauss Bonnet couplings as a source of dark energy. Based on asymptotic limits of the generalized Friedmann equation, we impose restrictions on the kinetic an Gauss-Bonnet couplings. This restrictions considerable simplify the equations, allowing for exact solutions unifying early time matter dominance with transitions to late time quintessence and phantom phases. The stability of the solutions in absence of matter has been studied.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, to appear in JCA

    Improved linear response for stochastically driven systems

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    The recently developed short-time linear response algorithm, which predicts the average response of a nonlinear chaotic system with forcing and dissipation to small external perturbation, generally yields high precision of the response prediction, although suffers from numerical instability for long response times due to positive Lyapunov exponents. However, in the case of stochastically driven dynamics, one typically resorts to the classical fluctuation-dissipation formula, which has the drawback of explicitly requiring the probability density of the statistical state together with its derivative for computation, which might not be available with sufficient precision in the case of complex dynamics (usually a Gaussian approximation is used). Here we adapt the short-time linear response formula for stochastically driven dynamics, and observe that, for short and moderate response times before numerical instability develops, it is generally superior to the classical formula with Gaussian approximation for both the additive and multiplicative stochastic forcing. Additionally, a suitable blending with classical formula for longer response times eliminates numerical instability and provides an improved response prediction even for long response times

    Quasi-stationary States of Two-Dimensional Electron Plasma Trapped in Magnetic Field

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    We have performed numerical simulations on a pure electron plasma system under a strong magnetic field, in order to examine quasi-stationary states that the system eventually evolves into. We use ring states as the initial states, changing the width, and find that the system evolves into a vortex crystal state from a thinner-ring state while a state with a single-peaked density distribution is obtained from a thicker-ring initial state. For those quasi-stationary states, density distribution and macroscopic observables are defined on the basis of a coarse-grained density field. We compare our results with experiments and some statistical theories, which include the Gibbs-Boltzmann statistics, Tsallis statistics, the fluid entropy theory, and the minimum enstrophy state. From some of those initial states, we obtain the quasi-stationary states which are close to the minimum enstrophy state, but we also find that the quasi-stationary states depend upon initial states, even if the initial states have the same energy and angular momentum, which means the ergodicity does not hold.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    On compatibility of string effective action with an accelerating universe

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    In this paper, we fully investigate the cosmological effects of the moduli dependent one-loop corrections to the gravitational couplings of the string effective action to explain the cosmic acceleration problem in early (and/or late) universe. These corrections comprise a Gauss-Bonnet (GB) invariant multiplied by universal non-trivial functions of the common modulus σ\sigma and the dilaton ϕ\phi. The model exhibits several features of cosmological interest, including the transition between deceleration and acceleration phases. By considering some phenomenologically motivated ansatzs for one of the scalars and/or the scale factor (of the universe), we also construct a number of interesting inflationary potentials. In all examples under consideration, we find that the model leads only to a standard inflation (w1w \geq -1) when the numerical coefficient δ\delta associated with modulus-GB coupling is positive, while the model can lead also to a non-standard inflation (w<1w<-1), if δ\delta is negative. In the absence of (or trivial) coupling between the GB term and the scalars, there is no crossing between the w1w -1 phases, while this is possible with non-trivial GB couplings, even for constant dilaton phase of the standard picture. Within our model, after a sufficient amount of e-folds of expansion, the rolling of both fields ϕ\phi and σ\sigma can be small. In turn, any possible violation of equivalence principle or deviations from the standard general relativity may be small enough to easily satisfy all astrophysical and cosmological constraints.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures; v2 significant changes in notations, appendix and refs added; v3 significant revisions, refs added; v4 appendix extended, new refs, published versio