128 research outputs found

    Differentiated postnatal growth of the neurocranium and splanchnocranium in domestic equines

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    Geometric morphometry of 42 equine skulls from different domestic breeds was used. A digital photograph of the dorsal plane of each skull was obtained, on which were placed seven craniometric landmarks, involving both the neuro and the splanchnocranium. It is verified that the ontogenic process of domestic equids conforms to the CREA rule (Cranial Evolutionary Allometric), by which there is a common allometric pattern among taxa of mammals, by which the smaller species would have shorter faces and skulls wider than larger species. A dolichoprosopy correlated with dolichocephaly is accepted, or in other words, a facial hypermorphosis (since the facial width also has a behavior similar to that of the length of the face) parallel to the increase in the size of the head for domestic equids.Se recurrió al estudio por morfometría geométrica de 42 cráneos de equinos de diversas razas domésticas. Se obtuvo una fotografía digital del plano dorsal de cada cráneo, sobre la que se situaron siete hitos craneométricos, que incluían puntos, tanto del neuro como del viscerocráneo. Se comprueba que el proceso ontogénico de los équidos domésticos se ajusta a la regla del CREA («Cranial Evolutionary Allometric»), por la que existe un patrón alométrico común entre taxones de mamíferos, por el cual las especies más pequeñas presentarían caras más cortas y cráneos más anchos que las especies de mayor tamaño. Se acepta una dolicoprosopia correlacionada con la dolicocefalia, o dicho de otro modo, una hipermorfosis facial (puesto que la anchura facial también tiene un comportamiento similar al de la longitud de la cara) paralela al aumento del tamaño de la cabeza para los équidos domésticos

    Balanço hídrico para a cultura da melancia em Campos Sales, Ceará.

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    No Estado do Ceará, a fruticultura irrigada tem apresentado enorme potencial, tanto para o mercado interno como para exportação. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desde estudo foi avaliar o balanço hídrico da cultura da melancia em Campos Sales, Ceará, em regime de sequeiro e irrigado, simulando-se diferentes níveis de fração de esgotamento de água no solo (30, 50 e 70%), afim de se obter a viabilidade da irrigação da cultura quanto à produtividade em relação ao cultivo de sequeiro

    Temperatura e restrição hídrica na germinação de sementes de Poincianella pyramidalis.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a interação entre diferentes potenciais osmóticos do substrato (disponibilidade de água) e da temperaturas na resposta germinativa de sementes P. pyramidalis a diferentes condições de disponibilidade de água e temperatur

    Estoques de carbono e fósforo e teores de cálcio, magnésio e potássio em argissolo vermelho-amarelo cultivado com soja, sob plantio direto, com diferentes tempos de adoção, nos cerrados maranhenses.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sistema plantio direto, com diferentes tempos de adoção, nos atributos químicos de um argissolo vermelho-amarelo na região dos cerrados maranhenses sob cultivo de soja.Organizado por Odilon Ferreira Saraiva, Simone Ery Grosskopf

    Cannabinoid receptor 2 modulates maturation of dendritic cells and their capacity to induce hapten-induced contact hypersensitivity

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    Contact hypersensitivity (CHS) is an established animal model for allergic contact dermatitis. Dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the sensitization phase of CHS by initiating T cell responses to topically applied haptens. The cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1) and 2 (CB2) modulate DC functions and inflammatory skin responses, but their influence on the capacity of haptenized DCs to induce CHS is still unknown. We found lower CHS responses to 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene (DNFB) in wild type (WT) mice after adoptive transfer of haptenized Cnr2-/- and Cnr1-/-/Cnr2-/- bone marrow (BM) DCs as compared to transfer of WT DCs. In contrast, induction of CHS was not affected in WT recipients after transfer of Cnr1-/- DCs. In vitro stimulated Cnr2-/- DCs showed lower CCR7 and CXCR4 expression when compared to WT cells, while in vitro migration towards the chemokine ligands was not affected by CB2. Upregulation of MHC class II and co-stimulatory molecules was also reduced in Cnr2-/- DCs. This study demonstrates that CB2 modulates the maturation phenotype of DCs but not their chemotactic capacities in vitro. These findings and the fact that CHS responses mediated by Cnr2-/- DCs are reduced suggest that CB2 is a promising target for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions.Evelyn Gaffal, Andrea M. Kemter, Stefanie Scheu, Rafael Leite Dantas, Jens Vogt, Bernhard Baune, Thomas Tüting, Andreas Zimmer and Judith Alferin