8 research outputs found


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    The Psychosocial Care Centers Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad) are mental health services to offer their users a program of intensive therapy, developed by a multidisciplinary team. This study aims to conduct an assessment of the care provided by health professionals to the user, the object of this study, people with problems arising from the harmful use of alcohol. We sought to understand the model of health care in the CAPSad perception of alcoholics users. This is a descriptive qualitative research conducted in Psychosocial Care Center, located in the Regional Executive Secretary IV, the city of Fortaleza. Methodological Procedures: Semi-structured interviews were developed. Data were submitted to analysis of categorical thematic content. User flow in effecting service in CAPSad, the relationship between the professional and the CAPSad users; guidelines for users; perception of users in developed therapeutic workshops, user participation in therapeutic project: five thematic categories were defined. Through analysis of each category, we could apprehend consistent information about the participants and the meaning they attributed their experiences and perceptive this center. It is concluded that the host in CAPSad as a working tool involves all team members, thus favoring the solvability of assistance, a fact that is evidenced by the speech of patients during interviews.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2236583415619 Os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas (CAPSad) são serviços de saúde mental destinados a oferecer a seus usuários um programa de cuidados intensivos, elaborado por uma equipe multidisciplinar. Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma apreciação do atendimento prestado pelos profissionais de saúde ao usuário, sendo objeto desse estudo pessoas com problemas decorrentes do uso prejudicial de álcool. Buscou-se compreender o modelo de cuidado em saúde do CAPSad na percepção dos usuários alcoolistas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, realizada no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, localizado na Secretaria Executiva Regional IV, do município de Fortaleza-CE. Procedimentos Metodológicos: foram desenvolvidas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo categorial temática. Foram definidas cinco categorias temáticas: fluxo do usuário na efetivação do atendimento no CAPSad; a relação entre o profissional do CAPSad e os usuários; orientações para os usuários; percepção dos usuários desenvolvida nas oficinas terapêuticas; participação do usuário no projeto terapêutico. Mediante análise de cada categoria, pôde-se apreender consistentes informações sobre os participantes e o significado por eles atribuídos a suas experiências e perceptivas naquele centro. Conclui-se que o acolhimento no CAPSad como instrumento de trabalho envolve todos os membros da equipe, favorecendo assim a resolubilidade da assistência, fato que é evidenciado pelo discurso dos pacientes durante as entrevistas. Descritores: Serviços de Saúde Mental; Saúde Mental; Alcoolismo.

    Application of BMP-2 for bone graft in Dentistry

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    Introduction: The global increase life expectancy and the resulting tooth loss has required searching for new rehabilitation alternatives in Dentistry. Biomaterials can be defined as any material that acts replacing a lost bone defect and its function. In Dentistry, many studies have aimed to improve bone regeneration through the use of BMPs for bone replacement. Objective: To review the literature on the use and clinical viability of human morphogenetic protein for the jaws reconstruction. Material and methods: The following databases were searched: Pubmed, Bireme, Lilacs, and Scielo and 30 articles published between 1965 and 2013 were found using the following descriptors: “dental implants”, “maxillary sinus”, and “biocompatible materials”. Results: Several studies demonstrate the biological advantages of rhBMP-2 on bone regeneration of the jaws. In recent years, morphogenetic protein has presented a large clinical use. Conclusion: Despite being a high-cost biomaterial, rhBMP-2 is a viable and very effective alternative for reconstruction of defects of the face


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2236583413283 O Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF) é uma estratégia que diversifica as ações das equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). O presente estudo objetiva relatar as ações realizadas pelo grupo Revivendo do NASF junto à comunidade assistida pelo programa e pela ESF. Trata-se de relato de experiência de ações de saúde realizadas por um grupo –Grupo Revivendo- do NASF de uma Unidade de Atenção Primária à Saúde de Fortaleza - CE. As atividades ocorreram uma vez por semana, durante sete meses, totalizando 28 encontros, sendo conduzidas pelas equipes do Nasf e da ESF no período de março a novembro de 2011. A reunião de grupo tinha uma duração aproximada de 90 minutos, cujos participantes tinham a idade média de 60 anos.  As atividades do “Grupo Revivendo” foram realizadas com pessoas de todas as faixas etárias, onde a educação em saúde foi a prioridade. Percebeu-se a importância da atuação dos profissionais do NASF e da atenção primária à saúde ao atravessa os limites das Unidades de Saúde, adentrando no território da comunidade, valorizando e fortalecendo as parcerias sociais.Descritores: Promoção da Saúde; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Saúde da Família.

    A influência dos arranjos dentários em prótese total: revisão de literatura

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    The aesthetic denture covers various factors that provide the harmony of mouth and face. The size, shape, and color of the real teeth are important factors that should be considered for a correct selection of the artificial teeth. Moreover, their arrangement in the arches is an essential factor in the development of an aesthetic prosthesis, making it more natural. The purpose of this article was to review the literature regarding dental arrangements used in complete dentures. For this purpose, we searched Bireme, Medline, and SciELO databases for articles published between 1955 and 2013. Teeth arrangement and assembly in complete dentures is a subject that raises much controversy in literature due to the existence of different theories for its making. In order to make a true assessment of the patient's preference, studies that assess tooth arrangement in complete dentures should consider that teeth must be designed having the whole face in mind, since face and teeth are closely connected with facial harmony. In complete denture, aesthetics has been an extremely important factor for success and for the patient's satisfaction, and there are several techniques as to how the design must be made. This choice will depend on the professional's good sense, contributing to the patient's needs and wishes.A estética em prótese total aborda diversos fatores que proporcionarão a harmonia da boca e da face. O tamanho, forma e cor dos dentes são fatores importantes que devem ser considerados para uma correta seleção dos dentes artificiais. Além disso, a disposição dos dentes nos arcos é um fator imprescindível na elaboração de uma prótese mais estética, tornando-a mais natural. O objetivo deste artigo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura abordando os arranjos dentários utilizados em prótese total. Para tanto, foram utilizados os bancos de dados Bireme, Medline e Scielo para pesquisa de artigos publicados entre os anos 1955 e 2013. O arranjo e a montagem dos dentes em próteses totais é um assunto de muita controvérsia na literatura em virtude da existência de diferentes teorias para sua realização. Estudos que avaliam o arranjo dentário nas próteses totais, para obterem uma verdadeira avaliação da preferência da montagem pelo paciente, devem considerar que os dentes precisam ser arquitetados em conjunto com a face, uma vez que este conjunto (face e dentes) está intimamente ligado com a harmonia facial. A estética em prótese total tem sido um fator extremamente relevante para o sucesso e satisfação do paciente, existindo várias técnicas que possibilitam a determinação do arranjo. Essa escolha dependerá do bom senso do profissional, contribuindo com a necessidade e a vontade do paciente

    Antimicrobial Efficacy of Propolis-Containing Varnish in Children: A Randomized and Double-Blind Clinical Trial

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    Dental caries is a sugar-dependent condition common in childhood, which causes microbiological imbalance in dental biofilm. The present study evaluated the antimicrobial efficacy of a 2.5% Brazilian Red Propolis (BRP) dental varnish to prevent caries in children. Seventy-five children with high caries risk, aged between 36 and 71 months and with no caries, were assigned to three groups to receive varnish treatment containing 2.5% BRP, 1% chlorhexidine, or 5% fluoride. The varnish was applied to the occlusal surfaces of the deciduous second molars on the first day of treatment (D1), after 90 days (D90), and 180 days of the start of treatment (D180). Saliva was collected to assess S. mutans before each varnish application and 180 days at the end of treatment (D360). Values were expressed in log10 (CFU/mL). Statistics were performed by applying repeated measures of variance analysis, Tukey's multiple comparisons test, and paired t-test. In the first dilution (1 : 10), there was microbial load reduction at the following periods: BRP in D0-D90 (p<0.05) and D0-D180 (p<0.01); fluoride in D0-D90 (p<0.001); and chlorhexidine in D0-D180 (p<0.05). In the second dilution (1 : 100), there was microbial load reduction in the groups at the following periods: BRP in D0-D90 (p<0.05) and D0-D180 (p<0.01); fluoride in D0-D180 (p<0.05), and chlorhexidine in D0-180 (p<0.01) and D0-360 (p<0.05). The 2.5% BRP dental varnish was effective in decreasing S. mutans colonies in saliva when used within 90 days

    Clinical and Microbiological Evaluation of Brazilian Red Propolis Containing-Dentifrice in Orthodontic Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of dentifrice containing brazilian red propolis (BRP) in adolescents under orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods. This is a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial. A total of 92 participants free from caries were randomized into 2 groups; the first received fluoride dentifrice, and the second received fluoride dentifrice incorporated with BRP. The gingival bleeding index (GBI) was recorded, and saliva was collected on the baseline (D0) and after 28 days (D28) for microbiological analysis. Data from GBI and Colony Forming Units (CFU) (log10) were expressed as mean and standard deviation. Results. The two groups reduced GBI significantly, with no difference in the intergroup analysis. In the intragroup analysis, it was observed that G2 (p<0.001) had a significant reduction for Gram-negative bacteria, while there was significance (p<0.001) in the intergroup analysis when compared with G1. For S. mutans bacteria, it was observed that only G2 had a statistically significant reduction (p<0.001), and there was significant reduction (p=0.006) in the intergroup analysis of the G2 group when compared with G1. Conclusions. Dentifrice containing BRP demonstrated better clinical and microbiological activity. Future studies are needed to better identify effects to establish the use of dentifrice containing propolis in biofilm control