44 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Upper Ca River Basin of Nghe An, Vietnam(<Special Issue>Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes)

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    This paper draws on four hamlet case studies and a broader three district study to identify land cover andland use changes in the upper Ca River Basin of Nghe An Province and the possible trigger events that areinfluencing land cover and land use changes. The study uses two chronosequences of Landsat TM andETM+ imagery, from 1989 to 1993 and from 2000 to 2003, to classify the land cover and land use for thelarger study area and for the hamlet study areas. This information is combined with socio-economic datathat was collected at the district and hamlet level in a series of field studies carried out from 1997 to 2003.Results show that areas of mature tree cover have expanded, the area devoted to long-term swidden/fallowland use has decreased and the area under permanent agriculture and short fallow swidden systems haveincreased, across both of the scales studied. The analysis indicates that a forest transition is taking placeat the broader three district level and also within the four hamlet case study areas. Two trigger events areidentified that may have helped initiate the forest transition. One is the agriculture and forest land allocationprograms that were initiated in the districts and in three of the four hamlets during the 1990s andearly 2000s and the second is market influences that appear to be linked to the increase in cattle and pigraising in the case study hamlets

    Identifying Ancient Settlement Patterns through LiDAR in the Mosquitia Region of Honduras

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    The Mosquitia ecosystem of Honduras occupies the fulcrum between the American continents and as such constitutes a critical region for understanding past patterns of socio-political development and interaction. Heavy vegetation, rugged topography, and remoteness have limited scientific investigation. This paper presents prehistoric patterns of settlement and landuse for a critical valley within the Mosquitia derived from airborne LiDAR scanning and field investigation. We show that (i) though today the valley is a wilderness it was densely inhabited in the past; (ii) that this population was organized into a three-tiered system composed of 19 settlements dominated by a city; and, (iii) that this occupation was embedded within a human engineered landscape. We also add to a growing body of literature that demonstrates the utility of LiDAR as means for rapid cultural assessments in undocumented regions for analysis and conservation. Our ultimate hope is for our work to promote protections to safeguard the unique and critically endangered Mosquitia ecosystem and other similar areas in need of preservation

    Remittances and land change: A systematic review

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    Remittances—funds sent by migrants to family and friends back home—are an important source of global monetary flows, and they have implications for the maintenance and transformation of land systems. A number of published reviews have synthesized work on a variety of aspects of remittances (e.g., rural livelihoods, disasters, and economic development). To our knowledge, there are no reviews of work investigating the linkages between remittances and land change, broadly understood. This knowledge gap is important to address because researchers have recognized that remittances flows are a mechanism that helps to explain how migration can affect land change. Thus, understanding the specific roles remittances play in land system changes should help to clarify the multiple processes associated with migration and their independent and interactive effects. To address the state of knowledge about the connection between remittances and land systems, this paper conducts a systematic review. Our review of 51 journal articles finds that the linkages uncovered were commonly subtle and/or indirect. Very few studies looked at the direct connections between receipt of remittances and quantitative changes in land. Most commonly, the relationship between remittances and land change was found to occur through pathways from labor migration to household income to agricultural development and productivity. We find four non-exclusive pathways through which households spend remittances with consequent changes to land systems: (1) agricultural crops and livestock, (2) agricultural labor and technologies, (3) land purchases, and (4) non-agricultural purchases and consumables. In the papers reviewed, these expenditures are linked to various land system change outcomes, including land use change, soil degradation, pasture degradation, afforestation/deforestation/degradation, agricultural intensification/extensification/diversification, and no impact. These findings suggest four avenues for future research. One avenue is the use of the theoretical lens of telecoupling to understand how remittances may produce wider-scale changes in land systems. A second avenue is further examination of the impacts of shocks and disturbances to remittance flows on land change both in migrant sending and in remittance receiving areas. A third avenue is scholarship that examines the extent that household uses of remittances have a “ripple effect” on land uses in nearby interlinked systems. A fourth avenue for future work is the use of spatially explicit modeling that leverages land cover and land use data based on imagery and other geospatial information


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    Linkage of Forest Policies and Programs with Land Coverand Land Use Changes in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam: A Village-level Case Study(<Special Issue>Land Use Changes in the Uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and Distant Causes)

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    This paper examines the land cover and land use changes in one village in the Vietnam's northern mountainregion. It overviews the changing forest policies in Vietnam from the country's independence in 1954to 2005 and relates these changes to the management of forest land at the village level. Findings show thatuntil the late-1980s/early-1990s Vietnam's policies encouraged the harvesting of timber for nation buildingactivities and the expansion of cultivated land, leading to the decreased forest area within the village.After this, as government policies changed to encourage forest protection and the planting of trees by localpeople, tree covered forest land area increased. The trigger for the change in land cover and land use atthe village level in both periods is a consistent political intention represented in a series of laws and decreesand consequent extension activities. These established a strong linkage between national and the villagelevel forest governance and led to the almost simultaneous occurrence of national policy change and forestrecovery. It is concluded that it is important to recognize the multiple channels that link the governmentagencies with people and the intensive learning process needed for local people to understand the politicalintentions behind laws and regulations promulgated at the central government level

    Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia, Volume 2: Upland natural resources and social ecological systems in Northern Vietnam

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    Redefining Diversity and Dynamics of Natural Resources Management in Southeast Asia, Volumes 1-4 brings together scientific research and policy issues across various topographical areas in Asia to provide a comprehensive overview of the issues facing the region. Upland Natural Resources and Social Ecological Systems in Northern Vietnam, Volume 2, provides chapters on natural resource management in northern Vietnam tied together by the concept that participatory local involvement is needed in all aspects of natural resource management. The volume examines planning for climate change, managing forestland, alleviating food shortages, living with biodiversity, and assessing the development projects and policies being implemented. Without the involvement of local communities, households, and ultimately individual people, the needed action will not be effectively taken. Upland Natural Resources and Social Ecological Systems in Northern Vietnam, Volume 2, goes beyond just Northern Vietnam to address the issue of transboundary natural resource management-an issue that Vietnam is dealing with in its relations with northern neighbor, China, and western neighbor, Laos-as well as the transboundary water governance between Pakistan and India in south Asia, with the hope that some of the lessons learned may one day be useful in the case of Vietnam and its neighbors. Provides a multi-disciplinary case study into a complex environmental situation involving government institutions, planning, and practices, using northern Vietnam as the focus. Covers the issues of natural resource management and biodiversity in depth using international case studies. Provides examples of measuring the potential climate change impacts on food security in agricultural regions. Examines topics such as planning for climate change, managing forestland, alleviating food shortages, living with biodiversity, and assessing development projects and policies

    Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Ecosystems Using Simulation-Optimization and Machine Learning

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    Agriculture provides many ecosystem services to human society but is also a major cause of environmental degradation. The key challenge of modern agricultural production is to meet projected increases in global demands for food, water, and energy in sustainable ways. Sustainable agricultural production requires integrated decision-support tools and rigorous assessment methods to improve the efficiency of natural resource management while minimizing its impacts to society and long-term ecosystem health. This dissertation focuses on developing methodology and modeling tools to support decision-making for sustainable agricultural resource management. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is used as a guiding framework for all the model development. The dissertation balances between the communication of the integrated assessment methodology and the presentation of the modeling techniques through four independent case studies. The first study links biogeochemical models with life cycle assessment (LCA) to explore the impact of regionally-specific ecosystem carbon stock changes associated with cassava cultivation for ethanol production in Vietnam. The second study couples biogeochemical models with GIS and optimization algorithms to conduct a high-resolution, spatially-explicit trade-off analysis of ecosystem services for irrigated corn production systems in the South Platte River Basin, Colorado, USA. The derived modeling platform is named the “Agricultural Ecosystem Service Optimization” (Ag-EcoSOpt). The third study integrates LCA into the Ag-EcoSOpt for a life-cycle-based optimization of feedstock landscape design for a hybrid corn grain- and stover-based ethanol production system at Front Range Energy biorefinery, Windsor, Colorado, USA. The last study develops a surrogate-based optimization framework for Ag-EcoSOpt to reduce the computational burden of large-scale landscape analyses. The study explores the trade-offs among seven management objectives of the irrigated corn production systems in Colorado, USA at different spatial scales

    Conserving Working Rangelands: A Social–Ecological Case Study from Northeastern Colorado

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    Land changes in rangeland systems cascade through interconnected social and ecological spheres, affecting both humans and the environment. This study applied a multi-method approach to examine the causes and consequences of change in two rangeland communities in northeastern (NE) Colorado. First, this study used a Random Forest supervised classifier to analyze 36 years of land-cover data and create a land-cover/use change classification model. Second, the research team analyzed transcripts of interviews with 32 ranchers, examining how ranchers’ adaptive strategies influence land-cover change trends. Lastly, the analysis integrated the quantitative and qualitative data, constructing a social–ecological rangeland change conceptual model. This study found that the cultivated area decreased in both study sites from 1984–2019, with 16.0% and 18.7% of each site transitioning out of the cultivated area. Moreover, 10.3% and 18.4% of each site, respectively, transitioned to herbaceous/grassland cover from 1984–2019. The qualitative analysis identified the role of conservation policies, such as open space programs, on land change. Also, despite the relatively small area that transitioned to developed cover—1.83% and 0.183% of each site—participants emphasized that the associated demographic and cultural shifts drive land-use change. This study highlights that while rangelands are undergoing social–ecological change, land-use decisions and land conservation programs can help mitigate the global trend of declining rangeland and grassland cover

    Drivers of coastal shoreline change: case study of Hon Dat Coast, Kien Giang, Vietnam.

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    Coastal shorelines are naturally dynamic, shifting in response to coastal geomorphological processes. Globally, land use change associated with coastal urban development and growing human population pressures is accelerating coastal shoreline change. In southern Vietnam, coastal erosion currently is posing considerable risks to shoreline land use and coastal inhabitants. The aim of this paper is to quantify historical shoreline changes along the Hon Dat coast between 1995 and 2009, and to document the relationships between coastal mangrove composition, width and density, and rates of shoreline change. The generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to quantify the major biophysical and land-use factors influencing shoreline change rates. Most significant drivers of the rates of change are cutting of mangroves, the dominant mangrove genus, changes in adjacent shoreline land use, changes of shoreline land cover, and width of fringing mangroves. We suggest that a possible and inexpensive strategy for robust mangrove shoreline defense is direct mangrove planting to promote mangrove density with the presence of breakwater structures. In the shorter term, construction of coastal barriers such as fence-structured melaleuca poles in combination with mangrove restoration schemes could help retain coastal sediments and increase the elevation of the accretion zone, thereby helping to stabilize eroding fringe shorelines. It also is recommended that implementation of a system of payments for mangrove ecosystem services and the stronger regulation of mangrove cutting and unsustainable land-use change to strengthen the effectiveness of mangrove conservation programs and coastal land-use management

    The Application of Airborne Mapping LiDAR for the Documentation of Ancient Cities and Regions in Tropical Regions

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    It is a conundrum of the 21st Century that there is much left to discover and yet never before has our cultural and ecological patrimony been so threatened. This is especially true in tropical regions where heavy vegetation, inaccessibility, and rugged topography hamper investigation. Here we present two case studies that add to a growing body of literature demonstrating the utility of airborne mapping LiDAR (a.k.a. Airborne Laser Scanning) for rapid archaeological assessments in poorly documented regions. The first outlines a program of LiDAR scanning to better understand the urban center of Angamuco in the Mexican State of Michoacán. This work shows that (1) large urban centers with complex spatial organization were present centuries prior to the formation of the Purépecha Empire; (2) the settlement incorporates gardens and other landscape features within and around the settlement demonstrating a high degree of human environmental modification; and (3) current models for the evolution of social complexity in the region cannot account for the presence of Angamuco. The second presents the results of a LiDAR survey of a remote valley in the Mosquitia tropical wilderness of Honduras which has seen little archaeological research. Here we demonstrate that (1) though today the valley is a wilderness it was densely inhabited in the past; (2) this population was organized into a three-tiered system composed of 19 settlements dominated by a city; and (3) this occupation was embedded within a human engineered landscape. For both, LiDAR data fundamentally changed the understanding of coupled human/natural systems in these areas while providing critical baseline data for conservation and management