2,322 research outputs found

    Lay-down working cart improves efficacy of hand weeding

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    Manual weed control is often the major limiting factor for organic vegetable production on a farm level. We have developed a Crawler, a wagon designed to support and transport a worker on the field

    Preliminary evaluation of annually cultivated forage legumes for organic farming in Finland

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    In 1998-2001 nineteen forage legume species (Lupinus, Medicago, Melilotus, Pisum, Trifolium and Vicia species) were evaluated at two sites of Eastern Finland (Mikkeli and Juva). Species were studied for their annual productivity in pure stands and in mixtures with cereals (barley and oats) and Italian ryegrass. Swards were cut either twice or once (whole grain silage stage of barley)

    Preliminary evaluation of perennial forage legumes for organic farming in Finland

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    In 1998-2001 fourteen forage legume species were evaluated for their productivity in mixed organic swards. The aim was to find new alternatives for red clover. Medicago falcata produced the highest dry matter yield (about 11 000 kg/ha/year). Dry matter production of Trifolium pratense, Trifolium hybridum and Medicago sativa varied from 2 200 to 10 600 kg/ha/year

    Management of red clover content of organic grassland

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    The clover content is an important factor in organic grassland management to optimize yield, feeding value and pre-crop effect of the ley. The variation of red clover (Trifolium pratense) content in swards of different age is often rather high in Finland. In the ongoing field experiment (1999-2002) staggered sowing of red clover seed was tested to regulate the clover content of the mixed sward. Sowing strategy did not have clear effect on the clover content or the yield of the sward. However the seeding rate affected the clover density of the field (plants/m²) in the first year. After two years the differences were equated. The best strategy to control the clover amount in the mixed swards seems sowing of 2 or 3 kg/ha (100 or 150 seeds/m²) clover seeds in establishment and then oversow on a first second ley year 1 or 2 kg/ha (50 or 100 seeds/m²)

    Clover content and yield of swards on organic farms - maintenance and estimation

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    Grassland production based on legumes is an essential part of the productivity and economy of the organic farming systems. The clover content is an important factor in organic grassland management to optimize the yield, feed value and pre-crop effect of ley. The ley yield and clover content of one-, two- and three-year-old leys were determined on eight organic farms in 1998. Two-year-old leys produced the highest (6500 kg/ha dm) and three-year-old leys (4900 kg/ha dm) the lowest yields, with no significant differences between one- and two-year-old leys. The clover content (20-80 % of dm) diminished to the same extent as the yields. Because the ley samples from the organic farms gave strong evidence of decreasing yield level and clover content in the 3-year-old leys, we started to develop a technique to maintain the ley productivity in older swards. This technique includes oversowing of clover in the spring of the second ley year and utilization of lime-pelleted, pre-inoculated seed. Lime-pelleted, pre-inoculated clover seed oversown at different times in spring were compared with the aim of developing an oversowing method for Finnish conditions. The preliminary results do not show any differences, but studies are ongoing

    Finger weeder for cabbage and lettuce cultures

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    Summer 2002 we compared finger weeder against net harrow and herbicides in cabbage. Field trial 2003 was dedicated to lettuce: we compared different intensities of finger weeding in two different lettuce cultivars

    Pea-Barley Bi-Crop Silage in Milk Production

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    Whole crop silage (WCS) from barley or wheat has many advantages as roughage feed. The possibility to use the same harvest machinery as in harvesting grass reduces investment costs. The farms which are specialised in grass production may have shortage of open field area for manure spreading, in which case WCS can be the answer. However, digestibility and protein content of WCS is usually lower than in grass silage, which is limiting the feed intake and performance of the dairy cows. Cultivation of grains with grain legumes increases digestibility and protein content of the stand (Lunnan, 1988). Feeding of bi-crop pea-wheat silages has increased forage intake and milk yield compared to grass silage (Salawu et al., 2002; Adesogan et al., 2004). In this experiment pea-barley bi-crop silage was studied since in Finland barley harvested for WCS is more digestible than wheat

    Inhibition of testosterone biosynthesis by ethanol: relation to the pregnenolone-to-testosterone pathway

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    AbstractThe concentrations of metabolites in the pregnenolone → testosterone pathway were determined in freezestopped testes in control rats and during ethanol intoxication (2 h after injection of 1.5 g ethanolkg body wt). Ethanol lowered the mean testicular concentrations of testosterone (by 63–74%), androstenedione (49–81%), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (60–76%), progesterone (29–67%) and pregnenolone (12–25%). 4-Methylpyrazole had no effect on the ethanol-induced changes. The present results reveal no inhibition at the 17-hydroxyprogesterone → androstenedione → testosterone steps, but do not exclude inhibition before the step yielding pregnenolone and at the pregnenolone → progesterone → 17-hydroxyprogesterone steps


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    Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan argumentointia painottavan luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen tavoitteita kansainvälisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tarkasteluun valittiin 14 luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen kansainvälistä tutkimusartikkelia, joissa esiintyvät kuvaukset argumentoinnin tavoitteista luokiteltiin niissä esiintyvien teemojen perusteella. Tavoitekuvauksista erottui kolme pääteemaa: koulussa opetettavien luonnontieteiden autenttisuuden lisääminen, oppilaiden ajattelu- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymisen tukeminen sekä sisältötiedon osaamisen ja luonnontieteellisen sivistyksen syventäminen. Autenttisen kuvan välittäminen luonnontieteistä oppilaille näyttäytyi edellytyksenä muiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiselle. Tavoitteiden tunnistaminen edesauttaa argumentoinnin painottamista suomalaisessa luonnontieteen opetuksessa.Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan argumentointia painottavan luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen tavoitteita kansainvälisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tarkasteluun valittiin 14 luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen kansainvälistä tutkimusartikkelia, joissa esiintyvät kuvaukset argumentoinnin tavoitteista luokiteltiin niissä esiintyvien teemojen perusteella. Tavoitekuvauksista erottui kolme pääteemaa: koulussa opetettavien luonnontieteiden autenttisuuden lisääminen, oppilaiden ajattelu- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymisen tukeminen sekä sisältötiedon osaamisen ja luonnontieteellisen sivistyksen syventäminen. Autenttisen kuvan välittäminen luonnontieteistä oppilaille näyttäytyi edellytyksenä muiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiselle. Tavoitteiden tunnistaminen edesauttaa argumentoinnin painottamista suomalaisessa luonnontieteen opetuksessa

    ~1400-nm continuous-wave diamond Raman laser intracavity-pumped by an InGaAs semiconductor disk laser

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    We present a ~1400nm-emitting diamond Raman laser intracavity-pumped by an ~1180nm semiconductor disk laser. We measured a maximum output power of 2.3 W at ~1400nm with an output coupling of 3.5%. The Raman laser was tunable from 1373 to 1415nm using a 4-mm-thick birefringent filter