14 research outputs found

    Broadband degenerate OPO for mid-infrared frequency comb generation

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    We present a new technique suitable for generating broadband phase- and frequency-locked frequency combs in the mid-infrared. Our source is based on a degenerate optical parametric oscillator (OPO) which rigorously both down-converts and augments the spectrum of a pump frequency comb provided by a commercial mode-locked near-IR laser. Low intracavity dispersion, combined with extensive cross-mixing of comb components, results in extremely broad instantaneous mid-IR bandwidths. We achieve an output power of 60 mW and 20dB bandwidth extending from 2500 to 3800 nm. Among other applications, such a source is well-suited for coherent Fourier-transform spectroscopy in the absorption-rich mid-IR ‘molecular fingerprint’ region

    All-Optical Quantum Random Bit Generation from Intrinsically Binary Phase of Parametric Oscillators

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    True random number generators (RNGs) are desirable for applications ranging from cryptogra- phy to computer simulations. Quantum phenomena prove to be attractive for physical RNGs due to their fundamental randomness and immunity to attack [1]- [5]. Optical parametric down conversion is an essential element in most quantum optical experiments including optical squeezing [9], and generation of entangled photons [10]. In an optical parametric oscillator (OPO), photons generated through spontaneous down conversion of the pump initiate the oscillation in the absence of other inputs [11, 12]. This quantum process is the dominant effect during the oscillation build-up, leading to selection of one of the two possible phase states above threshold in a degenerate OPO [13]. Building on this, we demonstrate a novel all-optical quantum RNG in which the photodetection is not a part of the random process, and no post processing is required for the generated bit sequence. We implement a synchronously pumped twin degenerate OPO, which comprises two identical independent OPOs in a single cavity, and measure the relative phase states of the OPO outputs above threshold as a bit value. We show that the outcome is statistically random with 99% confidence. With the use of micro- and nanoscale OPO resonators, this technique offers a promise for simple, robust, and high-speed on-chip all-optical quantum random number generators

    Coherence properties of a broadband femtosecond mid-IR optical parametric oscillator operating at degeneracy

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    We study coherence properties of a χ^(2) optical parametric oscillator (OPO), which produces 2/3-octave-wide spectrum centered at the subharmonic (3120 nm) of the femtosecond pump laser. Our method consists of interfering the outputs of two identical, but independent OPOs pumped by the same laser. We demonstrate that the two OPOs show stable spatial and temporal interference and are mutually locked in frequency and in phase. By observing a collective heterodyne beat signal between the two OPOs we show that one can deterministically choose, by cavity length adjustment, between the two frequency states corresponding to the two sets of modes shifted with respect to each other by half of the laser pulse repetition rate. Moreover, we observe that the existence of two opposite phase states, a known common feature of a parametrically driven n = 2 subharmonic oscillator, reveals itself in our experiment as a common phase, 0 or π, being established through the whole set of some 300 thousand longitudinal modes

    Broadband degenerate OPO for mid-infrared frequency comb generation

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    We present a new technique suitable for generating broadband phase- and frequency-locked frequency combs in the mid-infrared. Our source is based on a degenerate optical parametric oscillator (OPO) which rigorously both down-converts and augments the spectrum of a pump frequency comb provided by a commercial mode-locked near-IR laser. Low intracavity dispersion, combined with extensive cross-mixing of comb components, results in extremely broad instantaneous mid-IR bandwidths. We achieve an output power of 60 mW and 20dB bandwidth extending from 2500 to 3800 nm. Among other applications, such a source is well-suited for coherent Fourier-transform spectroscopy in the absorption-rich mid-IR ‘molecular fingerprint’ region

    Octave-spanning ultrafast OPO with 2.6-6.1µm instantaneous bandwidth pumped by femtosecond Tm-fiber laser

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    We report the extension of broadband degenerate OPO operation further into mid-infrared. A femtosecond thulium fiber laser with output centered at 2050 nm synchronously pumps a 500-μm-long crystal of orientation patterned GaAs providing broadband gain centered at 4.1 µm. We observe a pump threshold of 17 mW and output bandwidth extending from 2.6 to 6.1 µm at the −30 dB level. Average output power was 37 mW. Appropriate resonator group dispersion is a key factor for achieving degenerate operation with instantaneously broad bandwidth. The output spectrum is very sensitive to absorption and dispersion introduced by molecular species inside the OPO cavity


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    Keadaan perekonomian saat ini sangat memprihatinkan khususnya di Indonesia yang terdapat berbagai permasalahan yang menyangkut mengenai kehidupan bermasyarakat, antara lain masalah kemiskinan, masalah pengangguran, masalah lingkungan hidup, dan lain-lain. Permasalahan tersebut timbul akibat semakin meningkatnya keadaan ekonomi yang tidak disesuaikan dengan kondisi masyarakat. Khususnya masyarakat menengah kebawah. Kemiskinan menjadi masalah yang penting saat ini di Indonesia, sehingga menjadi suatu fokus perhatian bagi pemerintah Indonesia. Masalah kemiskinan ini sangatlah kompleks karena berkaitan dengan aspek sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan aspek lainnya. Kemiskinan terus menjadi masalah fenomenal di belahan dunia, khususnya Indonesia yang merupakan negara berkembang. Kemiskinan telah membuat jutaan anak tidak bisa mengenyam pendidikan, kesulitan membiayai kesehatan, kurangnya tabungan dan investasi, dan masalah lain yang menjurus ke arah tindakan kekerasan dan kejahatan. Kemisikinan menjadi salah satu fenomena masalah yang kerap kita temui di majalah, surat kabar, ataupun berita online lainnya. Dinas sosial Kota Batu setidaknya mencatat ada 2.339 keluarga miskin sedangkan badan pusat statistik menerangkan jumlah keluarga miskin mencapai 2.600 keluarga miskin. Ini cukup membuktikan untuk menjelaskan bahwa masih banyak keluarga Kota Batu yang masih harus berjuang hanya untuk sekedar membiayai anaknya masuk sekolah. Pemberdayaan menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menyelesaikan masalah terkait dengan pengentasan kemiskinan. Dalam penelitian ini terkait dengan program pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang dan didanai oleh DIKTI dari Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (PKM) yang mana saya termasuk dalam kelompok tersebut. Pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat ini mempunyai subyek pemberdayaan perempuan dusun Wonorejo Desa Junrejo Kota Batu. Proses pemberdayaan dilakukan selama tiga bulan di dusun setempat

    Coherence properties of a broadband femtosecond mid-IR optical parametric oscillator operating at degeneracy

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    We study coherence properties of a χ^(2) optical parametric oscillator (OPO), which produces 2/3-octave-wide spectrum centered at the subharmonic (3120 nm) of the femtosecond pump laser. Our method consists of interfering the outputs of two identical, but independent OPOs pumped by the same laser. We demonstrate that the two OPOs show stable spatial and temporal interference and are mutually locked in frequency and in phase. By observing a collective heterodyne beat signal between the two OPOs we show that one can deterministically choose, by cavity length adjustment, between the two frequency states corresponding to the two sets of modes shifted with respect to each other by half of the laser pulse repetition rate. Moreover, we observe that the existence of two opposite phase states, a known common feature of a parametrically driven n = 2 subharmonic oscillator, reveals itself in our experiment as a common phase, 0 or π, being established through the whole set of some 300 thousand longitudinal modes

    Octave-spanning ultrafast OPO with 2.6-6.1µm instantaneous bandwidth pumped by femtosecond Tm-fiber laser

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    We report the extension of broadband degenerate OPO operation further into mid-infrared. A femtosecond thulium fiber laser with output centered at 2050 nm synchronously pumps a 500-μm-long crystal of orientation patterned GaAs providing broadband gain centered at 4.1 µm. We observe a pump threshold of 17 mW and output bandwidth extending from 2.6 to 6.1 µm at the −30 dB level. Average output power was 37 mW. Appropriate resonator group dispersion is a key factor for achieving degenerate operation with instantaneously broad bandwidth. The output spectrum is very sensitive to absorption and dispersion introduced by molecular species inside the OPO cavity

    Five-cycle pulses near λ = 3 μm produced in a subharmonic optical parametric oscillator via fine dispersion management

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    Five‐cycle (50 fs) mid‐IR pulses at 80‐MHz repetition rate are produced using a degenerate (subharmonic) optical parametric oscillator (OPO), synchronously pumped by an ultrafast 1560‐nm fiber laser. The effects of cavity dispersion and the length of a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) gain element on the output spectrum and pulse duration are investigated by taking advantage of a very broad (∼ 1000 cm^(−1)) gain bandwidth near the 3.1‐μm OPO degeneracy point. A new method of assessing the total OPO group delay dispersion across its entire spectrum is proposed, based on measuring spectral signatures of trace amounts of molecular gases injected into the OPO cavity

    Carrier Envelope Offset Of Nondegenerate, Doubly-Resonant, Midinfrared Gaas Optical Parametric Oscillators

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    We demonstrate that the carrier-envelope offset frequency of a mid-infrared frequency comb from a nondegenerate and doubly-resonant GaAs-based optical parametric oscillator is locked to that of the 2 μm thulium-fiber pump laser. © OSA 2013