104 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis of Worldwide Coronavirus Research based on Web of Science between 1970 and February 2020

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    Researchers worldwide are striving hard to find a solution for the coronavirus pandemic and reduce the fatalities from this severe outbreak. The purpose of this article is to evaluate and visualize the published documents about coronavirus research, based on extracted data from Web of Science (WoS) citation database. The study used a bibliometric method and social network analysis. Data were collected using the WoS database on February 23, 2020, with 13252 records being retrieved and used as the study sample. Descriptive statistics were used in the bibliometric method and network analysis. Text Statistics Analyzer and ISI.exe were used to compute the number of authors per document. VOSviewer and UCINET were used respectively for visualization and for measuring the centrality and the density of networks. Study findings indicate the top actors of the scientific society (authors, institutions, countries) that had the most publication on coronavirus. Similarly, the top keywords used by authors were identified. Also, the density and centrality measures of co-authorship networks (degree, closeness, betweenness) for the top 10 authors, institutions, countries, and keywords were identified. The Journal of Virology had the highest number of published papers on coronavirus research. The study revealed that the leading researchers and institutions were mostly from the United States of America, England, China, Germany, Netherlands, France, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia

    Scientific Outputs and Co-authorship Patterns in the Fields of Electronic, Civil and Mechanical Engineering of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University (2000-2019): A Scientometric Analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the scientific outputs and co-authorship patterns of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in the fields of electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering, based on Web of Science (2000-2019). The paper relied on both quantitative and scientometric methods. 1870 and 291 records were retrieved respectively for "Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University" and "the fields of electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering". The questions and assumptions were answered through descriptive and inferential statistics. VOSviewer and SPSS were used respectively for mapping and testing assumptions. The findings showed that the total scientific outputs of electrical engineering in the world, indexed by the Web of Science (2000-2019) were 2,973,902, of which 44,768 records (1.6%) belonged to Iran (rank 16). During the same period, the total civil engineering records was 395,649, of which 11,876 records (3%) belong to Iran (rank 10). In addition, the total scientific outputs of mechanical engineering were 941,586, of which 25,263 records (2.7%) belonged to Iran (rank 12). The findings showed that in Iran Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in electrical engineering is ranked 36th (2000-2019). The findings showed that Ajami with 43 (17%), Hoveidae with 5 (23%), Gharraei and Mohammadpourfard, each with 10 records (17%), were the top authors in the fields of electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering (2000-2019), respectively. Also, Ajami with 43 (1000 citations), Najafi with 42 (564 citations), Banaei with 41 records (473 citations), and Oskuee with 16 records (305 citations) have high co-authorship densities (37, 31, 22, and 29, respectively). Moreover, there was no meaningful difference between men and women in electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering in scientific outputs (Sig=0.0927). Furthermore, there was a significant difference in scientific outputs among electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering researchers in departments and university ranks.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.  

    بررسی تعلیم و تربیت اخلاقی از دیدگاه ابن سینا (یک مقاله مروری)

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    Education is a complicated, extensive and time-consuming issue. The first step to do this is to specify goals we intend to achieve and achieving these goals needs applying these methods. Knowledge of methods and goals of education especially moral education requires understanding of ideas of educators and great, particularly Islamic philosophers. Hence, the purpose of the present study is to investigate moral education from Avicenna's point of view. The method used in this research is qualitative content analysis. Research resources include books, theses, journal, articles and research studies related to research issues. Avicenna assumes that the most important and main goal of education is the individual and community's achieving the happiness and perfection. One of the most important goals of moral education of this great philosopher is acquiring moderation and moral virtues. This study attempts to consider the significance of morality and moral education from Avicenna's point of view by research in this great philosopher's thoughts and to represent ways of moral education, processes of education, teaching materials, the features of a good teacher and methods of education from his point of view and finally we will achieve considerable results.تعلیم و تربیت امری پیچیده، پردامنه و وقت‌گیر است. برای اقدام به این کار خطیر اولین گام، تعیین اهدافی است که قصد داریم به آن‌ها برسیم و رسیدن به این اهداف مستلزم استفاده از روش‌ها است. آگاهی از روش‌ها و اهداف تعلیم و تربیت به خصوص تربیت اخلاقی مستلزم شناخت آراء مربیان و فیلسوفان بزرگ، به ویژه اسلامی است. از این رو هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تعلیم و تربیت اخلاقی از دیدگاه ابن سینا می‌باشد. روش مورد استفاده در این تحقیق کیفی و از نوع تحلیل محتوا است. منابع تحقیق شامل کتاب‌ها، پایان نامه‌ها، مجلات، مقالات و پژوهش‌ها و تحقیقات مرتبط با موضوع می‌باشد. ابن سینا مهمترین و اصلی‌ترین هدف تعلیم و تربیت را رسیدن فرد و جامعه به سعادت و کمال می‌داند. کسب اعتدال و میانه‌روی و کسب فضائل اخلاقی نیز از مهمترین اهداف تربیت اخلاقی این فیلسوف بزرگ است. در این پژوهش تلاش شده است تا با تحقیق در اندیشه‌های این اندیشمند گرانمایه، به اهمیت اخلاق و تربیت اخلاقی از نظر وی پرداخته و روش‌های تربیت اخلاقی، مراحل تعلیم و تربیت، متون و مواد آموزشی، ویژگی‌های یک معلم خوب و شیوه‌های تعلیم و تربیت و.... از منظر ایشان بیان شود و در آخر نیز به یک جمع بندی اجمالی خواهیم پرداخت

    Evaluation of offspring sex ratio, sex hormones and antioxidant enzymes following exposure to methyl tertiary butyl ether in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats

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    Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) is an oxygenated fuel additive which has been used widely in many parts of the world. This experiment was performed to determine the effect of MTBE on offspring sex ratio, sex hormones and antioxidant enzymes. A total of 20 adult Sprague-Dawley male rats were divided into four groups and received 0, 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg/day MTBE by gavages for 30 consecutive days. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken for determination of sex hormones and antioxidant enzymes. Then, male rats were mated with healthy unexposed female rats and sex of offspring was determined after birth. Sex ratio was 0.48, 0.50, 0.43 and 0.50 in 0, 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg/day MTBE groups, respectively (P = 0.91). There was significant decreasing trend for luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone in experimental groups (rs = -0.50, P = 0.030 and rs = -0.67, P = 0.002, respectively). No changes were observed for superoxide dismutase. However, decrease in glutathione peroxidase (GPX) was observed in all treatment groups compared with control which was significant in 400 mg/kg/day MTBE group (P = 0.016). The present study showed that paternal exposure to oral MTBE has no effect on offspring sex ratio; while, MTBE exposure could exert dose-dependent changes in serum testosterone and LH in treatment groups. The results of the present study, need to be clarified in the future studies

    Prevalence of Various Psychological Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    As a global threat, the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge to psychological resilience. The aim was to determine the prevalence of various psychological disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a systematic review. Studies using different combinations of keywords COVID-19, SARS-COV, pandemic, psychological disorders, mental health and, psychological consequences were retrieved from different scientific databases Elsevier, Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science. These studies were published from December 1, 2019, to May 30, 2020. Twenty-eight studies out of 410 retrieved articles were evaluated and analyzed for data extraction. The analysis of studies revealed that the different types of psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental distress, schizophrenia, sleep disorders and sleep disturbances, vicarious traumatization, and internet addiction on moderate to severe in public and medical personnel were recorded during COVID-19 crisis. The frontline health care workers were more depressed, anxious, insomniac, and mentally disturbed. Women were more vulnerable to psychological disorders and sleep problems. Young people were more likely to experience generalized anxiety disorder and mental distress.COVID-19 has led to high prevalence and a wide range of psychological disorders in society. It is essential to provide psychological assistance and training strategies to deal with a variety of these psychological disorders

    Antioxidants and Natural Compounds

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    Oxidative stress happens in body when the production of oxidants exceeds the antioxidant capacity of body system and plays a role in pathogenesis of several chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stock, and renal failure. Tea, sesame seed, and burdock root (Arctium lappa L.) may improve oxidative stress and suppress the side effects of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Total extract of black tea and its fractions can increase antioxidants such as Super oxide Dismotase (SOD), Glutathione Peroxides (GPX) and total antioxidants and can decrease oxidants like malondialdehyde (MDA). So, these herbal compounds can improve oxidative stress in diabetes rats. The injection of total extract and 20% fraction of black tea had positive effect on blood lipid profile in diabetic rats. Sesame seeds improved the antioxidants capacity in arthritis; therefore, decreased pain. Burdock root, in arthritis patients improved the antioxidants capacity and decreased the intensity of the pain. It can be concluded that the positive effects of these herbal components are due to the presence of antioxidants. The aim of this chapter is to review the antioxidant capacity of tea, sesame seed, and burdock root as well as to discuss their biological effects in human being

    Assessment of Local People Opinion After World Heritage Site Designation, Case Study: Historic City of Yazd, Iran

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    Local participation in the cultural heritage conservation has always been a concern since the Venice Charter (1964). It seems the assumption of the World Heritage Center, and particularly their State Parties, is that local people living in a nominated site are willing to inscribe their properties on the World Heritage List. This research examines the points of view of a local community living in the buffer zone of the Historic City of Yazd in five categories: Willingness, quality of life, decision-making, benefits, and awareness after the designation as World Heritage Site. The main hypotheses are that local people did not agree to inscribe their properties on the World Heritage List, and their quality of life has not changed after registering. The methodology is based on both qualitative and quantitative methods by interviewing 400 people of both genders and different ages. The results show that the majority of local people living in the buffer zone were not satisfied to be on the list. In addition, more than 80% mentioned that the quality of life did not change at all after the inscription. There was a misunderstanding about the role of national and international organizations in World Heritage management and conservation among the local community

    Analyzing Social Engineering Research through Co-authorship Networks Using Scopus Database during 1926-2020

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    Purpose: Hacking the human brain and manipulating human trust to obtain information and get monetary gains is called social engineering. This study aims to visualize and analyze the co-authorship networks in the Scopus citation database's social engineering research from 1926 to 2020. Method: The present quantitative study used the bibliometric method and social network analysis. The study collected data from the Scopus database. A total number of 1994 records were taken as the sample of the study. Researchers used descriptive and inferential statistics and social network analysis to obtain results; to do this, different software types were used in the study (SPSS, Microsoft Excel, Text Statistics Analyzer, ISI.exe, Pajek, and VOSviewer). Findings: The findings indicate the top three sources of publishing and the related subject areas. Furthermore, the top three core authors and countries were identified. Also, the authors with high centrality measures in the co-authorship networks were identified. A large majority of papers had only one author. The Collaborative Coefficient among researchers was 0.36. Based on the results of Spearman's test, there was a significant association between the number of documents, the number of citations, and the rate of total link strength of the countries. Likewise, there was a positive and high significant association between degree and closeness centralities. Conclusion: The researchers' frequently used keywords in this area were social engineering, phishing, and information security; in addition, the frequency of keywords was not compatible with Zipf’s Law. A small sample of keywords will not properly follow Zipf’s distribution

    Perceptions Towards the Discharge Process in a Community Teaching Hospital

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    Background: Discharge process in the hospital is lengthy and with low efficiency, especially in teaching facilities. Our objective was to identify perceptions towards the current discharge process and possible ways to improve it in a community teaching hospital in Las Vegas, NV. Methods: Quality improvement with cross-sectional survey questionnaire. Participants: 200 hospital staff (total possible participants) who were involved in the discharge process. 149 (actual participants) completed the surveys (response rate of 75[percent]) which included multiple choices as well as open ended questions; 95 nurses, 43 residents, and 11 case managers. Results were analyzed using the Chi-Square test. Results: 44[percent] of respondents believed that the hospital discharge process is efficient while 56[percent] did not. Frequent delays in discharge process from hospital were estimated often by 57.7[percent]. Easiest placements were home health (51.7[percent]) followed by hospice (19.5[percent]). The most time-consuming placements were skilled nursing facility (43[percent]) followed by acute rehab (22.8[percent]). The preferred method of contact regarding discharge process differed among roles. 41[percent] of nurse respondents listed voice calls while 54.5 [percent] of case managers and 44[percent] of residents documented text messaging (P-value [less than] 0.001). While most (61 [percent]) believed that multidisciplinary rounds are of value, the percentage of those who preferred it, differed among roles. 69.4[percent] of nurses favored multidisciplinary round versus 4.2[percent] who did not. This was 54.5[percent] vs. 27.2[percent] for case managers and 44.1[percent] vs. 30.2[percent] for the residents (P-value = 0.002). Conclusion: Discharge process in teaching facilities is considered fragmented, inefficient and different groups of health care personnel perceive it differently.Ruifang Yang (1), Leila Khalili (1), Zhi Cheng (1), Ana Markic (2), Napatkamon Ayutanont (3), Hossein Akhondi (1) ; 1. Department of Internal Medicine, MountainView Hospital, University of Nevada. 2 Department of Endocrinology, University of Arizona. 3. MountainView HospitalIncludes bibliographical reference

    Micromechanical model for isolated polymer-colloid clusters under tension

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    Binary polymer-colloid (PC) composites form the majority of biological load-bearing materials. Due to the abundance of the polymer and particles, and their simple aggregation process, PC clusters are used broadly by nature to create biomaterials with a variety of functions. However, our understanding of the mechanical features of the clusters and their load transfer mechanism is limited. Our main focus in this paper is the elastic behavior of close-packed PC clusters formed in the presence of polymer linkers. Therefore, a micromechanical model is proposed to predict the constitutive behavior of isolated polymer-colloid clusters under tension. The mechanical response of a cluster is considered to be governed by a backbone chain, which is the stress path that transfers most of the applied load. The developed model can reproduce the mean behavior of the clusters and is not dependent on their local geometry. The model utilizes four geometrical parameters for defining six shape descriptor functions which can affect the geometrical change of the clusters in the course of deformation. The predictions of the model are benchmarked against an extensive set of simulations by coarse-grained-Brownian dynamics, where clusters with different shapes and sizes were considered. The model exhibits good agreement with these simulations, which, besides its relative simplicity, makes the model an excellent add-on module for implementation into multiscale models of nanocomposites.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award DMR-1054671)MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI-Germany)United States. Dept. of Transportation. UTC Center for Highway Pavement Preservatio