191 research outputs found


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    Because hreast cancer is a leading cause of death, it has received increased attention by researchers during the past two decades. More recent work has focused on quality-of-life questions as well as complimentary approaches to working with patients. One such approach, Integrated Awareness®, was investigated with a small group of randomly assigned hreast cancer patients who also continued their regular medical treatment. Using several self-report instruments and an energy field instrument, differences were found between the treatment and control groups. Support was found from both the self-report instruments and the energy field assessment for the hypotheses and provides some evidence for further investigations hoth of this approach and related issues with hreast cancer

    A Comparison of Human Energy Fields Among Children, Youth, Adults, & Dahn Masters

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    While concepts and investigations of human energy fields have been developed for centuries, there has been little systematic work comparing the fields of children, adolescents, and adults. In addition, general fields have had little comparison between average adults and those participating in an intense practice that may affect the field. Using the GDV machine, this research compared small groups of children, adolescents, average adults, and Dahn Hak Masters on measures of 20 basic aspects of the human energy fields, including the seven chakras. Differences were found in seven of the 13 field parameters as well as all seven measures of the chakras. The largest fields occurred with the Dahn Masters while children had the highest entropy (communication with the environment). Difference on chakras showed children to be the most open while adults were the most shut down. The means for Dahn Masters were more consistent with those for children and adolescents than other adults, suggesting that changes in the field with age may be different when people do extensive work that affects the field. Further research is required to verify these preliminary results and test additional questions raised by this study


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    While concepts and investigations of human energy fields have been developed for centuries, there has been little systematic work comparing the fields of children, adolescents, and adults. In addition, general fields have had little comparison between average adults and those participating in an intense practice that may affect the field. Using the GDV machine, this research compared small groups of children, adolescents, average adults, and Dahn Hak Masters on measures of 20 basic aspects of the human energy fields, including the seven chakras. Differences were found in seven of the 13 field parameters as well as all seven measures of the chakras. The largest fields occurred with the Dahn Masters while children had the highest entropy (communication with the environment). Difference on chakras showed children to be the most open while adults were the most shut down. The means for Dahn Masters were more consistent with those for children and adolescents than other adults, suggesting that changes in the field with age may be different when people do extensive work that affects the field. Further research is required to verify these preliminary results and test additional questions raised by this study


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    The purpose of this longitudinal observacional study of infant's and children's energy fields was ro explore the nature and development of the human energy field (HEF) during infancy and early childhood. Previous studies of the liEF have focused primarily on adults, with only inferences on the field during early development. Only one study has actually measured liEF during childhood. Therefore, the intention of this study was ro develop an approach ro observation with quantitative and qualitative analysis using repeated observations of subjects over a twOyear period. Initially, the sample (N ~ 19) consisted of three age groups of approximately 6, 30, and 54-month-old children. During the third wave of data, seven more infants were added to the sample ro increase confidence in findings across ages. In the first explorarory study, coding was devised to help extrapolate information, which might lead to a different understanding of developing human energy fields in children. Literature was reviewed of the liEF of adults combined with traditional observational methods used for studying children ro develop this research. Observations were conducted of liEF using three independent coders, a systematic coding form, and video documentation. The observations were conducted approximately one year apart. The first observation primarily was conducted live, and the second and third observations were taken from videotape of the children. For each observation, three observers independently completed the coding form, with the same observers completing forms for the second and third wave of data. These results are based in all three waves where there was agreement between at least two of the three observers. Using all three waves, the coding was entered inro the computer to conduct some basic quantitative comparisons in addition ro the qualitative analysis. Consistently, density of [he field and width of the field were inversely related ro the amount of light or translucency in the field. In addition, it was found that density was strongly correlated to the amount of energy in the field and the velocity, as was the width of the field. Shapes also were correlated wi th other shapes observed in the field, but only the ring and overall quality of the field were correlated with age. These findings are discussed in terms of other work on children and future work needed in this area

    Family Violence Education in Public Waiting Rooms

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    Accepting the premise that video instruction is a powerful tool for American audiences, the project discussed here explored the feasibility of using television and videotapes to provide education relevant to family violence and violence prevention to waiting room audiences. Using commercially available videos, volunteer coordinators played the videos to clients of a large social services agency in Las Vegas, Nevada over a period of 18 months. At the end of each viewing, a survey measured the impact of the videos on the audience. Results of the surveys supported the efficacy of this instructional method in providing education to large groups


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    The study of family interactions has a long tradition from different disciplines and methodologies, but one area ignored is the investigation of human energy fields (HEFs). While the concept has been around for centuries, only recently has it been utilized in Western contemporary practice. Combining emotional expression, family processes, and HEF perspectives, this study was developed to investigate the relationship between emotional expression and HEF interactions in relation to reported closeness between parents and adolescents. The methodology was designed to analyze self-report and observational data on 56 dyads and triads within two-parent families with a high school adolescent. The data were analyzed in terms of simple correlations and a step-wise regression. The findings are discussed along with implications for further research and therapy with adolescents and families


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    The study of family interactions has a long tradition from different disciplines and methodologies, but one area ignored is the investigation of human energy fields (HEFs). While the concept has been around for centuries, only recently has it been utilized in Western contemporary practice. Combining emotional expression, family processes, and HEF perspectives, this study was developed to investigate the relationship between emotional expression and HEF interactions in relation to reported closeness between parents and adolescents. The methodology was designed to analyze self-report and observational data on 56 dyads and triads within two-parent families with a high school adolescent. The data were analyzed in terms of simple correlations and a step-wise regression. The findings are discussed along with implications for further research and therapy with adolescents and families


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    The purpose of this investigation was to observe human energy fields (HEF) in infants and young children. The sample (N 18) consisted of three age groups of approximately 6, 30, and 54 month old children. In this exploratory study, coding was devised to help extrapolate information thar leads to a different understanding of development in children. Literature was reviewed from observations of the HEF of adults and ways of looking ar children historically. This approach was combined with traditional observational methods of studying children to develop this research projecr, using qualirative analysis to identifY any parterns within and be[\veen groups. The observations were made by three observers viewing the HEF, using a facilitator, coding forms, and video documentarion. The findings from rhe study show patterns within and bet\Veen groups indicating there is a developmental HEF change that occurs over the three age groups

    Investigating the Effects of Brain Respiration on Children’s Behavior

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    Building on the increasing number of programs designed to enhance brain development, a program developed in Korea, Brain Respiration, was adapted to a school in Nevada. Classes were offered twice weekly to a class of fourth and fifth grade students with control group classes assessed in the same school. Self-report surveys, teacher observations, and standardized reading and math scores were used to determine effects of the program on the students. Some differences were found in the pretest for the survey and the observation, with control groups scoring higher. There were differences in some post-test scores, with treatment group children scoring higher when differences did occur. There also were differences in the reading and math scores, with control groups scoring higher than the overall treatment group, but not higher when compared to those actively participating in the program. Such differences are discussed as well as other issues possibly influencing the effects