
The purpose of this longitudinal observacional study of infant's and children's energy fields was ro explore the nature and development of the human energy field (HEF) during infancy and early childhood. Previous studies of the liEF have focused primarily on adults, with only inferences on the field during early development. Only one study has actually measured liEF during childhood. Therefore, the intention of this study was ro develop an approach ro observation with quantitative and qualitative analysis using repeated observations of subjects over a twOyear period. Initially, the sample (N ~ 19) consisted of three age groups of approximately 6, 30, and 54-month-old children. During the third wave of data, seven more infants were added to the sample ro increase confidence in findings across ages. In the first explorarory study, coding was devised to help extrapolate information, which might lead to a different understanding of developing human energy fields in children. Literature was reviewed of the liEF of adults combined with traditional observational methods used for studying children ro develop this research. Observations were conducted of liEF using three independent coders, a systematic coding form, and video documentation. The observations were conducted approximately one year apart. The first observation primarily was conducted live, and the second and third observations were taken from videotape of the children. For each observation, three observers independently completed the coding form, with the same observers completing forms for the second and third wave of data. These results are based in all three waves where there was agreement between at least two of the three observers. Using all three waves, the coding was entered inro the computer to conduct some basic quantitative comparisons in addition ro the qualitative analysis. Consistently, density of [he field and width of the field were inversely related ro the amount of light or translucency in the field. In addition, it was found that density was strongly correlated to the amount of energy in the field and the velocity, as was the width of the field. Shapes also were correlated wi th other shapes observed in the field, but only the ring and overall quality of the field were correlated with age. These findings are discussed in terms of other work on children and future work needed in this area

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