8 research outputs found

    Ontologien in den historischen Wissenschaften

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    Databases are for historians a mighty tool, especially for the statistical analysis of huge qualities of data. But the tool can only work with a solid data structure that is defined on a meta-level. To guarantee this structure, computer scientists developed for most different scopes ontologies – the topic of the following elementary article. After the definition of ontologies as formal defined systems of concepts and relations with rules of inference and integrity, a special vocabulary for entities and relations and conditions of completeness and correctness of the terms, the following article will introduce the basic concepts of a specific ontology – CIDOC CRM (Comité International pour la Documentation Conceptual Reference Model). The fundamental terms Entities and Properties will be explained as well as their structure and their underlying rules

    Digital Humanities and Information Systems: Innovating Two Research Traditions

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    According to the philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey the scope of the humanities is the experience of the world, the expression of these experiences and the understanding of these expressions. The Information Systems (IS) discipline deals with human experiences of computer systems as much as with the expressions of the world in the digital media and, therefore, can be seen as the humanities of the digital realm. Hence, it appears to be very fruitful to promote a closer cooperation between the two evolving disciplines of IS and the Digital Humanities, which aims to include the digital world in the humanities. The only barrier to such a collaboration lies in the relative unawareness of each other. This paper wants to make a contribution to change this. It postulates that both research traditions can be innovated by moving closer to each other and by collaborating on an interdisciplinary level

    Historische Grundwissenschaften und die digitale Herausforderung

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    Unter Federführung von Eva Schlotheuber (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf / VHD-Unterausschuss "Geschichte in der digitalen Welt") und Frank Bösch (Zentrum für die Zeithistorische Forschungen Potsdam / VHD-Unterausschuss "Audiovisuelle Quellen") verabschiedete der VHD ein Grundsatzpapier zum Status der Historischen Grundwissenschaften mit dem Titel "Quellenkritik im digitalen Zeitalter: Die Historischen Grundwissenschaften als zentrale Kompetenz der Geschichtswissenschaft und benachbarter Fächer". Das Grundsatzpapier, in dem auch ein forschungsstrategisches Interesse an den Grundwissenschaften in der digitalen Transformation zum Ausdruck kommt, wurde auf H-Soz-Kult veröffentlicht und mit einem Diskussionsforum begleitet. Dazu wurde aus dem breiten Spektrum der Historischen Kulturwissenschaften eine Reihe in- und ausländischer Kolleginnen und Kollegen zur Kommentierung und Diskussion eingeladen, um die Debatte zu stimulieren

    AGE-Jahrestagung 2018

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    Funktion und Aufgabe digitaler Medien in Geschichtswissenschaft und Geschichtsunterricht – 25. Jahrestagung der „Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Geschichte und EDV“ Seit Beginn der sogenannten digitalen Revolution im letzten Drittel des 20. Jh.s spielt die Vermittlung durch die Neuen Medien im Diskurs über den Einsatz von der EDV in den historischen Wissenschaften eine zentrale Rolle. Bereits zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre waren Stichworte wie „digitales Klassenzimmer“ oder „Computer aided Learning“ Th..

    Die Abgrenzung der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften

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    Subject of this paper is a demarcation of Digital Humanities as human sciences in the tradition of Wilhelm Dilthey. On this foundation the DH have to focus on the relation between life, expression, and understanding with the methodology of genuine digital hermeneutics. In a next step requirements on this methodology are verbalized, an approach for the implementing in a web based digital research environment are shown and risk as well as chances discussed. A new form of multidimensional and multimedial argumentation has to be developed, without neglecting the suggestive power of images

    Adaptiver, Interaktiver, Dynamischer Atlas zur Geschichte (AIDA). Visuelles Erkunden und interaktives Erleben der Geschichte

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    The objective of the AIDA project is the development of a dynamic and adaptive digital atlas on the history of Europe as well as the Mediterranean region for research and education purposes. Dynamic maps enable the visualization of temporal and spatial localization as well as their changes concerning objects and events and mediate historical processes over a long ranged period. Through the inclusion of text and image the map as a system of symbols and rules becomes a key medium for the collection of multimedia data. The conjunction of space and time and the free combination and connection of very different content opens new questions and enlarges the data basis of the system embedding user driven projects. This paper focuses on the architecture of the AIDA – project as well as the Meme Media – technology “Webbles” used for its implementation. The visualization and analysis of spatiotemporal information will be thematised as well as didactic surplus of the system concluding with the presentation of three pilot projects

    Digital Humanities and Information Systems: Strengthening a Tradition of Innovation

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    In the last decades Digital Humanities developed from an interdisciplinary approach introducing computing in the traditional areas of study to a discipline of its own. The basis, therefore, are the traditional approaches of the humanities as a study of the experienced world – for example hermeneutics – which are transported in the digital media and used to get a deeper insight of the effects of new media on society. In both areas of study, a close relationship of Digital Humanities to the discipline of Information Systems, that addresses “IT, along with procedures and data” (Travica, 2014, p. 15), are obvious. Nevertheless, until now there is very little contact between these two disciplines, even though the mutual interchange would be very fruitful for both sides. This panel wants to introduce Digital Humanities to Information Systems, as well as to show already existing approaches for collaboration