113 research outputs found

    Keragaman Genetik Dan Pendugaan Jumlah Gen Ketahanan Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinensis L.) Terhadap Penyakit Kuning

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    Penyakit kuning pada kacang panjang berdampak pada penurunan produksi. Gejala serangan diawali dari gejala daun keriting serta mengakibatkan polong berwarna kuning. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai heritabilitas dan ragam genetik serta menduga jumlah gen pengendali ketahanan kacang panjang terhadap penyakit kuning. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kediri pada bulan April sampai Juli 2013. Bahan penelitian adalah populasi UB 715 A (P1), Hitam Putih (P2), populasi F1 dan populasi F2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, populasi UB 715 A (P1 ) menunjukkan respon tahan terhadap penyakit kuning, populasi Hitam Putih (P2) menunjukkan respon rentan, dan populasi F1 dan F2 menunjukkan respon sedang. Karakter jumlah polong dan jumlah biji per tanaman memiliki keragaman yang sempit sedangkan karakter panjang polong, bobot segar polong, umur berbunga, dan umur panen memiliki keragaman yang luas. Karakter panjang polong dan jumlah biji per polong memiliki nilai heritabilitas rendah, sedangkan karakter jumlah polong, bobot segar polong, umur berbunga, dan umur panen memiliki nilai heritabilitas tinggi. Rasio sifat ketahanan terhadap penyakit kuning pada populasi F2 adalah 9 tahan : 3 sedang : 4 rentan yang berarti ketahanan terhadap penyakit kuning dikendalikan oleh dua gen dengan aksi gen epistasis resesif

    Supplement Media 1: 3D intensity and phase imaging from light field measurements in an LED array microscope

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    Originally published in Optica on 20 February 2015 (optica-2-2-104

    Media 1: Quantitative differential phase contrast imaging in an LED array microscope

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    Originally published in Optics Express on 04 May 2015 (oe-23-9-11394

    Effect of thermal treatments on the degradation of antibiotic residues in food

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    <p>The thermal stability of antibiotics commonly detected in food is reviewed. To quantify degradation, 2 major techniques have been reported: liquid chromatography-based methods and microbiological tests. As the degradation products may also display some antimicrobial activity, microbiological tests may not be considered accurate analytical methods for quantifying antibiotic residues' degradation. Degradation percentages are summarized for different antibiotics and for various media (water, oil, milk, and animal tissues). Studies presented in the literature confirm that the thermal degradation of β-lactams, quinolones, sulfonamides, and tetracyclines can be described using a first-order kinetic model. Degradation rates, k, derived for this model for liquid matrix (water) at 100 °C, followed the general trend amongst antibiotic classes: β-lactams = tetracyclines (most heat-labile) > lincomycin > amphenicols > sulfonamides > oxfendazole > levamisole (most heat-stable). Although thermal processing results in a decrease in the concentration of parent antibiotic residues, degradation by-products have not been properly characterized to date. As some of these products were shown to be hazardous, further investigation is needed to determine their impact on food safety and human health. It is therefore currently difficult to definitively conclude whether or not antibiotic degradation during food processing is necessarily beneficial in terms of food safety.</p

    Table1_Economic evaluation of five first-line PD-(L)1 inhibitors for treating non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer in China: A cost-effectiveness analysis based on network meta-analysis.DOCX

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    Background and objective: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is one of the most malignant cancer types that causes substantial economic burden in China. This study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of five first-line anti-PD-(L)1 treatments, including sintilimab, camrelizumab, atezolizumab, pembrolizumab and sugemalimab with each combined with chemotherapy, for treating advanced non-squamous NSCLC (nsq-NSCLC) from Chinese healthcare system perspective.Methods: Clinical data were obtained from the following clinical trials, namely, ORIENT-11, CameL, IMpower132, KEYNOTE-189 and GEMSTONE-302. A network meta-analysis was performed based on fractional polynomial models. We constructed a partitioned survival model with a three-week cycle length and a lifetime horizon to derive the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). We performed one-way sensitivity analysis and probablistic sensitivity analysis to test the robustness. Additionally, two scenario analyses were undertaken to investigate the impact of Patient Assistant Program on the economic conclusion and to explore potential uncertainty associated with population representativeness of the global trial.Results: Compared with camrelizumab + chemotherapy, sugemalimab + chemotherapy and atezolizumab + chemotherapy were dominated, and the ICERs generated from sintilimab + chemotherapy and pembrolizumab + chemotherapy were 15,280.83/QALYand15,280.83/QALY and 159,784.76/QALY, respectively. Deterministic sensitivity analysis showed that uncertainty around ICERs was mainly driven by HR related parameters derived from NMA and drug price. The probablistic sensitivity analysis suggested that camrelizumab treatment was cost-effective at a willingness-to-pay threshold of 1-time GDP per capita. When the threshold was set as 3-time GDP per capita, sintilimab strategy demonstrated the excellent cost-effective advantage. Sensitivity analysis proved the reliability of base-case results. Results from two scenario analyses indicated that the primary finding was robust.Conclusion: In current context of Chinese healthcare system, sintilimab + chemotherapy appeared to be cost-effective for the treatment of nsq-NSCLC compared with sugemalimab, camrelizumab, pembrolizumab as well as atezolizumab combined with chemotherapy.</p

    Media 2: 3D differential phase-contrast microscopy with computational illumination using an LED array

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    Originally published in Optics Letters on 01 March 2014 (ol-39-5-1326

    Visualization 1: 3D differential phase contrast microscopy

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    Through focus of Embryos Originally published in Biomedical Optics Express on 01 October 2016 (boe-7-10-3940

    Fabrication of Liquid Protrusions on Non-Cross-Linked Colloidal Particles for Shape-Controlled Patchy Microparticles

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    The use of single particles as building blocks for the design and construction of advanced materials is generally recognized as a promising approach. This paper reports a novel double-speed swelling (DSS) technique to fabricate solid–liquid asymmetric monomer-swollen particles (MSPs) with adjustable and removable liquid protrusions on the surface of non-cross-linked poly­(glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA) colloidal particles, although this procedure is thermodynamically unfavorable. Further, PGMA/polystyrene (PS) patchy microparticles with controllable morphologies are fabricated by a versatile and large-scale seeded emulsion polymerization (SEP) on the basis of these MSPs. The size and number of protrusions can be precisely regulated by the swelling ratio and the amount of polymerizable monomer. These patchy microparticles exhibit excellent light reflection and could be applied as new thermal barrier coatings. Additionally, the self-assembled “particle gel” membranes with superoleophilic properties have been employed to absorb model oil and exhibited efficient absorption performance

    Fabrication of Liquid Protrusions on Non-Cross-Linked Colloidal Particles for Shape-Controlled Patchy Microparticles

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    The use of single particles as building blocks for the design and construction of advanced materials is generally recognized as a promising approach. This paper reports a novel double-speed swelling (DSS) technique to fabricate solid–liquid asymmetric monomer-swollen particles (MSPs) with adjustable and removable liquid protrusions on the surface of non-cross-linked poly­(glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA) colloidal particles, although this procedure is thermodynamically unfavorable. Further, PGMA/polystyrene (PS) patchy microparticles with controllable morphologies are fabricated by a versatile and large-scale seeded emulsion polymerization (SEP) on the basis of these MSPs. The size and number of protrusions can be precisely regulated by the swelling ratio and the amount of polymerizable monomer. These patchy microparticles exhibit excellent light reflection and could be applied as new thermal barrier coatings. Additionally, the self-assembled “particle gel” membranes with superoleophilic properties have been employed to absorb model oil and exhibited efficient absorption performance

    A Competency Model for Clinical Physicians in China: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Around the world, regulatory bodies have taken the lead in determining the competencies required to become a physician. As a first step in addressing this project, it was decided to develop a set of core competencies that were unique to China and that might serve as a basis for medical education. The purpose of this paper was to construct a competency model for clinical physicians in China.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Data was collected using a cross-sectional survey of 6247 clinicians from seven administrative regions (31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) in China. The total sample was randomly divided into two sub-samples, an initial sample (Sample 1) and a replication sample (Sample 2). Independent exploratory factor analysis was conducted in each sample and the results were compared to determine the stability. After that the confirmatory factor analysis was used to ascertain the competency model for physicians. The reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of competency-based instrument were also examined.</p><p>Results</p><p>76 items with 8 dimensions were identified, accounting for 68.41% of the construct’s total variance in the initial sample and 67.47% in the replication sample. For the two samples, the overall scale reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) was both 0.985 with dimensions from 0.905 to 0.954 for the initial sample and from 0.902 to 0.955 for the replication sample after deleting the items. In confirmatory factor analysis, the result showed that all items had acceptable goodness of fit index. RMSEA and SRMR were less than 0.08 (RMSEA = 0.046, SRMR = 0.040), while GFI, NFI, IFI, and CFI were higher than 0.9 (GFI = 0.905, NFI = 0.903, IFI = 0.909, CFI = 0.909), leading to acceptable construct validity. All construct reliability values of the factors were higher than 0.70, and all average variance extracted values exceeded 0.50. Thus, we considered the reliability and validity of the 8 dimensions were acceptable.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The instrument was shown to be both valid and reliable for measuring clinical physicians’ competency in China. The results of the competency-based instrument can be used by ministry of health and administrators of hospitals to assess physicians’ competencies, encourage and guide them to modify their behaviors according to the evaluation criteria, and also cultivate physicians with strong clinical practice, innovation and independent scientific research ability. Through these measurements and understandings, the overall level of clinical physicians will be increased in China.</p></div
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