133 research outputs found

    Study on the oasification process and its effects on soil particle distribution in the south rim of the Tarim Basin, China in recent 30 years

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    AbstractOasification is an important geography process in arid areas, although little research attention has been paid to the process compared to desertification. In fact, studying oasification not only directly reveals its effects on the environment, but can also uncover causes of desertification through examination of oasification causes and processes. In this study, oases located on the south rim of Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, China, were selected as a regional study area. For assessing changes in oases area over the past 30years, four images taken in September in 1977, 1992, 2000 and 2010 were used. To further investigate the effects of oasification on the environment, the Cele Oasis was specifically selected as a representative study area, and soil particle-size distributions (PSD) were analyzed. The results indicated that the oasification process was unmistakable and should receive more attention in the southern marginal zone of the Tarim Basin. In addition, the results also revealed that oasification can have positive effects on the soil environment. In terms of management implications, it is essential that farmland remain in continuous use after reclamation; otherwise, reclamation will weaken oasification and intensify desertification

    Water table response to a pumping test in the hinterland core area of the Taklimakan Desert, China

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    Wei, Y., Fan, J., Xu, X., & Lei, J. (March-April, 2017). Water table response to a pumping test in the hinterland core area of the Taklimakan Desert, China. Water Technology and Sciences (in Spanish), 8(2), 151-158. In this article, hydrogeological parameters were determined by a single well pumping test. Over the course of the study, BETCO was used to eliminate the effects of atmospheric pressure changes on water level based on the regression deconvolution method. The aquifer test was used to analyze data and to calculate hydrogeological parameters. Finally, from the three unconfined aquifer models, though the Boulton model cannot successfully gain well-fitting results, the Theis model with Jacob correction and the Neuman model results obtained hydrogeological parameters by curve-fitting. Additionally, permeability coefficient of the two models is in good agreement with previous research, which can provide a reference for further study in the hinterland of the desert, especially for the construction of hydrological modeling research

    Recent Progresses in Electrocatalysts for Water Electrolysis

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    Abstract The study of hydrogen evolution reaction and oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts for water electrolysis is a developing field in which noble metal-based materials are commonly used. However, the associated high cost and low abundance of noble metals limit their practical application. Non-noble metal catalysts, aside from being inexpensive, highly abundant and environmental friendly, can possess high electrical conductivity, good structural tunability and comparable electrocatalytic performances to state-of-the-art noble metals, particularly in alkaline media, making them desirable candidates to reduce or replace noble metals as promising electrocatalysts for water electrolysis. This article will review and provide an overview of the fundamental knowledge related to water electrolysis with a focus on the development and progress of non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts in alkaline, polymer exchange membrane and solid oxide electrolysis. A critical analysis of the various catalysts currently available is also provided with discussions on current challenges and future perspectives. In addition, to facilitate future research and development, several possible research directions to overcome these challenges are provided in this article. Graphical Abstrac

    Preliminary studies on the large-scale geomorphic patterns of the complex longitudinal sand ridge zone in the Taklimakan Desert

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    Through analysis of satellite images from Google Earth, this article expounds the characteristics of large-scale geomorphic patterns of the complex longitudinal sand ridge zone in the Taklimakan Desert, and reduces the large-scale geomorphic patterns to six types: parallel pattern, "(sic)" character-shaped and "(sic)" character-shaped pattern, comb-shaped pattern, fork-shaped pattern, toe-shaped pattern and miscellaneous pattern. And according to the large-scale geomorphic pattern type (or composition of pattern types) as well as some other factors, the article divides the complex longitudinal sand ridge zone into 55 subzones. Lastly, aiming at the genetic problems of the large-scale geomorphic patterns, the article suggests three connective types of the sand ridges in the complex longitudinal sand ridge zone, i.e., connecting or intersecting after natural elongation, connecting in a narrow place and connecting with the aid of intermediary

    Characterizing variations in soil particle size distribution in oasis farmlands-A case study of the Cele Oasis

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    Characterizing soil particle size distributions (PSD) and their variation is an important issue in environmental research. In this study, fractal theory was used to analyse the soil PSD and its variations in the Cele Oasis, which is located at the southern margin of the Tarim Basin. The characteristics of the soil PSD were then evaluated to identify the primary factors that influence soil PSD. The results showed that the fractal dimension (D) values ranged from 2.11 to 2.27, and that there were significant differences among groups. Furthermore, the D values showed a significant positive correlation with fine particles (<50 mu m) and soil organic matter contents. According to a comparative analysis of D values, the utilization years of farmlands had a significant influence on PSD, while the difference in the spatial distribution of farmlands did not. These results indicated that long-term and effective tillage management of the farmlands will be beneficial to keeping and improving the states of the soil PSD and other soil properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ordination as a tool to characterize soil particle size distribution, applied to an elevation gradient at the north slope of the Middle Kunlun Mountains

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    Soil particle-size distribution (PSD) is one of the most fundamental physical attributes of soil due to its strong influence on other soil properties related to water movement, productivity, and soil erosion. Characterizing variation of PSD in soils is an important issue in environmental research. Using ordination methods to characterize particle size distributions (PSDs) on a small-scale is very limited. In this paper, we selected the Cele River Basin on the north slope of the Middle Kunlun Mountains as a study area and investigated vegetation and soil conditions from 1960 to 4070 m a.s.l. Soil particle-size distributions obtained by laser diffractometry were used as a source data matrix. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination was applied to analyse the variation characteristics of PSDs and the relationships between PSDs and environmental factors. Moreover, single fractal dimensions were calculated to support the interpretation of the ordination results. Our results indicate that a differentiation of 16 particle fractions can sufficiently characterize the PSDs in CCA biplots. Elevation has the greatest effect on PSDs: the soil fine fractions increase gradually with increasing elevation. In addition, soil pH, water and total salt content are significantly correlated with PSDs. CCA ordination biplots show that soil and vegetation patterns correspond with one another, indicating a tight link between soil PSDs and plant communities on a small scale in arid regions. The results of fractal dimensions analysis were rather similar to CCA ordination results, but they yielded less detailed information about PSDs. Our study shows that ordination methods can be beneficially used in research into PSDs and, combined with fractal measures, can provide comprehensive information about PSDs. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Analyses of temperature and humidity profiles and heat balance of the surface boundary-layer in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert

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    The daily variation regularities of micro-meteorological features, such as the surface layer temperature and humidity profiles of the inner desert in summer, the temperature of sand bed, the radiation of the earth's surface and the heat balance, were analyzed by combination method and logarithm regression according to the data obtained from the Atmospheric Environmental Observation Station of Taklimakan Desert in July-August of 2006 and 2007. It has been shown that temperature inversion occurred near the surface layer at night in summer, the temperature increased with the height within a certain altitude range, and the reverse was true during the daytime. The ground surface radiation balance of the Taklimakan Desert was mainly positive; other radiation components (the global radiation, the reflective radiation, the ground upward long wave radiation and the net radiation) exhibited daily variation characteristics evidently and showed normal diurnal cycle, except for the downward atmospheric long-wave radiation. The heat exchange of the surface layer of the desert was dominated by turbulence sensible heat, and only a small portion of heat was transferred to the atmospheric surface layer in the form of latent heat. The surface sensible heat and latent heat changed with the increase and decrease of sun elevation angle, with maximum of the latent heat appearing in wee hours and the peak value of the sensible heat appearing at noon. Observation and analysis showed that heating effect of the underlying surface of the desert was great on the aerosphere; the surface was a high heat source during the day and became a weak cold source at night

    Comprehensive eco-environmental effects of the shelter-forest ecological engineering along the Tarim Desert Highway

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    In this work, we report a comprehensive study about the eco-environmental effects of the shelter forest along the Tarim Desert Highway, including the effects on aeolian environment, soil, micro-climate, biodiversity, and groundwater. The results show that: (1) The movement of windblown sand near the ground surface was affected by the shelter forest. The wind speed and sediment transport rate in the shelter forest decreased by 64%-80% and 87.45%-99.02%, respectively. In addition, there were also significant changes in the sand flux structure, the sand grain size, and the deflation and deposition on the ground surface. (2) Compared to the natural mobile sand, the soil bulk density in the forest area decreased while the total salt content, the total porosity, and the water content increased. In addition, the soil fertility was significantly improved in the forest area, and showed the "first rapid, then slow" variation pattern. (3) The shelter forest showed positive effects on the micro-climate. Within the 6 m height above the ground, the air temperature in the shelter forest at different heights was lower than that in the mobile sand, while the air humidity was higher, while, the soil temperature was also lower in the shelter forest than mobile sand. (4) The number of soil microbial species increased significantly with the improvement of habitat in the shelterbelt. However, the population of different species was not distributed evenly across the surveyed area. (5) Currently, no significant effects of groundwater-pumping and forest-irrigation water have been found on the groundwater level and its salinity. The variation amplitude of both groundwater level and salinity was at the level of centimeters and 1g/L, respectively. No obvious variation trend has been observed

    Evaluation of soil fertility of the shelter-forest land along the Tarim Desert Highway

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    To study the changes of soil fertility of the shelter-forest land along the Tarim Desert Highway, soils from the forest land were collected at the layers of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm. Different soil fertility parameters were measured, and quantitative evaluation of soil fertility was performed by the soil integrated fertility index (IFI). The main results show that the construction of the shelter forest along the Tarim Desert Highway improved the soil physical structure, increased soil porosity and enhanced water-holding capacity. With the increase of plantation time of the shelter forest, soil microbial biomass C, N, P and the activities of six types of enzyme were enhanced, which promoted the accumulation and transformation of soil nutrients of the forest land. Consequently, the soil nutrients in 12-year-old forest land were much higher than in the newer ones and drifting sand. However, soil salt content of the older forest land was higher owing to the drip-irrigation with salt water. Through the comprehensive evaluation, we found that soil fertility index in the forest land was enhanced with the forest age, and it had close correlations with the growth indices of the forest trees. In summary, construction of the shelter-forest along the Tarim Desert Highway accelerated the improvement of aeolian soil in the forest land, and the soil fertility improved year by year. We conclude that the forest trees grow normally under the stress of the present drip-irrigation with salt water

    Effect of the shelterbelt along the Tarim Desert Highway on air temperature and humidity

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    The temperature and humidity of the shelterbelt micro-climate on both horizontal and vertical scales in the extremely drought area were measured with multiple HOBO temperature and humidity automatic observation equipments in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert. The results show that the shelterbelt ecosystem of the desert highway plays typical micro-climate adjustment rolesin stabilizing surface air temperature and increasing air humidity, and so on. Solar radiation significantly affects both temperature and humidity of surface layers, and it has a positive correlation with the temperature but a negative correlation with the air humidity. When it is cloudy, the weather has a great impact on keeping temperature and humidity in the shelterbelt. The shelterbelt also significantly influences the environment, and the micro-climate in the belt has an obvious characteristic of cooling and humidification: compared with the original sand area, the temperature in the shelterbelt is always lower and the humidity is always higher. Moreover, the temperature range at the shelterbelt edge is greater than that in the sand area, but the humidity is always higher. Our conclusion is that the vertical-effect range of temperature of the shelterbelts is 4-10 m, and the humidity range is 6 to 8 m; the horizontal-effect range of temperature is 16 m and the humidity range is about 24 m