3,906 research outputs found

    Small-Scale Structure of O VI Interstellar Gas in the Direction of the Globular Cluster NGC 6752

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    In order to study the small-scale structure of the hot interstellar gas, we obtained Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer interstellar O VI interstellar absorption spectra of 4 four post-extreme horizontal branch stars in the globular cluster NGC 6752 [(l,b) = (336.50,-25.63), d = 3.9 kpc, z= -1.7 kpc]. The good quality spectra of these stars allow us to measure both lines of the O VI doublet at 1031.926 \AA and 1037.617 \AA. The close proximity of these stars permits us to probe the hot interstellar gas over angular scale of only 2\farcm2 - 8\farcm9, corresponding to spatial scales \la 2.5-10.1 pc. On these scales we detect no variations in the O VI column density and velocity distribution. The average column density is log = 14.34 \pm 0.02 (log = 13.98). The measured velocity dispersions of the O VI absorption are also indistinguishable. Including the earlier results of Howk et al., this study suggests that interstellar O VI is smooth on scales \Delta \theta \la 12\arcmin, corresponding to a spatial scale of less than 10 pc, and quite patchy at larger scales. Although such small scales are only probed in a few directions, this suggests a characteristic size scale for the regions producing collisionally-ionized O VI in the Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in the PASP (to appear in the October 2004 issue

    A Reservoir of Ionized Gas in the Galactic Halo to Sustain Star Formation in the Milky Way

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    Without a source of new gas, our Galaxy would exhaust its supply of gas through the formation of stars. Ionized gas clouds observed at high velocity may be a reservoir of such gas, but their distances are key for placing them in the Galactic halo and unraveling their role. We have used the Hubble Space Telescope to blindly search for ionized high-velocity clouds (iHVCs) in the foreground of Galactic stars. We show that iHVCs with 90 < |v_LSR| < 170 km/s are within one Galactic radius of the sun and have enough mass to maintain star formation, while iHVCs with |v_LSR|>170 km/s are at larger distances. These may be the next wave of infalling material.Comment: This paper is part of a set of three papers on circumgalactic gas observed with COS and STIS on HST, to be published in Science, together with related papers by Tripp et al. and Tumlinson et al., in the November 18, 2011 edition. This version has not undergone final copyediting. Please see Science online for the final printed versio

    FUSE Observations of the Magellanic Bridge Gas toward Two Early-Type Stars: Molecules, Physical Conditions, and Relative Abundance

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    We discuss FUSE observations of two early-type stars, DI1388 and DGIK975, in the low density and low metallicity gas of Magellanic Bridge (MB). Toward DI1388, the FUSE observations show molecular hydrogen, O VI, and numerous other atomic or ionic transitions in absorption, implying the presence of multiple gas phases in a complex arrangement. The relative abundance pattern in the MB is attributed to varying degrees of depletion onto dust similar to that of halo clouds. The N/O ratio is near solar, much higher than N/O in damped Ly-alpha systems, implying subsequent stellar processing to explain the origin of nitrogen in the MB. The diffuse molecular cloud in this direction has a low column density and low molecular fraction. H2 is observed in both the Magellanic Stream and the MB, yet massive stars form only in the MB, implying significantly different physical processes between them. In the MB some of the H2 could have been pulled out from the SMC via tidal interaction, but some also could have formed in situ in dense clouds where star formation might have taken place. Toward DGIK975, the presence of neutral, weakly and highly ionized species suggest that this sight line has also several complex gas phases. The highly ionized species of O VI, C IV, and Si IV toward both stars have very broad features, indicating that multiple components of hot gas at different velocities are present. Several sources (a combination of turbulent mixing layer, conductive heating, and cooling flows) may be contributing to the production of the highly ionized gas in the MB. Finally, this study has confirmed previous results that the high-velocity cloud HVC 291.5-41.2+80 is mainly ionized composed of weakly and highly ions. The high ion ratios are consistent with a radiatively cooling gas in a fountain flow model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ (October 10, 2002). Added reference (Gibson et al. 2000

    Deuterium toward the WD0621-376 sight line: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

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    Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observations are presented for WD0621-376, a DA white dwarf star in the local interstellar medium (LISM) at a distance of about 78 pc. The data have a signal-to-noise ratio of about 20-40 per 20 km/s resolution element and cover the wavelength range 905-1187 \AA. LISM absorption is detected in the lines of D I, C II, C II*, C III, N I, N II, N III, O I, Ar I, and Fe II. This sight line is partially ionized, with an ionized nitrogen fraction of > 0.23. We determine the ratio D/O=(3.9±1.01.3)×102D/O = (3.9 \pm ^{1.3}_{1.0})\times 10^{-2} (2σ\sigma). Assuming a standard interstellar oxygen abundance, we derive D/H1.3×105{\rm D/H} \approx 1. 3 \times 10^{-5}. Using the value of N(H I) derived from EUVE data gives a similar D/H ratio. The D I/N I ratio is (3.3±0.81.0)×101(3.3 \pm ^{1.0}_{0.8})\times 10^{-1} (2σ\sigma).Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ

    The Magellanic System: What have we learnt from FUSE?

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    I review some of the findings on the Magellanic System produced by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) during and after its eight years of service. The Magellanic System with its high-velocity complexes provides a nearby laboratory that can be used to characterize phenomena that involve interaction between galaxies, infall and outflow of gas and metals in galaxies. These processes are crucial for understanding the evolution of galaxies and the intergalactic medium. Among the FUSE successes I highlight are the coronal gas about the LMC and SMC, and beyond in the Stream, the outflows from these galaxies, the discovery of molecules in the diffuse gas of the Stream and the Bridge, an extremely sub-solar and sub-SMC metallicity of the Bridge, and a high-velocity complex between the Milky Way and the Clouds.Comment: A contributed paper to the FUSE Annapolis Conference "Future Directions in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.", 5 pages. To appear as an AIP Conference Proceedin

    Low Redshift Intergalactic Absorption Lines in the Spectrum of HE0226-4110

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    We present an analysis of the FUSE and STIS E140M spectra of HE0226-4110 (z=0.495). We detect 56 Lyman absorbers and 5 O VI absorbers. The number of intervening O VI systems per unit redshift with W>50 m\AA is dN(O VI)/dz~ 11. The O VI systems unambiguously trace hot gas only in one case. For the 4 other O VI systems, photoionization and collisional ionization models are viable options to explain the observed column densities of the O VI and the other ions. If the O VI systems are mostly photoionized, only a fraction of the observed O VI will contribute to the baryonic density of the warm-hot ionized medium (WHIM) along this line of sight. Combining our results with previous ones, we show that there is a general increase of N(O VI) with increasing b(O VI). Cooling flow models can reproduce the N-b distribution but fail to reproduce the observed ionic ratios. A comparison of the number of O I, O II, O III, O IV, and O VI systems per unit redshift show that the low-z IGM is more highly ionized than weakly ionized. We confirm that photoionized O VI systems show a decreasing ionization parameter with increasing H I column density. O VI absorbers with collisional ionization/photoionization degeneracy follow this relation, possibly suggesting that they are principally photoionized. We find that the photoionized O VI systems in the low redshift IGM have a median abundance of 0.3 solar. We do not find additional Ne VIII systems other than the one found by Savage et al., although our sensitivity should have allowed the detection of Ne VIII in O VI systems at T~(0.6-1.3)x10^6 K (if CIE applies). Since the bulk of the WHIM is believed to be at temperatures T>10^6 K, the hot part of the WHIM remains to be discovered with FUV--EUV metal-line transitions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJS. Full resolution figures available at http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/preprints/ApJS63975.preprint.pd