148 research outputs found

    Determining collagen distribution in articular cartilage using contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography

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    Objective: Collagen distribution within articular cartilage (AC) is typically evaluated from histological sections, e.g., using collagen staining and light microscopy (LM). Unfortunately, all techniques based on histological sections are time-consuming, destructive, and without extraordinary effort, limited to two dimensions. This study investigates whether phosphotungstic acid (PTA) and phosphomolybdic acid (PMA), two collagen-specific markers and X-ray absorbers, could (1) produce contrast for AC X-ray imaging or (2) be used to detect collagen distribution within AC. Method: We labeled equine AC samples with PTA or PMA and imaged them with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) at pre-defined time points 0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 180, 270 h during staining. The micro-CT image intensity was compared with collagen distributions obtained with a reference technique, i.e., Fourier-transform infrared imaging (FTIRI). The labeling time and contrast agent producing highest association (Pearson correlation, BlandeAltman analysis) between FTIRI collagen distribution and micro-CT -determined PTA distribution was selected for human AC. Results: Both, PTA and PMA labeling permitted visualization of AC features using micro-CT in non-calcified cartilage. After labeling the samples for 36 h in PTA, the spatial distribution of X-ray attenuation correlated highly with the collagen distribution determined by FTIRI in both equine (mean +/- S.D. of the Pearson correlation coefficients, r = 0.96 +/- 0.03, n = 12) and human AC (r = 0.82 +/- 0.15, n = 4). Conclusions: PTA-induced X-ray attenuation is a potential marker for non-destructive detection of AC collagen distributions in 3D. This approach opens new possibilities in development of non-destructive 3D histopathological techniques for characterization of OA. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd and Osteoarthritis Research Society International.Peer reviewe

    In vitro model of bone to facilitate measurement of adhesion forces and super-resolution imaging of osteoclasts

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    To elucidate processes in the osteoclastic bone resorption, visualise resorption and related actin reorganisation, a combination of imaging technologies and an applicable in vitro model is needed. Nanosized bone powder from matching species is deposited on any biocompatible surface in order to form a thin, translucent, smooth and elastic representation of injured bone. Osteoclasts cultured on the layer expressed matching morphology to ones cultured on sawed cortical bone slices. Resorption pits were easily identified by reflectance microscopy. The coating allowed actin structures on the bone interface to be visualised with super-resolution microscopy along with a detailed interlinked actin networks and actin branching in conjunction with V-ATPase, dynamin and Arp2/3 at actin patches. Furthermore, we measured the timescale of an adaptive osteoclast adhesion to bone by force spectroscopy experiments on live osteoclasts with bone-coated AFM cantilevers. Utilising the in vitro model and the advanced imaging technologies we localised immunofluorescence signals in respect to bone with high precision and detected resorption at its early stages. Put together, our data supports a cyclic model for resorption in human osteoclasts.</p

    Micro-Scale Distribution of CA4+ in Ex vivo Human Articular Cartilage Detected with Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging

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    Contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography (CE mu CT) with cationic and anionic contrast agents reveals glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and distribution in articular cartilage (AC). The advantage of using cationic stains (e.g., CA4+) compared to anionic stains (e.g., Hexabrix (R)), is that it distributes proportionally with GAGs, while anionic stain distribution in AC is inversely proportional to the GAG content. To date, studies using cationic stains have been conducted with sufficient resolution to study its distributions on the macro-scale, but with insufficient resolution to study its distributions on the micro-scale. Therefore, it is not known whether the cationic contrast agents accumulate in extra/pericellular matrix and if they interact with chondrocytes. The insufficient resolution has also prevented to answer the question whether CA4+ accumulation in chondrons could lead to an erroneous quantification of GAG distribution with low-resolution mu CT setups. In this study, we use high-resolution mu CT to investigate whether CA4+ accumulates in chondrocytes, and further, to determine whether it affects the low-resolution ex vivo mu CT studies of CA4+ stained human AC with varying degree of osteoarthritis. Human osteochondral samples were immersed in three different concentrations of CA4+ (3 mgI/ml, 6 mgI/ml, and 24 mgI/ml) and imaged with high-resolution mu CT at several timepoints. Different uptake diffusion profiles of CA4+ were observed between the segmented chondrons and the rest of the tissue. While the X-ray -detected CA4+ concentration in chondrons was greater than in the rest of the AC, its contribution to the uptake into the whole tissue was negligible and in line with macro-scale GAG content detected from histology. The efficient uptake of CA4+ into chondrons and surrounding territorial matrix can be explained by the micro-scale distribution of GAG content. CA4+ uptake in chondrons occurred regardless of the progression stage of osteoarthritis in the samples and the relative difference between the interterritorial matrix and segmented chondron area was less than 4%. To conclude, our results suggest that GAG quantification with CE mu CT is not affected by the chondron uptake of CA4+. This further confirms the use of CA4+ for macro-scale assessment of GAG throughout the AC, and highlight the capability of studying chondron properties in 3D at the micro scale.Peer reviewe

    Yhtenäiset vaatimukset lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen tohtorintutkinnolle Suomessa

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    Oulussa järjestettiin 13.6.2018 lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen tohtorintutkinnon konsensuskokous, jossa käytiin läpi vallitsevia käytäntöjä ja muutostarpeita. Ohjeellinen tutkinnon laajuus on neljä vuotta kokopäiväistä työtä, ja muodollisesti tutkinnon myöntää yhtä yliopistoa lukuun ottamatta aina vastaava tiedekunta. Ohjaajia on tyypillisesti kahdesta kolmeen, ja yksi on pääohjaaja. Seurantaryhmä on käytössä tai ollaan ottamassa käyttöön kaikissa yliopistoissa. Aktiivinen seurantaryhmä tukee merkittävästi ohjausprosessia. Väitöskirjojen asiantuntijoina toimivat esitarkastajat ja vastaväittäjät ovat yleensä muualta kuin suorituspaikan yliopistosta. Osittain tästä syystä suuria eroja eri yliopistojen tohtorintutkinnon vaatimusten välillä ei todettu. Haasteena väitöskirjatyössä on kliinisen työn paine ja nuorten kollegoiden ruuhkavuosien kuormittuminen, mitkä heikentävät mahdollisuuksia tutkimustyöhön. Myönteisiä muutoksia ovat olleet tohtoriopintojen systematisoituminen sekä ohjaamisen tason ja väitöskirjantekijöiden tuen paraneminen. Kaikki osallistuneet kannattivat käytäntöjen vakiinnuttamista ja yhtenäistämistä säännöllisellä konsensuskokoustyöskentelyllä.</p

    Acidic Extracellular pH Promotes Activation of Integrin αvβ3

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    Acidic extracellular pH is characteristic of the cell microenvironment in several important physiological and pathological contexts. Although it is well established that acidic extracellular pH can have profound effects on processes such as cell adhesion and migration, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Integrin receptors physically connect cells to the extracellular matrix, and are thus likely to modulate cell responses to extracellular conditions. Here, we examine the role of acidic extracellular pH in regulating activation of integrin [alpha]v[beta]3. Through computational molecular dynamics simulations, we find that acidic extracellular pH promotes opening of the [alpha]v[beta]3 headpiece, indicating that acidic pH can thereby facilitate integrin activation. This prediction is consistent with our flow cytometry and atomic force microscope-mediated force spectroscopy assays of integrin [alpha]v[beta]3 on live cells, which both demonstrate that acidic pH promotes activation at the intact cell surface. Finally, quantification of cell morphology and migration measurements shows that acidic extracellular pH affects cell behavior in a manner that is consistent with increased integrin activation. Taken together, these computational and experimental results suggest a new and complementary mechanism of integrin activation regulation, with associated implications for cell adhesion and migration in regions of altered pH that are relevant to wound healing and cancer.National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) (Award Number T32EB006348)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Collamore-Rogers Fellowship)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Cell Migration Consortium Grant U54-GM069668)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award)Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (BioSystem and Micromechanics (BioSyM) Interdisciplinary Research Group

    Solu- ja kehitysbiologian esseet 2009

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