48 research outputs found

    Sculture lunensi a Torino e una statua di culto del Capitolium

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    Studio su alcune statue al Museo di Torino provenienti dal Capitolium di Lun

    Antico e memoria dell'antico nell'abbazia di San Caprasio ad Aulla (MS)

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    The study of Roman architectural components re-used into the medieval Abbey of San Caprasio (Aulla, MS), on the Via Francigena, offers the opportunity to analyze times, intents and meanings of their reuse in the site, not far from the Roman colony of Luni. This seems to be selective and functional: marble slabs, tiles, architectural fragments and at least an inscription are integrated in the absidal floor of the IX Century; white marble blocks seal the tomb of the Saint in the romanic church, perhaps as a secondary reuse. The town seems to have shared the interest in the antique that characterized the area of Pisa, Genova and Lucca, where reuse has been a widespread practice. This interest can explain the classicizing style of several architectural elements of the medieval and modern age, which reproduce on purpose the Antique, connoting themselves as spolia in re

    L'anfiteatro di Mediolanum fra architettura e topografia

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    This article attempts to investigate the Milan amphitheater by taking into account cartographic, toponymic and archaeological data. The review of the documentation allows us to propose a new building plan, based on a recent survey of the structures in sight, and to reconstruct its main architectural features. This very impressive monument, with its double-gallery of the ground floor, as well as the alternating Classical orders on the fa\ue7ade, exceptionally composed of three superimposed tiers of arcades and an attic storey, was a conscious emulation of the Colosseum. Therefore, its dating to the first decades of the I century AD suggested by the last excavations, seems to be unconvincing; its building must be more recent, probably between the end of the I and the beginning of the II century A

    Un intellettuale greco a Luni: su un busto virile al Museo della Spezia

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    Un intellettuale greco a Luni: su un busto virile al Museo della Spezi

    Una statuetta di putto (Amor?) da Melita e il soggetto dell\u2019infante che protegge un grappolo

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    Una statuetta di putto (Amor?) da Melita e il soggetto dell\u2019infante che protegge un grappol

    Un edificio grandioso nella Mediolanum romana

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    Il saggio fa il punto sulle caratteristiche architettoniche dell'anfiteatro di Mediolanum, dalla pianta all'alzato del monumento; ne discute inoltre la cronologia, le fasi di utilizzo e le modalit\ue0 di dismissione, alla luce dei materiali pertinenti all'edificio reimpiegati in diversi contesti della citt\ue0 tardoantica

    Anfiteatri, suburbio e limites centuriali: il caso di Mediolanum

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    il contributo discute la scelta di orientare alcuni anfiteatri extraurbani in relazione agli assi della limitatio agraria, ribadendone il ruolo di cerniera urbanistica e ideologica tra citt\ue0 e campagna

    L’apparato decorativo del teatro Berga

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    Studio degli elementi architettonici e statuari rinvenuti nel corso di diversi interventi di scavo e di indagine nel teatro romano di Vicenza

    The effects of ovine lentivirus infection on some reproductive aspects in a Sardinian sheep flock from Italy

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    The effects of ovine lentivirus infection on the fat, protein and lactose concentrations on the somatic cell counts in ewes' milk, on milk production and on the birth weight and growth of lambs were studied in a flock of Sardinian sheep from central Italy. Data on 61 lactations of ewes positive to both the agar-gel immunodiffusion test and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were compared with those on 46 lactations of seronegative ewes. Confounders such as parity, age, lactation length, litter size, and the sex of the lambs were considered. None of these traits seemed to be negatively influenced by the infection