3 research outputs found

    Small Cell Wireless Backhaul in Mobile Heterogeneous Networks

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    Small cells are deployed in a crowded areas with a high demand for both coverage and capacity. It is hard to address both of these requirements simultaneous with a conventional mobile network architecture based on macro cells. In many case a wire is not available to connect the small cell to the core of the mobile network. Under these circumstances a wireless link could be a convenient solution for the backhaul. In this master’s thesis IEEE 802.11n technology was evaluated to assess its suitability for backhaul from a small wireless cell. The performance of wireless equipment manufactured by several vendors has been measured. The results of these measurements were analyzed and compared to a set of requirements established for small cell backhaul. The analysis has affirmed that IEEE 802.11n is capable of providing sufficient performance to be used for small cell backhaul in various deployment scenarios. Note that in this thesis we include femtocells, picocells, wireless LAN access points, and other technologies in the category of "small cells". Another research questions of this master’s thesis is security of small cell backhaul. In addition to protecting the backhaul link itself, the security research investigated the safety of the whole mobile network architecture remodeled with the introduction of small cells. A mechanism to integrate secure small cells into a mobile network was developed. The results obtained during the project will be used as an input for product development activities in the company hosting the project. The resulting product could become the target of future wireless system performance measurements.SmĂ„ celler sĂ€tts ut i omrĂ„den med höga krav pĂ„ tĂ€ckning och kapacitet. Det Ă€r svĂ„rt att adressera bĂ„da dessa krav samtidigt med en konventionell mobil nĂ€tverksarkitektur baserad pĂ„ makro-celler. I mĂ„nga fall finns ingen kabel tillgĂ€nglig att koppla den lilla cellen till kĂ€rnan i det mobila nĂ€tverket. Under dessa omstĂ€ndigheter kan en trĂ„dlös lĂ€nk vara en lĂ€mplig lösning för backhaul. I denna avhandling utvĂ€rderas IEEE 802.11n-teknikens lĂ€mplighet för backhaul av smĂ„ celler. Prestandan hos trĂ„dlös utrustning tillverkad av flera olika tillverkare har mĂ€tts. Resultaten av dessa mĂ€tningar analyserades och jĂ€mfördes med en mĂ€ngd krav uppsatta för backhaul av smĂ„ celler. Analysen har förankrat att IEEE 802.11n Ă€r kapabel till att tillhandahĂ„lla tillrĂ€cklig prestanda för backhaul av smĂ„ celler i diverse miljöer. Notera att i denna avhandling sĂ„ inkluderas femto-celler, pico-celler, Wireless LAN-Ă„tkomstpunkter, och andra teknologier i kategorin smĂ„ celler". Andra forskningsfrĂ„gor berörda i avhandlingen Ă€r sĂ€kerhet vid backhaul av smĂ„ celler. Utöver att skydda backhaul-lĂ€nken sjĂ€lv sĂ„ undersökte sĂ€kerhetsforskningen sĂ€kerheten av hela mobilnĂ€tsarkitekturen nĂ€r smĂ„ celler anvĂ€nds i arkitekturen. En mekanism för att integrera sĂ€kra smĂ„ celler i ett mobilnĂ€t utvecklades. De resultat som införskaffades under projektets genomförande kommer att anvĂ€ndas som input till produktutvecklingsaktiviteter hos företaget som sponsrade projektet. Den resulterande produkten skulle kunna bli mĂ„l för framtida prestandamĂ€tningar av trĂ„dlösa system