19 research outputs found

    The Antipruritic Effect of Phototherapy

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    Phototherapy is widely used to treat inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Repeated suberythemogenic doses of UV-light reduce inflammation in these diseases and ultimately may lead to a complete disappearance of cutaneous symptoms for weeks or months. Chronic pruritus is an important and highly distressing symptom of many of these inflammatory skin diseases. Interestingly, pruritus is also reduced or completely abolished by UV-treatment of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, and sometimes reduction of pruritus is the first indication for skin improvement by phototherapy. The cutaneous nervous system is an integral part of skin anatomy, and free nerve endings of sensory cutaneous nerve fibers reach up into the epidermis getting in close contact with epidermal cells and mediators from epidermal cells released into the intercellular space. Stimulation of “pruriceptors” within this group of sensory nerve fibers generates a neuronal signal eventually transmitted via the dorsal root and the spinal cord to the brain, where it is recognized as “itch”. UV-light may directly affect cutaneous sensory nerve fibers or, via the release of mediators from cells within the skin, indirectly modulate their function as well as the transmission of itch to the central nervous system inducing the clinically recognized antipruritic effect of phototherapy

    S2k guideline: Diagnosis and treatment of chronic pruritus

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    Pruritus is a cross-disciplinary leading symptom of numerous diseases and represents an interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In contrast to acute pruritus, chronic pruritus (CP) is a symptom of various diseases that is usually difficult to treat. Scratching and the development of scratch-associated skin lesions can alter the original skin status. In the presence of an itch-scratch-cycle, even secondary diseases such as chronic prurigo can develop. Chronic pruritus leads to considerable subjective suffering of those affected, which can result in restrictions on the health-related quality of life such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, depressiveness, experience of stigmatization and/or social withdrawal up to clinically relevant psychic comorbidities. Medical care of patients should therefore include (a) interdisciplinary diagnosis and therapy of the triggering underlying disease, (b) therapy of the secondary symptoms of pruritus (dermatological therapy, sleep promotion, in the case of an accompanying or underlying psychological or psychosomatic disease an appropriate psychological-psychotherapeutic treatment) and (c) symptomatic antipruritic therapy. The aim of this interdisciplinary guideline is to define and standardize the therapeutic procedure as well as the interdisciplinary diagnosis of CP. This is the short version of the updated S2k-guideline for chronic pruritus. The long version can be found at www.awmf.org

    Google search trends for itch in Europe : a retrospective longitudinal study

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    Altres ajuts: European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV, No. 2016-012 to MP).Background: Itch is a common symptom in the general population. Affected individuals often do not seek medical consultation and rely on Internet searches to obtain information regarding their itch. Objectives: The aim of this study was to attain insights into common concerns of the general population regarding itch can by analysing itch-related Internet search behaviour. Methods: Google AdWords Keyword Planner was used to assess search volumes for itch-related terms in 15 European countries between September 2014 and August 2018. All identified keywords were qualitatively categorized. Itch-related terms were descriptively analysed and are shown as number of searches/100 000 inhabitants. Results: The search volume for the keyword 'itch' per 100 000 inhabitants was highest in Northern Europe, followed by Eastern, Central and Southern Europe. In 4/15 countries, itch was searched for more often in the autumn/winter months compared to in the spring/summer months. Most itch-related terms were related to dermatological conditions such as inflammatory skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis, atopic dermatitis), allergic or immunologic conditions (e.g. urticaria), and infectious diseases or infestations (e.g. scabies). In terms of body location, genitoanal itch dominated the searches. Symptoms and signs related to itch, possible non-dermatological aetiologies, and treatment options were also among the most searched terms. Conclusions: These analyses provided for the first time insights into the search behaviour patterns related to itch across Europe. People from Northern and Eastern Europe are more likely to seek online information regarding itch. Causes for the itch, especially dermatological conditions, and genitoanal itch are the most important concerns for Internet users. This unconventional and inexpensive method identifies medical needs of people beyond the medical setting, including people who do not seek medical consultation. Accordingly, the data could be used to guide public health interventions and manage respective inhabitants' medical needs

    Body dysmorphia in common skin diseases: Results of an observational, cross-sectional multi-centre study among dermatological out-patients in 17 European countries

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    Background Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a common psychiatric disorder associated with high costs for healthcare systems as patients may repeatedly ask for different, often not effective interventions. BDD symptoms are more prevalent in patients with dermatological conditions than the general population, but there are no large sample studies comparing the prevalence of BDD symptoms between patients with dermatological conditions and healthy skin controls. Objectives To compare the prevalence of BDD symptoms between patients with different dermatological conditions and healthy skin controls and to describe sociodemographic, physical and psychological factors associated with BDD symptoms to identify patients who may have a particularly high chance of having this condition. Methods This observational cross-sectional, comparative multi-centre study included 8295 participants: 5487 consecutive patients with different skin diseases (56% female) recruited among dermatological out-patients at 22 clinics in 17 European countries and 2808 healthy skin controls (66% female). All patients were examined by a dermatologist. BDD symptoms were assessed by the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ). Sociodemographic data, information on psychological factors and physical conditions were collected. Each patient was given a dermatological diagnosis according to ICD-10 by a dermatologist. Results The participation rate of invited dermatological patients was 82.4% on average across all centres. BDD symptoms were five times more prevalent in patients with dermatological conditions than in healthy skin controls (10.5% vs. 2.1%). Patients with hyperhidrosis, alopecia and vitiligo had a more than eleven-fold increased chance (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) > 11) of having BDD symptoms compared to healthy skin controls, and patients with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, hidradenitis suppurativa, prurigo and bullous diseases had a more than six-fold increased chance (adjusted OR > 6) of having BDD symptoms. Using a logistic regression model, BDD symptoms were significantly related to lower age, female sex, higher psychological stress and feelings of stigmatisation. Conclusions This study reveals that clinical BDD symptoms are significantly associated with common dermatological diseases. As such symptoms are associated with higher levels of psychological distress and multiple unhelpful consultations, general practitioners and dermatologists should consider BDD and refer patients when identified to an appropriate service for BDD screening and management

    Narrowband-ultraviolet B vs Broadband-ultraviolet B in Treatment of Chronic Pruritus: A Randomized, Single-blinded, Non-inferiority Study

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    Narrowband-ultraviolet B has shown increased efficacy over broadband-ultraviolet B in pruritic skin diseases, such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. In patients with chronic pruritus, e.g. in end-stage renal disease, broadband-ultraviolet B is recommended, but narrowband-ultraviolet B has also shown efficacy in reducing pruritus. This randomized, single blinded, non-inferiority study investigated the effects of narrowband-ultraviolet B compared with broadband-ultraviolet B. Patients with chronic pruritus were treated with either broadband- or narrowband-UVB 3 times a week for 6 weeks and clinical response was monitored. Pruritus, sleep disturbance, and the patients’ subjective overall response to treatment were evaluated by the patients on a visual analogue scale (0–10). Skin excoriations were evaluated by investigators on a 4-point scale (0–3). Both phototherapeutic modalities showed significant antipruritic activity (itch reduction 48% and 66.4%, respectively) by broadband-ultraviolet B and narrowband-ultraviolet B. Narrowband-ultraviolet B proved to be not inferior to broadband-ultraviolet B in treating pruritus in patients with chronic pruritus, assuming a 20% non-inferiority margin.

    Effects of FR173657, a non-peptide B(2) antagonist, on kinin-induced hypotension, visceral and peripheral oedema formation and bronchoconstriction

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    1. Kinins are believed to play a key role in many inflammatory conditions. Therefore, bradykinin antagonists are being developed for potential therapeutic applications. In the present investigation we describe the pharmacology, in vivo, of (E)-3-(6- acetamido- 3-pyridyl)- N-[N- [2,4- dichloro- 3-[(2- methyl-8- quinolinyl)oxymethyl]phenyl]- N-methylaminocarbonylmethyl]acrylamide (FR173657), a novel, non-peptide bradykinin antagonist. 2. The hypotensive effects of i.v. injections of bradykinin (50 pmol) in captopril-pre-treated anaesthetized rats were significantly inhibited by 100 nmol kg(−1) FR173657 s.c., and completely abolished by 300 nmol kg(−1). The full inhibitory effect developed within 60 min and remained unchanged for at least 4 h. However, the effect was reversible, since 24 h after an injection of 300 nmol kg(−1) FR173657 no inhibitory effect could be observed. 3. The plasma protein extravasation into the pancreas and duodenum induced by an i.v. infusion of bradykinin (11 nmol kg(−1) within 20 min) in captopril-treated anaesthetized rats was completely abolished by FR173657 at doses of 30 nmol kg(−1) s.c. and above, given 60 min before bradykinin. FR173657 3 nmol kg(−1) was ineffective, while a dose of 10 nmol kg(−1) produced an intermediate effect. 4. The paw oedema induced by the subplantar injection of bradykinin (30 nmol) in anaesthetized rats was inhibited slightly by s.c. injection of FR173657 0.3 μmol kg(−1), whereas 1 and 3 μmol kg(−1) produced significant inhibition of the bradykinin-induced oedema. The maximum inhibition amounted to about 50% and could not be increased even when the dose of FR173657 was increased to 30 μmol kg(−1). FR173657 did not effect the oedema caused by histamine or 5-hydroxytryptamine. 5. Bradykinin (20 nmol kg(−1), i.v.) caused increases in pulmonary inflation pressure by 300–600 Pa in anaesthetized, respirated guinea-pigs. The effect was reduced to 58±9% of the initial value 60 min after the s.c. injection of FR173657 1 μmol kg(−1), whereas only 9±7% remained after 10 μmol kg(−1). The bronchoconstrictor actions of histamine remained unaffected by FR173657. 6. In summary, FR173657 is a highly potent and selective bradykinin antagonist. The inhibitory action in vivo lasts for longer than 4 h but is fully reversible. FR173657, or similar compounds, will be a useful tool for the pharmacological investigation of pathophysiological states and may possess a therapeutic potential in diseases involving the endogenous release of kinins